30 March 2024

Twilight Alchemist 49


49. When You're In Trouble, A Maid Will Help You Out, Isn't It?

Degaard, who was entrusted with the command of the central unit from the Adventurer's Guild, was in a hurry.

It was because the vast army of cockatrices had finally reached the town.

No, if that were all, the seasoned Degaard wouldn't be in a panic. The reason lay in the coordination among the adventurers.

The width of the unfinished part of the wall that Degaard was in charge of was wide.

If not defended by a hundred adventurers, a hole would appear immediately. Degard, who had long experience as a mercenary, had experience in both siege warfare and defensive battles.

That's why he was feeling rushed.

This world is a little unfair.

The strong can become even stronger.

The emblem of a warrior engraved on Degard's left pauldron is proof of that. With innate talent and effort, one can become stronger.

And what Degard is fretting over now are those chosen adventurers.

Because of their high skill level, they don't realize that they're gradually stepping forward.

it may seem like the enemy is being eliminated more quickly, but the places where adventurers step forward become gaps in the meat wall.

For now, the surrounding adventurers are somehow covering for it, but the defensive formation in a semicircle is already showing signs of distortion.

"You guys! You're stepping too far forward! Fall back! No, that's not you guys!"

"Damn it!"

Degard and his partner, the tiger-beastman Tygarl, struggle to maintain the formation, but without a prepared command structure or unit names within the army, their leadership becomes extremely difficult.

"The main body of the cockatrices hasn't arrived yet. In the current situation, they should be an easy victory in firepower."

"What will you do, Degard? Shall I provide backup?"

Tygarl, who bears the emblem of a martial artist, is currently close to being the strongest individual combatant.

Degaard hesitated whether it was okay to play his trump card so early.

If he were to send Tygarl to the confused adventurer party now, he couldn't bear the thought of what would happen if the opposing party collapsed.

A shadow suddenly fell on Degard, his forehead covered in cold sweat.

Someone was on the completed part of the wall.

Looking up, it was a silhouette like that of a maid. No, it was a maid.

"A maid?"

"Oh, she's from the Craft's house."

"Yeah, looks like they hired her recently. Why is a maid climbing the wall?"

"How would I know?"

The out-of-place maid hovered lightly.


From a wall as tall as a two-story building, a green haired maid threw herself into the air and landed beside them as if defying gravity. It was impossible not to be surprised.


"Are you commanding here, Degard-sama?"

"Oh, yeah."

"Then let me report. The completed part of the wall is sturdy, and there seems to be no need to consider destruction by cockatrices. Also, they have wings and can fly high, but they won't be able to cross the wall. Please rest assured and defend this place."

The maid bowed politely.

Degard's thoughts stalled, but he realized it was information about the wall, which was a cause for concern, and forced a smile. It might have looked like he was angry because of his imposing demeanor.

"Oh, I see! Thanks for the information!"

"Then, may I return the party patrolling inside the wall?"

"Let's do that."

Just adding one more adventurer party would significantly increase their strength.

That alone was good news.

"If this area gets breached, Master's workshop may suffer damage."

"Oh, yeah."

Degaard almost retorted with concern, but he swallowed his words, thinking that maids were probably creatures like that.

"Hey! You there! Stop sticking out! Maintain the line!"

Degaard became irritated with adventurers who couldn't coordinate with those around them because of their overwhelming abilities.

"...It seems you're struggling."

"Just a little. Damn. I should've at least assigned numbers to each party."

Having been away from the battlefield for so long, he had neglected such basic preparations. He couldn't regret it enough.

"Then let me convey the unit numbers to everyone."

"No, that's impossible. There's no time to calmly explain to parties amid battle."

"It's okay. I'll hold off the enemy while explaining."


"Shall we start with the first from the back? I'll take care of it from here. Well then."

"Hey! Wait!"

Before Degaard could stop her, the maid plunged into the battlefield where the cockatrices were rampaging.

