26 January 2024

Earth Dungeon 131.1


Chapter 131.1. Rematch

Once again, the Shadow Mage heads underground. Since the enemies don't seem to be climbing up, I return to the room, sitting in the chair and operating the controls.

Amidst the echoing sounds of concrete, I advance with the Armed Shadow Tiger, just like last time.

[At least I want to retrieve the automatic rifle.]

[If you die twice in a row, your soul can't be recovered. Don't rush to recover and end up falling off a cliff.]

[Souls are already scary just from the sound.]

While continuing the inexplicable conversation, two hours later. It's already evening, and the orange light from outside seeps into the room where the guards are, trying to cover the surroundings in darkness. Finally, we reach the 150th floor.

The Shadow Tiger, making almost no sound, pushes open the door with its front leg. Amidst the metallic sounds, I charge with the automatic rifle. It's quiet in the darkness, just like last time. The light from the flashlight on my chest illuminates the surroundings, but there is no sound of zombies walking.

[Personally, I find running zombies scary, but I think it's the walking ones that truly instill fear. Depending on how it's filmed, walking zombies can be terrifying in any number.]

[Thanks for the words as a critic.]

While smiling wryly at Shizuku, who snorts and sniffs, I advance the Shadow Mage and notice.

[Is this the reason I thought they weren't here?]

Crystal zombies, standing still like statues, are all over the place. I didn't notice last time. Or rather, I couldn't see.

This time, it's clear. Yes, the experiment is a success. No more friendly fire. They're not the ones I shook hands with.

[Why aren't they moving?]

[Maybe, unlike monsters, they don't automatically recover mana. So maybe they're in energy-saving mode.]

So, they move when attacked. Hmm, does that mean activating the generator activates them, perhaps?

Is the energy from the generator scattered in the air? Does it affect everything?

[Could it be... are they supplying energy to the surrounding monsters?]

[It's only around the generator, so there shouldn't be a problem if we eliminate it.]

[What about the water purification thing? If it's energy, does it make the dungeons that usually spawn stronger?]

It hits me. Could it be a dreadful item?

[It hasn't been proven, and dungeons spawn anyway. The benefits outweigh the risks.]

[Whenever there's an inconvenient truth, everyone says it hasn't been proven, right?]

Shizuku's calm response indicates she understands it's not a big deal. I think it's pretty dangerous if Shizuku says it's not a big deal, but oh well. I can't warn her not to use it. For now, I have to endure the current situation.

[Shadow Tiger, use the cat punch.]

It's the next experiment. The cat punch didn't work earlier, but this time, it shouldn't result in a friendly response.


With a meow, the Shadow Tiger extends its claws and strikes the crystal zombie standing still. A squishing sound is heard as the crystal zombie is easily sliced and falls to the ground.

Good, just as usual. I pat the proud Shadow Tiger on the head. With this, crystal zombies are no match.




I laugh in triumph, but the surrounding zombies start roaring and turn their bodies towards us. Unfortunately, the strategy of taking down one at a time seems ineffective.

[It won't be that easy.]

Holding the automatic rifle, I look towards the direction of the noise. Who's the one with the blaster?

Inside the ruined building, in the darkness, crystal zombies appear, pushing and shoving each other. They reveal their gnashing fangs, show murky white eyes as proof of their death, drool, and with bloodied clothes, you can glimpse exposed bones in their torn flesh.

However, crystal zombies, at a level slightly beyond the strength of adults, are no match for the Armed Shadow Tiger.

It charges at lightning speed, blowing away the surrounding zombies, knocking down those who fell with cat punches, and exterminating them.

I'm relieved that the use of the automatic rifle seems unnecessary. Even if they get bitten or scratched, the Shadow Tiger and the others defeat the horde of zombies without a scratch.

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