21 April 2024

Twilight Alchemist 61


61. Our Town Is The Best, Isn't It?

We're heading to the splendid academy facility constructed near the center of town.

A spacious schoolyard. Artistic gates. School buildings incorporating the latest trends from the capital. Everything looks expensive. You can feel Kyle's determination.

"I heard in the report that you've made children's education mandatory."

Morg, the head of the inspection team, asks Kyle as they walk through the school corridors.

"Yes. There was a time when I was in the countryside, and I felt that most children were being used as labor and not receiving proper education. So, I decided to allocate funds to send children to school in the mornings."

"That must be quite a budget you're allocating?"

"Yes. But fortunately, the town's economy is doing well, and more importantly, we're seeing results beyond the budget."

Even though Golden Dawn currently doesn't collect tolls, it's experiencing an unprecedented economic boom.

There have been serious discussions among the bureaucrats dispatched from the border viscount's territory about whether not collecting tolls might actually boost the economy. I don't really understand economics, so whether it's by chance or not, I hope it works out.

Morg is sensitive to the word "results".

"Oh, results?"

"You'll understand when you see the classrooms." 

Kyle says with a smile.

Unlike Kyle's calm demeanor, Morg is tense.

"The students have been informed, so please quietly follow us to the back of the classroom."

"Understood. Just Elra, two bureaucrats, and two guards will accompany me."

Morg and five others quietly enter the classroom.

The students glance back briefly but then face forward quietly.

In fact, they've practiced for this day several times. Otherwise, there would have been a commotion among the students, including Ed and the Kendall siblings.

With a nod from Kyle, the teacher resumes the lesson.

"Now, let's try to find the area of ​​this field."

The teacher draws a rectangle on the blackboard and fills in the lengths of the sides.

"Please raise your hand if you know the answer."


All the students enthusiastically raise their hands.

Well, except for Myrna. I can't tell if she's not good at it or just embarrassed.

"Now, Wamika."

"Yes~. The area is 35 with 5 times 7~"

"Your calculation is correct. Don't forget the units."

"Oh. I see~"

Wamika, who was pointed out, leisurely responds again, including the units, and the other students applaud her.

Clapping after giving the correct answer is a rule in this school.

Morg, observing the students, asks Kyle quietly.

"Um, are these children doing area calculations?"

"Yes. They already remember multiplication, so now we're focusing on teaching them how calculations can be useful in their daily lives."

"Even though they're not bureaucrats..."

The bureaucrats accompanying them murmur quietly.

In fact, I didn't know much about what was taught in morning schools, so I've been desperately trying to learn over the past few months.

Every time I learn something, it sparks new ideas in my crest, and thanks to being able to maintain my motivation, I was lucky that I could learn in a short time.

"Can they remember so much at this age?"

"For nobles and merchants, it's a level they should naturally achieve, so they can learn if we teach them."

"Hmm. I thought it was normal to have a private tutor and learn individually, but this method might not be bad either."

"Teaching a large number of students makes pace distribution difficult, so the school is still experimenting."

"I see. That's informative."

It seemed that Morg was more attracted to the academy than to the military.

The reactions of the bureaucrats also seemed favorable.

"We've always thought about gathering educated nobles, but if we can create this kind of foundation, it might help alleviate the shortage of bureaucrats."

"But if we draft commoners, won't other nobles oppose?"

"I'm the third son who can't inherit the family estate. If there's something useful, I'd even borrow a cat's paw."

"You might think that once you have experience in practical matters, but it might be difficult at first."

"However, if they can calculate areas, with a bit of surveying training, they could be dispatched as tax assessors..."

"Indeed, because there's a shortage of personnel."

Although it's in a whisper, the two bureaucrats start a lively discussion.

It seemed that the knowledge Kyle had envisioned, where students could choose their professions, had indeed been acquired by the students.

I nodded with satisfaction.

After that, we inspected the wheat fields, experimented with bridges, inspected the giant pumping waterwheels and water supply systems, and endured endless questioning from Miss Elra, and before we knew it, several busy days had passed.

It's a secret that Elra and I had a lively conversation while drinking, discussing stories from before Professor Jabir became a loli.

We gathered near the city gate for farewells.

