23 April 2024

Twilight Alchemist 62


62. Resentment Is Such A Pathetic Thing, Isn't It?

As Morg, the leader of the inspection team, stood before Zaid, he couldn't help but click his tongue inwardly while maintaining a smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Morg Mode, Vice Minister of the newly established Exploration Ministry in the kingdom. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Zaid Gandarl Veil Road."

"Just call me Zaid."

"Thank you."

Zaid's demeanor, from his disdainful gaze to his attire, exuded an air of nobility, for better or worse.

While Morg came from a noble lineage, he had risen through merit and valued competence.

Thus, he didn't particularly like those who thought themselves special merely for being born into powerful noble families.

Technically speaking, Morg's family wasn't noble. Only the head of the household was considered noble.

But typically, their blood relatives were also regarded as nobility. Since Morg wasn't the head of the family, he wasn't truly noble.

Zaid's attitude was so arrogant that it made one doubt if he was Kyle's brother.

As Zaid extended his hand for a handshake with a smirk, Morg reluctantly shook it.

"I never expected an envoy from the capital. And not only that but to inspect Golden Dawn, not this village."

"We didn't have much time, so it was just a brief undercover inspection. You seem well-informed."

"Haha. Gathering information is indeed a crucial duty entrusted to nobles!"

"I see. You seem quite capable, Zaid."

"It's truly an honor to be praised by the Vice Minister. But more importantly, the Exploration Ministry? That's news to me."

"It was newly established. As the habitat of humanity expands, so does that of monsters. We haven't had any wars with other countries lately. With our nation's strength growing, it's time for us to progress. That's the purpose of this ministry."

"I see. Quite impressive."

As Morg and Zaid exchanged formal greetings, Elra, the court alchemist accompanying them, whispered to Morg.

(I sense we might get caught if we stay here. I'll greet Professor Jabir. Since we couldn't stop by when heading to Golden Dawn without attracting attention.)

(Understood. Please do.)


Elra then discreetly left the scene.

Without paying any attention to her departure, Zaid gestured to lead them into the village.

Most of his conversation consisted of boasting about himself and his achievements.

"—For now, lodging is our main concern, but the income is quite substantial. We'll be able to show even greater development soon."

Morg had been passively listening to Zaid's words, so he finally understood that Zaid had finished his spiel.

This settlement by Zaid, on the way to Golden Dawn was remarkable.

To establish such a sizable village in a place so remote from human habitation was quite an accomplishment. If Zaid truly built it from scratch, he would be exceptionally talented.

Human glory was a thing of the past.

People said that humanity, which once boasted a great magical civilization, was destroyed by monsters in a history long forgotten.

The exact details were unclear, but the age of monsters had persisted long after.

However, humanity gradually increased, established numerous nations, and finally secured its habitat.

Yet, humanity's territory was still too small in this vast world.

Expanding the habitat of humanity was urgent, and if Zaid was leading the charge, he would be someone the country should support.

However, information about this village had already been gathered.

This village was originally the former Golden Dawn Village. Situated exactly halfway between the human habitat of the frontier viscounty and the current Golden Dawn, along the extensive highway connecting the two, it naturally developed into a waystation town.

Of course, even with all this preparation, failure was common in frontier development, so it was fair to say that Zaid's ability to maintain it was commendable.


Unable to tolerate Zaid's attitude any longer, Morg decided to confront him about his concerns.

"I see. It's indeed impressive how developed this frontier seems."

"I suppose so. Indeed."

Zaid nodded satisfactorily but froze at Morg's next words.

"However, why isn't Alchemically Hardened Rock used in this village? All necessary materials are readily available."


"Why isn't such a convenient stone used? I would appreciate an explanation."

After a cough, Zaid regained his composure and smirked.

"It's nothing really. The prices of volcanic ash and limestone, the necessary materials, have been skyrocketing lately. Despite being troublesome substances that naturally accumulate near plains near volcanoes, greedy merchants have raised their prices. And limestone's price hike is extraordinary. Isn't wood sufficient for the village's construction needs?"

Upon hearing this, not only Morg. But the accompanying bureaucrats and knights were speechless.