And she took two of Degaard's spare axes with her.

"Hey hey hey. She took my axes."

"Degaard, when did your spare axes become one-handed axes?"

Degaard lifted up the heavy two-handed axe.

It would be difficult for an ordinary person to even carry it.

And yet, that maid effortlessly took one in each hand and ran off like the wind.

"What on earth is that maid?"

"I'd like to know too."

Degaad and Tygarl exchanged wry smiles.

The adventurers fought well.

"Hah! With the Craft emblem's stamina potion, it's unlimited refills! I'll crush as many cockatrices as I want!"

"Don't overdo it! You need rest at some point!"

"Don't these guys quiet down at night?"

"You can't expect them to be stunned forever! We also need to light the bonfire!"

"Tch! If I push too hard, my body's gonna give out."

Drinking the stamina potion with the Craft emblem drastically reduces fatigue and allows one to move endlessly unless engaging in extremely strenuous activities.

However, using techniques beyond one's own abilities or continuously pushing oneself to the limit will lead to fatigue.

And even with the stamina potion, it cannot eliminate the need for sleep.

Degard warns them about that, but when faced with cockatrices attacking our town, adrenaline surges, and we become energized.

Especially powerful adventurers are also getting too pumped up and gradually stepping out of line.

The semicircular encirclement was starting to ripple and distort.

Then, a green whirlwind swept in.


It was the maid.

She wielded a blood-drenched giant axe in each hand.

The head of the Cockatrice rushing towards the adventurers suddenly soared into the sky.

The chicken-like creature, now headless, ran for a while with the same momentum, then collapsed to the ground.

The adventurers witnessed it. With a single blow of the maid's axe, the Cockatrice's head got severed.

"What... the?"

"Now we can talk calmly for a while. Lactern-sama, this is your party, right? You're slightly protruding beyond the defense line."


The adventurer named Lactern, suddenly called by name, was puzzled but finally recognized his position.

"It's a message from Degard-sama. Your party will be the First Squad from now on. Please be mindful of instructions as we'll communicate by squad numbers."

"Ah, I see."

"Then I'll provide support, so the First Squad, please retreat to the designated defense line."

"Huh?! Support..."

Lactern didn't even need to ask.

The maid slowly advanced while cutting through the charging Cockatrices one by one.

And watching her movements, Lactern realized.

The danger of standing out.

"Hey! Retreat a bit! Sync up with the others!"

"Ah, okay!"

As Lactern's party members responded, relieved expressions appeared on the faces of another party standing nearby as they retreated to their designated positions while the maid bought them time.

"...Sorry. You were adjusting to us, weren't you?"

"No, it's fine. We knew Lactern's party was strong."

Lactern apologized to the neighboring party.

Then, the maid returned.

"Azifira-sama. A message from Degard-sama. Your party will be the Second Squad from now on. Please be mindful of instructions as we'll communicate by squad numbers."

"H-Huh...? Maid? Why my name?"

"If you reside in this town, I know everyone's name."


"Huh? What does that mean?"

"I don't think it's something to worry about right now. I wish you all the best. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have another message to deliver."

The maid bowed politely and quickly moved to the next party, amidst the bloodbath of cockatrices.

"Hey, about that maid..."

"What about her?"

"She didn't have a single speck of blood splatter on her."

"Is that what you're worried about?"

Lactern and Azifira exchanged glances and let out a dry laugh.

"...With this, the situation should be back under control." 

Murmured Ryuuko, the green-haired maid.

Ordered by her master to check on the condition of the city walls, Ryuuko stumbled upon the precarious central unit.

Fearing the imminent danger of the cockatrices pouring in, Ryuuko took it upon herself to bolster the central unit.

"For now, there shouldn't be any problems."

At the very least, the danger of the cockatrices reaching her master's location should have significantly decreased.

"Well then, onto the next task."

Without heading straight back to her master, Ryuuko vanished into the alleyways.

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