15 November 2023

Earth Dungeon 96.1


Chapter 96.1. Crystallization

Unusually, Sakimori seemed to have returned to his childlike innocence, frolicking around. Though he appeared to be coolly walking, he was enjoying himself. He returned to the headquarters with excitement.

Amatsugahara Corporation Headquarters. A building that had surpassed 30 years, and concerns were growing about its aging structure. No inspections had been conducted, and even if there were cracks, I believed it would be okay. The window glass was cloudy, the walls were crumbling, and it was unsettling to think about living there.

However, in the abandoned town, it was one of the better buildings. A 20-story office building with a penthouse. Sakimori had been living there for a long time, but aging had always been a concern.

I walked through it eagerly. In the reception lobby, the ladies were chatting, and small children were playing tag. It was noisy, but it was a world that felt more peaceful than a few months ago.

"Today's weather is nice, isn't it? The corn dried well."

"Hey, did you make cornbread? Not tortillas?"

"Butter and milk are hard to come by. We can make it now that we have books and sugar."

"Next time, let's pool money and buy butter, eggs, and milk together to make it."

As the ladies chatted while grinding corn with a mortar, Sakimori observed the surroundings.

The place was clean, but the walls had cracks and were slightly dirty. No matter how much they cleaned, there were limits. However, with this hydrating agent, things might change.

[Sakimori-san, clasp your hands and emit purple lightning... come to think of it, there was no catchphrase for that.]

[For now, it's the usual Shizuku-san, right?]

Ignoring the cute girl who twisted her head, the man in black placed his hand on the wall. The ladies and children watched, wondering what he was doing. He waved his hand, making it seem like nothing special.

He gently attached the crystal to the wall, and it was absorbed. The color of the wall became fresh, and the cracks disappeared, transforming into a brand-new wall.

"This is amazing. Is it this effective? The wall doesn't seem to soften even during recrystallization."

It occurred to me; that if it had changed before drying, the building would have collapsed. that was close.

"Amazhiing, really."

The usual little girl who had appeared next to me opened her mouth in amazement, pulling at the hem of my clothes, looking impressed. She rode Myan, and with the other Shadow Tiger meowed next to her. Myan isn't her exclusive ride, though.

"I want to do it too!"

The little girl smiled, reaching into my pocket for the magic hydrating agent. Oh no, she figured out my trick. Well, can't be helped. It's unlucky.

"You caught me. I got this from a treasure chest. Keep it a secret, okay?"

"Shhh, it'z secrets."

Putting a finger to her lips, we laughed together, but since everyone around was watching, it was no good. Let's just say it was filled with treasures from a chest. If that doesn't work... is there some suitable skill?

[If it's a magic hydrating agent, I think it falls under [Alchemy]... but I'm not entirely sure. Serika-chan might know, but I wouldn't recommend asking her. Making a hydrating agent is an extremely tedious process, as someone who practiced alchemy in the past once mentioned.]

The ethereal Shizuku floated, frowning. It seems asking Serika might not be a good idea. Is there a reason not to fake it as a skill? The treasure chest theory... let's go with that for now.

[Indeed, that might not be far-fetched. I recall there were instances where the same-shaped crystals were found in treasure chests. They appeared in... the water dungeon, right? At that time, I sent them to the rear without much thought, so I didn't think they had any particular significance. Come to think of it, this was the hydrating agent.]

Nodding approvingly at the small crystal, Shizuki remembered.

[I think Shizuku-san should pay more attention to crafting skills. But I suppose if you insist that you were verifying items from the treasure chest, it could work.]

[Although the immediate use on concrete feels odd, we can cover that up easily.]"

"[Indeed. You can acquire information quite readily. It's better than bluffing with a skill.]

If I bluff with the [Solidification] skill, they might see through it and think I have a skill that can make the hydrating agent. That would be problematic. if people could trace the thought process back to the core store. I don't want to be perceived as someone who can freely obtain items. It was lucky.

While looking at the little girl, I patted her head, and the little girl smiled with delight and pressed her head against me. At the same time, I say something like Aztec Shizuku Attack, and Shizuku-san also presses her head against her. Later, later.

"Come on, let's try pressing it against the wall. It might fix cracks and such."

It's strange for a 30-year-old building to have cracks. However, since the dungeon appeared, uninhabited buildings decay rapidly, probably due to its influence.

"Aye! I'm a magicyan!"

With a handful of hydrating agent crystals on her small palm, the little girl declared. I hope she doesn't treat it like a toy, but it should be fine.

With a bright smile, she happily rode on Myan with other Shadow Tiger, and they went off somewhere. They seem to be having fun.

Now, I should also start repairing the headquarters. I'm concerned about the reinforced steel, but well, it should be fine.

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