10 April 2024

Musou Slime 69


69. People Of The Forest

Rauche is absent. Can he, the forest guardian, really leave the place he should protect?

"About two weeks ago. I thought I heard Raucheisen's voice in the middle of the night, so we ran in that direction. But by the time we got there, it was too late, and he had already disappeared."

"Huh, disappeared!?"

Does that mean he's dead!?

We promised to call him Laufha the next time we met, but it ended without fulfilling that promise.

"That's... I wanted to meet him once before he died."

"No, Laufhaisen isn't dead."


I doubted William's words. His statement seemed contradictory.

"Raucheisen is not a living being. He's a spirit. Spirits don't have life, they're born from legends, anecdotes, and will."

"What happens when a spirit disappears?"

"They won't appear for about two weeks, then they'll come back. Of course, they retain their memories and abilities."

So, can I still meet Rauche!?

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Laufhaisen is a spirit born from the will of the forest that says 'a guardian of the forest is needed.' But when he's absent, a replacement isn't needed. That's why we're here, patrolling."

"So, you mistook us for enemies?"

"That's right. So, who are you guys? You seem to know about Raucheisen."

I told William everything. He seemed to be better at conversation than Ilza and listened attentively with occasional nods.

"I see. Indeed, Raucheisen mentioned going to the human city. So Alx became his friend at that time."

"That's right. So we don't intend to attack the forest."

"Oh, I'm sorry for attacking and doubting you. I want to apologize somehow..."

William crossed his arms, pondered, and then clapped his hands as if he had an idea.

"I've got it. Let's invite you two to the village! I'm not sure if we can entertain you, but it'd be nice for Laufhaisen's friends to come for a visit."

William nodded in agreement.

The two referred to themselves as "People of the Forest." But I've never heard of people living in the forest area.

Do they exist? Is there a village in this forest?

"Follow me. You wouldn't know the village's location unless we guide you."

With that, William started walking. Prompted by Ilza's gaze, Sierra-san and I followed behind.

"...Here we are."

He stopped after about five minutes of walking. It looked the same as other places, with trees growing everywhere, and nothing seemed out of place.

Then, William raised his index and middle fingers and drew a line as if drawing a door.

And what do you know? Just beyond the rectangle he drew, a completely different space appeared.

"It's a barrier. Follow me."

We followed them hesitantly. Beyond the hole was a completely different scene.

"Amazing...! Is this...?"

The village of the People of the Forest.

Houses made of wood lined up, and the roads were well-maintained. You could occasionally see people.

No, more precisely, they were elves. This was a village where elves lived.

"I've never heard of such a village before!"

"Elves don't have higher physical abilities compared to other races. That's why we use barriers to defense against external enemies."

Sierra looked around in amazement.

I see, that explains why we couldn't find the village. You couldn't see it from the outside of the barrier.

As we walked, we saw two small elves running. Are they children?

"I'll go explain the situation to the village chief. Ilza, could you please let the two rest somewhere?"

"Got it."

With just that, William walked away alone. There was a big house where he was heading. Probably the village chief's house.

With the three of us, Ilza walked silently somewhere. I wish she would at least tell us where she's going, but knowing her, she probably won't give a decent answer even if asked.

After a short walk, Ilza stopped in front of a house.

"...This is my house."

I see, instead of a shop or something, she'll let us rest at her house.

It's a bit of a surprising choice, but considering her personality, it's actually a reasonable idea.

Ilza opened the door and walked confidently into the building. Sierra and I looked at each other and followed her inside.

Behind the door was a room, not much different from the inn where I was staying.

Just as I felt relieved that I could rest here, I saw something unbelievable.

The floor of the room. Something got scattered all over it. At first, I thought it was trash, but as I looked closer, I realized it wasn't.

When Ilza turned on the lights in the room, the true nature of it became clear. Cloth with simple colors like black and white.

They were clothes. Some underwear was mixed in too.

"I'm sorry, Ar-kun!"


In an instant, Sierra-san struck me with a blindfold at an incredible speed. My vision was lost, and pain struck me.

"Hey, what are you doing!? Why would you mess up like this!"

"It's not a big deal. It doesn't bother me."

"It bothers me! It's not good for Al's education! Come on, pick them up and put them away!"

Oh, I can imagine Sierra-san hurriedly picking up the clothes. And she's probably pushing Ilza's back forcefully too.

Is this really okay.? Can I rest my heart here?

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