12 March 2024

Introverted Archer 57


57. Rational Reading!

The next day, as soon as lunch break started, I dashed into the library.

"Maybe it's around here... Ah, here it is!"

Pulling out the book I was looking for from the shelf, I sat in the reading area and flipped through the pages of the thick encyclopedia.

"...There it is."

World's Treasures Encyclopedia. 

There was a section titled 'Dungeon-Originated' among many historical cultural assets and buildings.

These items are not ancient nor made by famous artists. They are rare items dropped in dungeons.

Elixir. A legendary item filled with rainbow-colored liquid in a small bottle. Discovered in England in 1991. It is said to extend the drinker's healthy lifespan by 100 years.

This item was found in Liverpool, apparently discovered by a local adventurer party on the 18th floor—but that party faced conflicts and got destroyed over ownership of the item.

The adventurer who finally obtained the elixir tried to auction it off but got robbed by bandits. 

The elixir changed hands multiple times and ended up getting displayed at the British Museum.

Angel's Necklace. A silver necklace with a design of an angel's halo looks like something a middle school boy might wear. But this is a legitimate legendary item too.

This item was reportedly found by a shaman in Mongolia in the 1960s and has traveled around the world since then.

The item's effect is that whoever wears the necklace for three days can be cured of any illness. Initially used for healing purposes, the necklace was twisted by desires as it changed hands among people, eventually leading to wars fought over it.

Every item listed has a history of contention. Human desires, power struggles—these murky aspects of humanity are intertwined with these items.

"...Those commentary videos are so off. What's with billions? 100 billion yen is nonsense."

Yeah. I better keep quiet about finding Twisteria.

I don't know what might happen if people know I have such dangerous items.

According to my rational simulation, in the best-case scenario, the country would buy them as national treasures. 

Considering the Name Value of the Light Hero and the combat power Twisteria possesses, they should fetch at least 50 billion. Even 200 billion wouldn't invite punishment, I think.

With that money, I'd secure a decent retirement fund and use rational investment strategies to double my assets. I can live lavishly in the Maldives or Hawaii while casually exploring dungeons. That would be the best life.

And in an average scenario, I'd be killed by villains aiming for Twisteria. Well, that might be the best outcome.

In the worst-case scenario, spies from other countries might find out and steal Twisteria. If I tried to hide the item, it would probably lead to torture for me and my family. And eventually, it might even spark a war over Twisteria.

I should hide it. I've restored the hidden door's location neatly, and other archers can't clear the 20th floor alone.

Even so, out of curiosity, I've brought quite a troublesome item. It seems fine as long as I use it where no one can see, but if I mess up and someone finds out.

"Are you Kageyama-kun?"


I quickly closed the encyclopedia and turned towards the voice.

"S-sorry... for interrupting your concentration."

"...Who are you?"

The one who spoke to me was a girl with glasses. Silver short hair, soft-spoken, and seemed reserved.

"Oh, right... I guess it's our first time talking, Kageyama-kun, we're in the same class, though."

Same class? I must be too indifferent to others; I don't remember her.

"I'm Shinoura Fuyuka. I saw you in the library for the first time, Kageyama-kun, so I couldn't help but talk to you. Do you like books?"

"Oh, books!? Yeah, I love them!!"

Oops, I hardly read books. I just pretend to read during break times in the classroom.

But I need to steer this conversation smoothly, if I show I'm flustered, she might suspect something about Twystaria.

"Really!? I always see you reading in the classroom, Kageyama-kun, so I thought you must love books!"

"Of course. I usually read paperback books that are easy to carry, but sometimes I want to read heavy books in the library. I just get drawn to various books when I come here."

"I understand! It's nice that there are many books in the library, right?"

Shironoura-san's eyes sparkled, and she leaned forward eagerly. From her previously reserved demeanor, she suddenly seemed passionate. It seems I've triggered something.

"Um, Kageyama-kun! If it's okay with you, can I talk to you in the classroom sometimes?"

"Oh, sure."

"Thank you so much! ...But you were reading just now. I'm sorry for disturbing you!"

Shinoura-san bowed and then hurriedly ran off.

What was that all about?

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