15 November 2023

Sure-Hit Archer 113


Status Assignment

"Ah~. It's completely snapped, huh?"

"...Yeah. It broke cleanly."

Having achieved the goal of leveling up, I returned to the hotel room, feeling a bit down about the broken Swift Dagger. 

Silphy spoke to me while looking at the handle and the broken blade of the Swift Dagger in my hand.

In response, I nodded while gripping the remaining handle of the Swift Dagger.

A memorable moment? 

The Swift Dagger snapped completely from the base during the 40th Iron Golem subjugation. 

I knew it wouldn't work against the Iron Golem, so I made sure not to hit it.

But... the Iron Golem moved in a way I had never seen before!

What was that movement...? 

I didn't know it would come at me with a body press. 

I used [Kamikaze] and managed to dodge easily

But in the heat of the moment, I went for it with the Swift Dagger.

"Sigh... What to do... Well, at least it wasn't my main weapon, like a bow."

I really don't want to think about Dragon Tree Bow breaking. 

There's no way I'll find a replacement for a bow that levels up with me like this, and above all, it wouldn't be fair to Seizo.

"That's true, but... What about that dagger ?"


What should I do...? 

The local Explorer's Guild branch is probably closed by now... 

I was planning to defeat the Iron Golem tomorrow and then challenge the boss, so... 

Well, I probably don't need to procure a dagger immediately in this massive dungeon, right? 

Besides, the selection at the headquarters' weapon store should be better than the local branch around here. 

I'll buy one there when I get back.


Let's go with that!

"I'll thoroughly explore this dungeon and look for a dagger after returning. There are other things to do right now."

"Hmm. Okay! But don't go saying things like 'If only I had a dagger at a crucial moment' or anything, okay?"

"Y-Yeah. Well, that should be fine. At worst, if I need to engage in melee combat, I can  smack them with [Magic Arrow]."

"...That's true. You did fight the Iron Golem with magic."

While saying that, Silphy nodded as if lying down on the bed.

"Well, that's how it is. Now then, Status."

I said that and brought up the status screen.


Amamiya Kaede

Level: 5053

HP: 50550/50550

MP: 17681/27285

Attack: 5125 (+52)

Defense: 5075 (+12)

Agility: 18650 (+13582)

Dexterity: 5230 (+152)

Spirit: 16480 (+11422)

Luck: 50

BP (Battle Points): 45

SP (Skill Points): 3395

Skills: [Magic Arrow Lv.30], [Archery Lv.30], [Hawkeye Lv.10], [Item Box Lv.20], [Lock-On Lv.20], [Appraisal Lv.10], [MP Up Lv.20], [MP Recovery Speed Up Lv.20], [Dagger Art Lv.20], [Enemy Search Lv.30], [Stealth Lv.20], [Abnormal Status Resistance Lv.20], [Prediction Lv.30], [Evasion Lv.30], [Vajra Body Lv.20], [Kamikaze Lv.20]


Um... the last time I checked, my level was 4398. So did I increase to level 655 in this boss run? 

I've gone up quite a bit. 

My MP is still not fully recovered since I used it a lot this time, but it should be fully restored by tomorrow morning.

"But soon, will my Agility stat also reach 20,000?" 

My level has surpassed 5000, and I can dive into B-rank dungeons without having to choose dungeons that are particularly compatible, like the Gigantic Dungeon. 

The recommended level for B-rank dungeons was 5000, after all. 

Well, I shouldn't rely too much on that.

"With this, will searching for Silphy's companions become easier?" 

For now, I've reached the recommended level set by the association. 

So let's diligently search for Silphy's companions. 

If it's a dungeon above A-rank, Gold qualification is necessary.

 First, my level is not enough.

"Well, let's reset our focus and allocate SP." 

What to do~? 

Thinking about tomorrow's boss battle, I want to raise the skill levels of unique skills like [Magic Arrow] and [Lock-On]. 

At least with the [Lock-On] skill, I can raise it to multiples of 10. 

However, even if I can use new abilities, I don't feel like I can use them to their full potential.

Despite everything, I'm wasting MP with [Magic Arrow - Full Burst] and [Weakness Lock] trying to aim for weaknesses. 

It seems like it will take a while before I can master using them.

In that case, it comes down to what skill to take with this SP and what skill level to increase. I don't particularly want any skills right now.

"Um... in that case, is this good?"


[Item Box Lv.25]: 575 SP

[MP Up Lv.30]: 1275 SP

[MP Recovery Speed Up Lv.30]: 1275 SP


Directly, it may not be related to combat much.

But indirectly, it comes into play. 

[Item Box] has been getting quite full due to defeating Iron Golems too much. 

To be honest, I overdid it... 

Maybe it was a mistake to collect all the Iron Golems I defeated, even if they sold well? 

Well, I might continue boss runs like this, so I think it was the right choice to increase the skill level of [Item Box].

And [MP Increase] is because I want to increase the number of times I can use [Magic Arrow].

This is the same reason for [MP Recovery Speed Increase]. 

I used quite a few MP potions in this boss run, and by increasing the maximum amount of MP and the recovery speed, the number of times I use MP potions should have decreased. 

The maximum amount of MP has also increased significantly, and for most monsters, if the attack is effective, I can either reduce their HP or destroy magic stones.

I have over 270 SP left, but I'll save it in case I need it when a skill I want comes up again. 

"Huh? Did Kaede's magi power suddenly increase?" 

"Eh? Increase...? ...Ah, I see. Certainly, I raised the skill level of [MP Increase], so the total amount of MP has increased." 

Wait, you just casually mentioned it. 


Can Silphy understand the total amount of my MP?

"Oh~. Even the level went up for free? I thought your growth was fast, but you can increase magical power so much at once?" 

Yeah, she understands it after all. 

But I heard somewhere that higher-ranking adventurers who use magic skills can understand the total amount of other people's MP. 

Silphy is called a spirit, so it wouldn't be strange if she could do that, right?

"Stats are really handy, huh! Dungeons and all, there must be a reason we come out after we lose, huh~?" 

"Is that so? ...Well, maybe. Silphy doesn't have stats or level-up." 

This time,  Silphy fought for the first time and I realized she didn't level up even if she defeated some enemies. 

I guess spirits and humans are fundamentally different.

"Yeah, yeah. I heard it for the first time when I was with Kaede. Things like stats and level up." 

Even though I occasionally hear Silphy's stories like this, there are still many things I don't understand.

"Well, that part is intriguing, but no matter how much I think about it, I won't understand in the end. Let's get some sleep for tomorrow?" 

There's not enough information no matter how I think about it.

More importantly, I'm already sleepy because I got out of the dungeon late after the boss ran.

"Yeah, that's true! Well then, goodnight! Kaede." 

"Yeah. Goodnight, Silphy." 

Well then... 

I'll do my best tomorrow.

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