The plains where volcanic ash falls are distant from here. It's only natural that prices would rise considering transportation costs. But that's not all. Since the method of production was announced in academic circles, the demand in this country has been skyrocketing. Zaid seemed unaware that when demand increases, prices naturally rise. Volcanic ash wasn't even a commodity originally. It had been cheap until now. Instead of saying that the prices skyrocketed, it's more accurate to say that they became fair. Does this man even understand the convenience of Alchemically Hardened Rock? Furthermore, in this village, not only materials but also the renowned alchemist Jabir is present. Everything necessary for production is available.

"Zaid, have you ever personally seen Golden Dawn?"

"What? I've heard reports. They're constructing forts and walls."

"Could you provide more details?"

"Hmm? I've heard it's quite large."

That's when Morg realized. Zaid was either interpreting reports according to his selfish views or the reports had been modified to avoid angering him.

 "Zaid, as of now, Golden Dawn's defenses, if limited to the strength of its walls, rival those of the capital."


"Of course, the capital has plenty of soldiers and magicians, so it's not comparable in terms of military strength."

Zaid blinked several times.

Perhaps, with Morg, a royal official, mentioning it, he finally began to understand its significance.

"Of course, even in the capital, the introduction of Alchemically Hardened Rock has begun hastily. Will new walls be completed in a few years?"

"The capital's walls, in a few years?"

If it were the size of the capital, wall construction would take decades... it could even be a project spanning a hundred years if done poorly. So hearing it will get completed in a few years, the high cost was inconsequential. No, compared to the enormous project of transporting massive amounts of stone from quarries. It's far cheaper. 

Moreover, with a high degree of freedom in design, if they use the method discovered by the blacksmith Leafan, reinforcing it with iron frames, they might be able to build a castle that won't collapse for a thousand years. 

Alchemically Hardened Rock, developed with advanced alchemy, consumes a vast amount of magical power to produce, so it hardly deteriorates. Did this man dismiss it simply because it's expensive? Is he deeming a powerful weapon for frontier development worthless? Morg firmly asserted with a hint of anger in his tone. 

"It seems, Zaid, that you can't even make use of Alchemically Hardened Rock or the renowned Jabir under these favorable conditions. Perhaps it's time you actually laid eyes on Kyle's frontier." 

At that moment, Zaid wasn't considering the usefulness of Alchemically Hardened Rock or thinking about how to utilize Jabir. 

What he immediately thought of was the fact that he was being looked down upon by his incompetent brother. So Zaid hurriedly decided to prove his competence.

"W-Wait! Actually, I've been focusing my efforts on other matters! Village enhancement has been put on hold!"


Although Morg had instantly seen through Zaid's vanity, this was the frontier. There might be something unusual to learn, so he encouraged Zaid to continue.

"In fact, there's a huge marshland not far from this village."

"A marshland? Isn't it dangerous?"

Marshlands are often inhabited by dangerous monsters. If it's near the village, it could be considered quite a hazardous area.

"No, I said it's somewhat distant. More importantly, I intend to develop that area!"


Morg became slightly interested. The kingdom had attempted to develop marshlands many times before, mostly failing. However, the few successful sites had all turned into bountiful rice paddies. 

'Rice' suitable for cultivation, was an important grain comparable to wheat. Being able to produce it in large quantities was important for the kingdom.

"That's impressive. If successful, it would be a great achievement worthy of commendation from His Majesty the King."

"I-Indeed! I'm devoting everything to that great achievement!"

If that were true, they would have to retract their previous evaluations. However, based on his experience, Morg couldn't help but be suspicious. "So, Zaid, what's the plan, and how far along are you with it?"

"T-That's... Well..."

As Zaid stumbled over his words, Morg inwardly sighed, feeling as though he had anticipated this.

"Ah, of course, it's classified information. My apologies."

"I-I'm sorry. But progress on the plan is steady!"

"I see. It was impolite of me to press for details here. Since it's a good stopping point for our conversation, we'll head to the inn."

While Zaid probably had rooms prepared at his mansion, Morg didn't feel like he was in a situation where he wanted to be invited. While Zaid hesitated over how to call out to them, Morg quickly led the inspection team away from the scene.

"Stop... I can't just let this go without explaining."

Zaid tried to hurry after the inspection team, but unable to decide what to say to stop them, he came to a halt. 

Then, anger began to bubble up within him. In this barren frontier, he, who had constructed such a grand village, was being ridiculed! 

That's what Zaid genuinely believed. He let out a voice that seemed to well up from the depths of the earth. 

"Kyle... I won't forgive you!!"

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