The inspection team was leaving Golden Dawn.

Elra stored the box filled with potions I made and materials from monsters in her dimensional storage. As expected of Professor Jabir's disciple, it had quite the capacity.

While preparing to return home, Morg, the head of the team, bowed to Kyle.

"This inspection has been very fruitful. Thank you once again."

"I should be the one thanking you for taking the time to visit. Please give my regards to His Majesty the King."

"Of course. Farewell."

They mounted different horses than when they arrived.

We presented them with horses we had trained as warhorses over the past few months.


The inspection team rode off.


Elra's scream faded into the distance.

I turned to Kyle.

"That horse still gets scared without practice, huh?"


It seems that horses raised with stamina potions indeed become excellent steeds.

"Well then, shall we continue with the development?"


And so, we returned to our daily lives.

Unaware that they might have brought trouble with them.

Once the inspection team leader, Morg, could no longer see Golden Dawn, he tightened his expression.

"What do you think of that town, Elra?"

"Wait a moment! This horse is huge! Fast! Scary!"

"Ah, I see. Let's talk to the bureaucrats first."

Morg turns his gaze to the bureaucrats.

"We've learned that if we make maximum use of the Alchemically Hardened Rock, we can build such huge structures like that. I didn't expect the strength to increase so much by inserting iron bars into the foundation," one of the bureaucrats says.

"That's more in the realm of those involved in construction rather than alchemists. Elra, are you settled down now?"

"Oh! Yes! In Professor's paper! There wasn't any mention of that!"

Elra answers while clinging to the horse.

Morg nods at the response.

"There are limitations, but the widespread use of Alchemically Hardened Rock is urgently needed. What about the academy?"

"I think it's an interesting experiment. It seems to fit well with the 'society' established by the magicians."

"The society... When I first heard about it, I was surprised. It's a group that doesn't hide its research results and openly shares them with the public. But indeed, the country's strength has increased."

"Not collecting tolls might lead to an increase in tax revenue. That was also a harvest."

"We should consider experimenting in some other provincial cities. If there are no results, we can make a contract with the kingdom to compensate for the losses."

"I'll select candidate locations later."

"I see."

Finally, Elra seems to be getting used to the horse and starts to sit up.

"More importantly, wouldn't it be better to recruit that craftsman?"

"No, that would be problematic. It would be picking a fight with the border viscount."

"Ugh... Both Professor Jabir and the craftsman are too skilled. There are too many talented alchemists."

"We shouldn't worry about that for now. Besides, their achievements are properly reported to the kingdom."

"I was surprised when they reported everything during the inspection. Although I'm grateful, it was unexpected."

"Kyle-sama is still young. He probably doesn't have much experience as a noble yet. However, knowing that there's no hostility is the greatest harvest."

Not only the bureaucrats but also the knights nod at Mog's words.

"If that city were to become serious, a considerable force would gather. Not only the residents but also those stubborn adventurers seemed to want to support Kyle-sama."

"Yes. I intend to persuade the border viscount and advise His Majesty to incorporate Kyle-sama."

"Then, please take care of the craftsman too!"

"Got it, got it. I'll convey the message."

"It's a promise!"

While discussing the direction of the report, the inspection team sets off on their return journey. However, trouble arises on the way back.

It happened when they arrived at Zaid's pioneering village, where they only stayed on the way there.

Soldiers lined up at the entrance to the village, displaying flags.

Morg mutters quietly.

"Has our secret inspection been exposed?"

"They must have seen us in action in Golden Dawn. Normally, they'd have surveillance stationed," one of the bureaucrats speculates.

"I think this is the territory ruled by the second son of the border earl. Let's be polite, everyone."


They slow down their horses and pass through the soldiers' ranks.

Merchants who had been driven away by the soldiers had annoyed expressions on their faces from a distance.

It seemed that the ruler of this place had a considerably different mindset from the ruler of the Golden Dawn.

At the end of the soldiers' line, a noble-looking man awaited them with a smirk.

He bows respectfully to the inspection team.

"I've been waiting to welcome the inspection team from the capital. I am Zaid Gandarl Veil Road."

Morg dismounts and approaches Zaid with a smile.

While hiding his true feelings.

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