06 January 2024

Shop 26


Chapter 26. The 100 Yen Lighter In The Wilderness

I was having my meal on the hill overlooking the harbor today as well. 

This spot on the way to the lighthouse has a perfect height, providing a splendid view, and making it my favorite spot.

 If there were benches or something here, it would surely be bustling with couples. 

As making breakfast was troublesome, I settled for sandwiches and coffee. 

The purchases included a tomato sandwich, a pork cutlet sandwich, hot water, and some cigarettes.

I still have plenty of instant coffee beans. 

My remaining funds are 1,352,015 yen.

"Good morning, Akira-sama."

After enjoying my coffee and nicotine, a bright red Cherina appeared.

She's still wearing chains around her body as usual. She should really take them off.

"Good morning, Cherina-san."

I stamped out my cigarette and welcomed her with a business smile.

"Please relax when it's just the two of us."

She responded with a somewhat disappointed tone.

"Is that so? Well then, I'll do just that."

I took out another cigarette and lit it.

"What's that?"

"Hmm? It's a cigarette. They seem to have more cylindrical lighters here. This one's a regular paper cigarette."

"No, I meant the one you just lit. Is it a tool for creating fire?"

"Just a lighter."

I tossed it to her teasingly, but she caught it lightly. 

Perhaps her reflexes are surprisingly good. 

She was impressive when unloading the sweet potatoes.

"So, it's not a tool for creating fire, then? It's transparent like a PET bottle, though it has some color."

"It ignites the oil inside... like this."

I handed her the lighter. I rubbed the flint wheel with my thumb, pushing down the gas switch at the same time. A gentle orange flame flickered from the tip of the gas outlet.

"Wow! That's amazing!"

"Is that so? It's disposable, though."


"It's cheap. There are reusable ones like gas injection or oil lighters, but they're expensive."

Although "oil lighter" and "oil injection" mean the same thing, "gas injection" is a bit ambiguous.

"How long does it last?"

"Hmm, I've seen it last for over 500 uses, but I'm not sure. Why don't you try it? Oh, and don't leave it on for too long. It'll break."

"Thank you. I'll have my subordinates look into it later."

I'll have to buy a lighter later.

"Do tools for creating fire have usage limits?"

"I haven't heard of that. I've heard that they'll break if used beyond their capabilities."

"What do you mean by 'beyond their capabilities'?"

"Exceeding their capabilities. I heard they'll break if you try to create a storm of flames with a fire tool."

"I see. I'll remember that."

What does it feel like to be careless about cleaning? Is it like wanting to make the Eiffel Tower beautiful instantly?

"Oh, by the way, this lighter... it's called a lighter, but how much would you pay for it?"

"Well... if it lasts about 500 uses..."

She seems to be struggling to ignite it since it has a child lock due to being a recent lighter. 

It would have been easier if it were electronic, but unfortunately, the one I happened to have is a rotating flint wheel type. Hang in there.

"2000 yen... is that too cheap?"

I almost dropped the cigarette I was holding. Twenty times the purchase price? 

That's quite a markup, but I have some flexibility and am not in a hurry now.

"No, half of that is enough."

"A thousand yen?! If I buy it for one silver coin and sell it for three... no, four silver coins..."

The latter part was her muttering, but since we're close, I overheard it. If she can sell it for four times the purchase price, it's still a good profit for her.

"How many can you prepare?"

"As many as you want. Just don't forget that I'll be gone in about a month."

"I understand."

That's fine. Cherina probably already knows about my ability, so I might as well let her earn some money.

"But with tools for creating fire available, wouldn't those with money prefer to buy those?"

"Probably not."

"Why do you say that so confidently?"

"Firstly, there's a price difference. While tools with no usage limits are ultimately more economical, few people can fully understand that. The average person goes for immediate gains."

I see. Efficient thinking and considering ultimate benefits might require a certain level of education.

In that case, the education level in this world seems low.

"Secondly, the price of a portable fire set is 3 to 4 silver coins. If they can be sold for the same price, there's no way we'll lose."

"Is a fire set something like a flint and steel? I've seen Hugg using one. It seems more advantageous to have a fire set without usage limits."

"No. A lighter ignites with just one action. There's nothing easier than this. With a fire set, you need easily combustible wood chips or well-dried bark crushed, and it surprisingly takes time for the fire to start. With a lighter... it's like this."

Cherina ignited it effortlessly. Seems like she's used to it.

"Don't leave it on for too long; you'll get burned."

"I'll be careful. However, since a lighter starts with fire from the beginning, it's just a matter of transferring it. It will undoubtedly sell well."

"I see. Then, how about I wholesale about ten thousand at once?"

"! That... might be a good idea."

Is it really okay?

"I'd like to verify for a while. If it's alright, I'd like to purchase about thirty for now. There's also the verification of the PET bottles. Do you have anything else you could sell separately?"

"...I can't think of anything right away. Honestly, I still don't know much about this country, and it's hard to imagine what people want. I can quickly provide the lighters, though."

"That's true. I'll handle the lighters within the guild."


Somehow, the morning break turned into a business negotiation. 

It reminds me of the lunch breaks at my previous job. Damn it.


First, I purchased 31 lighters. 

Then, I received 30,000 yen as payment for the 30 lighters. 

It became much easier with the increased number of containers. 

If it becomes a large transaction, I can consider creating sets.

Remaining funds: 1,378,915 yen.

This transaction took place in a private room of the guild, but the looks from people when entering and leaving were quite painful. 

From the old-timers, there were expressions clearly saying, "Who is this newcomer, leaving me behind?" 

And from the apprentices and hired laborers, there was a sincere determination, "Why does the young lady trust this suspicious foreigner? I must keep an eye on him in her place!"

Well, it's my away game. But that's nothing new.

I've never really felt at home anywhere.

Please, the home of my heart!

Well, it's a joke. I'm so used to these stares that they hardly reach my heart.

It's natural. 

Normally, no matter how important a business negotiation is, you would have a reliable senior nearby, to consult with them.

Suddenly engaging in suspicious negotiations with a mysterious foreign man one after another is not amusing.

Fortunately, my secret hasn't leaked.

But if it continues like this, it won't be good for this young lady either.

I should limit the transactions to lighters and PET bottles, and it might be better to keep a distance as much as possible.

The problem is whether Cherina will agree to that.

"What's the plan for today?"

Cherina inquired with her nearby aide.

"First, we'll inspect the sailing ship. After that, please confirm the next export products. The last thing is dinner with Baron Lettel."

Upon hearing the last part about Baron Lettel, wrinkles appeared on Cherina's forehead.

"The Baron? I thought I declined the dinner invitation."

"You've already declined it three times. Refusing any further invitations from the nobility is impossible. Please attend. They will send a carriage to pick you up before dusk, so make sure to go."

It seemed to be an important matter since "make sure" was emphasized twice.

"Sigh... I understand. I will attend, but..."

"We understand. Follow your heart."

I couldn't quite understand the last part of the conversation.

But it's none of my concern. Let Cherina go to dinner on her own.

"Now, let's start with the sailing ship."

"Understood. Let's go, Akira-sama."

Aide-san, please don't glare at me like that.

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