14 April 2024

Musou Slime 73


73. Magic Training

The day after my date with Sierra-san. I went to the grassland area with Raize for the first time in a while.

Of course, there weren't any monsters in the grassland area that required both of us to fight.

"Well then, let's begin. I'll give you thorough guidance, so be prepared."

"...I appreciate it."

The purpose is magic training.

It's been a while since I could use magic. In between dungeon conquests, I continued practicing to refine my magical abilities.

In terms of results, I think I've become quite proficient at refining magic power. I won't be shooting magic recklessly with excessive output like before.

But there was a fundamental problem. It didn't work at all in actual combat.

It's quite difficult to refine the right amount of magic power and accurately cast spells. It takes time, and there are more failures than successes.

"So, the goal of this training is to be able to wield magic effectively in combat, right?"

"If you understand it that way, then it's fine."

Raize nodded approvingly with her arms crossed.

"It takes quite a bit of time to be able to control magic. Just like swordsmanship, it takes years of practice to master."

"Years, huh... that's quite something."

"I've been learning swordsmanship, magic, and martial arts since I was young. Skills are cultivated little by little. Don't expect to be perfect overnight."

"So, is it still difficult to become proficient in magic?"

I thought it would be useful as one of my techniques when participating in the tournament. I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

However, as if she had been waiting for that reaction, Raize looked at me with a smug expression. Then, she confidently declared.

"It's certainly impossible to master it overnight. But it won't take that long to be able to use it in combat!"

Seeing my shoulders twitch, Raize smiled even more.

In other words, it is possible to use magic in combat. Come to think of it, I haven't received much swordsmanship training, but I can wield a sword. Maybe it's similar to that.

"I don't know if I can do it by the tournament, but I should be able to do it little by little. Now, let's get started."

"I'm motivated! Alright, what should I start with!?"

"That's obvious. You're going to fight me now."

Fight Raize...?

Just as I was about to ask because I didn't understand the meaning well. Raize pointed her staff at me and generated a fireball!

"Come on, refine your magic quickly or you'll get burned to a crisp?"

Her words were exactly that. We were going to fight here and now.

"Wait a minute!"

"No time for arguments! Take this!"

A fireball the size of my face came straight at me.

I could try to slash it with my sword, but that's probably not what she had in mind. The goal is to inflict damage with magic alone.

First, refine the magic power. Imagine it. A lightning strike powerful enough to extinguish that fireball and damage Raize!

The sensation of electricity running through my fingertips. All that's left is to shape it—

No, there's no time! It'll take too long if I prioritize power! At this rate, I'll just get hit by the magic!

"Darn it!"

Reluctantly, I released thunder magic with the minimum amount of magic power from my palm. Its power was very low and it didn't manage to extinguish the fireball.

Sparks flew, and I could feel the heat searing my skin.

"It seems like you can at least defend against it! But that's just the beginning!"

Raize laughed joyfully from the bottom of her heart and started launching fireballs from her staff in rapid succession.

"That's not fair! At least put away that staff!"

"It's not unfair. If you're upset, try taking it away yourself!"

Since there were too many, I forcefully kicked the ground to retreat. Fireballs landed around my feet, exploding.

"You're being too evasive! If that's the case, I'll end it quickly!"

"The point is changing, isn't it!"

Ignoring my retort, Raize generated an even larger fireball from her staff than before.

It must be about 2 meters in diameter. It's huge. It's the size you'd shoot at a monster.

Should I dodge!? No, even if I keep dodging, I'll eventually get hit. Besides, this is my magic training.

To blow away that fireball, I need to unleash a full-powered blow. But if I take my time refining magic power, I'll turn into charcoal in an instant.

Then—there's no choice but to go all out.

Imagine water boiling rapidly. Mobilize all the magic power in my body and concentrate it on my palm at once.

It's like a maximum firepower burst, and the difference is subtle. I'm steadily increasing my magic power without breaking my body.

Just like steam gushing out of a kettle, I release lightning from the point of my palm!

"Take this!!"

In an instant, as if my imagination had materialized, a pillar of lightning was released from my palm.

It's more like a turbid flow than a pillar. Thunder magic overflowed endlessly from the palm of my right hand.

"W-What's this!?"

The force was too strong, and my body was pushed back by the recoil. I immediately tried to suppress it by adding my left hand. But it was too violent, and my body seemed to be blown away!

I dug my heels in. But I still couldn't completely suppress the power. My body got pushed around, dancing in the air like paper in a storm.

"What are you doing!? Show some restraint..."

"Please, stop it! I can't do anything about it!"

"There's no other choice! <El Wind>!"

Raize quickly crouched down and deployed a magic circle with both hands on the ground.

The beam I fired went straight toward Raize. Just as it was about to hit, a gale blew out from Raize's green magic circle.

The storm she unleashed pushed the beam upwards. The thunder magic dispersed in the air, narrowly avoiding a catastrophe.

"That was close..."

"Seriously, that was too dangerous..."

I lay back on the ground, giving Raize a thumbs-up.

But still, what was that just now?

It felt different from any magic I've used before, a fresh sensation. There's nothing wrong with my body.

If I could use that magic against an enemy, it would be a technique usable in combat. The power is undeniable.

But if this happens every time I use it, it's no good. I need to be able to control it better.

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