01 January 2024

Introverted Archer 8


8. Rational Heroic Activities!

"Eimu-kun! Did you come to help!?"

"Hina, hold them off over there! I'll handle this!"

Standing back-to-back with Hina, facing the oncoming Kobolds.

There are roughly 15 of them, front and back... Quite challenging.

In an instant, one Kobold jumps at me!

"Rational Straight!"

My meager punch lands on the Kobold's side trying to bite my arm.

The Kobold dances in the air from the impact, bounces on the ground a few times, then perishes.

"W-wow! Eimu-kun, you're so strong!?"

"Don't joke. This is my limit."

It's completely different from when I leveled up before. The opponents are aware of my presence, and I can't hide and snipe.

Plus, I'm an Archer. Dealing with this many in close combat is not easy.

"Hey, Tatsuo. You're a front-line class, right? Do something."

"Uh, uh, uh..."

This guy... he's passed out.

What happened to "I'll protect, so it'll be fine"? He's the least helpful!

"Eimu-kun, I'm sorry for getting you involved in such a dangerous situation..."

"Hina got involved too. Besides... this is a rational approach."

"A rational approach?"

While dispatching the Kobolds, I engage my sharp mind. A few seconds later, my mental calculations form a perfect strategy.

"Hina, you're a valuable ally joining my party. In the future, I'll be facing enemies I can't defeat alone. At those times, you'll be a rare asset to me!"

"What are you talking about!?"

"So, protecting you here is rational, right!? In other words, stepping in here is the best choice!"

"You're saying a lot, but... basically, you're just helping me normally, right!?"

No, it's not a baseless accusation! I wouldn't make such irrational judgments!


Two Kobolds leap at me. Punching won't work this time.

"I'll borrow this for a moment!"

I borrow a greatsword from Tatsuo and swing it with all my might.

A satisfying sound of cleaving fills the air as the two Kobolds are cut in half.

My swordsmanship is inferior compared to jobs suited for Greatswordman, but the level difference is compensating.

"Eimu-kun, please help here too!"

Hina, in full defensive stance, has been holding off time, but Kobolds are overwhelming her, reaching their limit.

"Nice! Leave it to me!"

I turn around and readjust the grip on the Greatsword.

Could I possibly apply my skills differently?

"<Attribute Enhancement - Flame>!"

As I activate the skill, the Greatsword begins to blaze with flames.

As expected. Archers are effective in situations like this!

I deliver a fiery blow to the Kobolds resembling zombies surging towards a barricade.

The Kobolds are engulfed in flames and collapse on the spot.

"Now, shall we continue?"

Seeing the flames, the remaining Kobolds, about half of them, start to panic. They seem to have realized they are at a disadvantage.


Nevertheless, it seems the Kobolds have chosen to fight with determination to the death.

"Then, I'll go along with it. Let's go, Hina!"


We collide head-on with the Kobold horde. It's a fair and square confrontation.

Using the greatsword and shield, we repel the Kobolds for a few minutes.

"This should be the end."

Having felled the last Kobold, I muttered so.

"W-We won... This isn't a dream, right?"

"Not a dream. We won, although it was a close call."

Haah. I recently vowed not to have such nerve-wracking battles anymore... And yet, the opponent turned out to be Kobolds again, ironically.


In an instant, Hina embraces me.

The soft sensation and the flower-like fragrance wafting into my nostrils―― I feel my heart leap significantly.

"S-Stop it! There might still be monsters nearby!"

It's a lie. I know there are no monsters with my <Sixth Sense>.

"But, I was scared..."

"...I get it. Let's go home as we are. Drag that useless guy along too."

I drag Tatsuo with my left hand and hold hands with Hina with my right as we return from the 2nd floor to the 1st floor.

"Eimu-kun, thank you for coming to help."

As we walk, Hina murmurs softly.

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone. I'll make sure not to get lost next time."

"Why did you interfere back then? If you didn't know if we could win, you could've just abandoned me."

"I told you. You're a special existence to me. I judged that helping was the rational choice."

...Well, in reality, that reasoning was added later, and I don't even know why I went to help.

I, as a rational thinker, still lack enough rationality. Training is necessary.

"Just, let's drop the 'Forever Friends' thing, okay? It makes me feel itchy all over."

Saying that and looking to the side, Hina's face was unexpectedly bright red.

"...Yeah. Maybe it's better if I'm not friends with Eimu-kun forever."

Huh...? There was something odd about the way she said that just now.

Well, as long as she's satisfied.

"Hey, Eimu-kun!"

The previously meek Hina now calls my name with a determined expression.

"Are you free this weekend!?"

"What's all this suddenness...? Well, I am free."

"In that case, let's go play together!"

Together, play...?

My rational thinking interprets those words and derives another word.

Could it be a date?

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