13 April 2024

Twilight Alchemist 57


57. Education, It's Better To Start Early, Isn't It?

Let's rewind a bit.

Five of us, Kyle, Myrna, Persia, me, and the maid Ryuuko, are here for an inspection at the temporary school.

We're here to meet the people who will become teachers.

To establish a school in Golden Dawn, the lord, Viscount Orthros Gandar von Baylroad, introduced us to some teachers through his connections.

Among them is Oblio Lernen, a nobleman who is scheduled to be in charge of the school.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Oblio Lernen. The third son of Baron Lernen, and I am 28 years old. Thanks to the special consideration of Viscount Veil Road, I have come as a teacher."

"Yes. Nice to meet you."

Kyle responds with a smile to Oblio's polite attitude.

"When the school building is completed... I plan to change the name to academy, and I would like you to take on the roles of academy director and advanced class teacher."

"Kyle, may I ask a question?"

"Yes, please."

"What exactly is a school... or rather, an academy? I assumed I got invited as your teacher."

Oblio's question is valid. The academy system itself is still in its infancy.

"Then let me explain the basic structure of the academy."

"Please do."

Kyle starts talking enthusiastically about the academy.

"First, children from six to sixteen years old living in Golden Dawn are required to attend the academy for ten years."

"Huh? Does that include commoners?"

"Of course."

Oblio's eyes widen in astonishment and speechlessness.

Of course, it's natural. It's unheard of for commoners to receive education.

I grew up in an orphanage, so I was obliged to read the scriptures of the church. Thanks to that, I learned the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic.

After becoming an adventurer at the age of sixteen, I realized how important it was to be able to read, write, and calculate.

So I fully support Kyle's academy concept.

"In the morning, we teach a balance of academics and self-defense, then it's lunchtime and dismissal."


"Yes. We provide meals to lessen the burden on parents as much as possible."

Oblio is speechless again.

Furthermore, he becomes unable to close his open mouth upon hearing that Kyle gives money to parents who make sure their children attend the academy once a month.

"For now, it's only the morning session, but once we have a proper academy, we'll open an afternoon session for advanced classes, short-term reading and writing courses, and short-term arithmetic courses."

"What are those three?"

"Yes. First, the short-term reading and writing courses and arithmetic courses are open to anyone. We teach the basics of reading and writing in a three-month cycle. Of course, the goal of the arithmetic course is to be able to do basic addition and subtraction in three months."


"Yes. We are targeting those who are already working, so we think three months is the limit. If they can't finish learning in that time, they can take the course again from the beginning."

"No, not in that sense, but rather..."

"Ah, I'm sorry. Anyone is planned to be able to take these courses. Whether they're merchants, adventurers, or residents, anyone can take them."

"Even adventurers!?"

"Yes... Is that strange?"

"W-Well, can adventurers afford tuition fees?"

"Huh? Tuition fees? Everything is free, you know?"

"What!? F-Free!? Well, it's understandable for the morning session to be mandatory, but are you planning to provide education for free to even commoners and the homeless!?"

The term "homeless" refers to those without citizenship, such as adventurers and peddlers.

"Yes. That's the purpose of this academy."

Oblio's noble demeanor completely disappears from his expression, leaving him dumbfounded.

"As for advanced education, this is a special course that only those who pass an annual exam can attend. Oblio, you will be responsible for teaching this course."

"I see. This is for nobles or wealthy merchants, right?"

"No, anyone can attend if they pass the exam. Those who pass the graduation exam will receive my commendations and a graduation certificate. If possible, I would like the graduates to work as my aides or in important positions in Golden Dawn."

"S-So, there's a possibility that commoners could become your aides, Kyle-sama!?"

"Yes, that's right."

"S-So! But isn't it inappropriate for Kyle-sama, the son of the Viscount, to have commoners as his aides!?"

"Strictly speaking, they won't be aides, but I trust Craft-san, a former orphanage-raised adventurer and current guild member, very much."


Oblio glares at me.

"I believe you were Craft, right?"

"Yes, that's correct."

Since he's a nobleman, I use the most basic honorifics.

I practiced various expressions to use, but Persia and Alfred gave up on me. Apparently, as long as I can use basic honorifics, it's fine as a commoner.

"Hmm... Let's test whether you're suitable to be Kyle-sama's aide. This is a paper I recently submitted to the academy. Let's see if you can understand it."

Oblio snaps his fingers, and his servant hands me a stack of papers.

As I flip through the documents, it seems to be a paper related to history, but I can't understand half of it. I could understand a bit more if it were related to magic.

"Hahaha... as expected, someone of low birth like you wouldn't understand the great history built by Viscount Veil Road."

With a triumphant expression, Oblio puffs out his chest.

It must be embarrassing to be humiliated in front of Kyle.

"Excuse me for interrupting your conversation. Oblio-sama, there is a mistake in this year's date."


Oblio hastily checks the date pointed out by Ryuuko.

"I believe the events here and the incidents here are in reverse chronological order. Also, the name of the former Viscount's aide is wrong."


"This reference material seems to have already been refuted by the academy. Also, this part..."

"W-Wait a moment! Hold on!"

Oblio snatches the documents from my hand, checks each point pointed out by Ryuuko one by one, and gradually turns pale.

"T-This is... indeed... um..."

Given that he was embarrassed in front of Kyle, it's not a pleasant situation.

"Ryuuko, you seem to be knowledgeable."

"Because I am a maid."

I see. Maids are knowledgeable, huh?

"Master. It seems that Oblio-sama lacks some knowledge to teach advanced classes."

"I don't quite understand..."

"If you permit, I can educate him before the advanced classes begin."

"Huh? Is that possible?"

"Yes. If Master orders it, I can do it in a short time."


I turn to Kyle.

"Kyle-sama. My maid suggests this. But may I have your permission?"

"Well, considering Oblio-san's situation, it's clear that Ryuuko-san is excellent, so if Ryuuko-san and Craft-san agree, please go ahead."

"Yes. Understood. Ryuuko, please."

"I will do my best."

I felt a chill at Ryuuko's composed smile, but it must be my imagination.

"Well then, let's do our best for the academy opening!"

Thus, the educational institution evolved from the morning school to the academy.

Sometime later, when the academy staff met again, Oblio, who had received short-term education from Ryuuko, was inexplicably pale.

It's strange, isn't it?

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