13 March 2024

Twilight Alchemist 41


41. It's Amazing How Quickly Children Grow up, Isn't It?

One day, Jitaro came to visit my house.

"Craft-san, want to go hunting together?"


It was a time when the younger generation who could handle Alchemy-Hardened Stone had grown up, and there was relatively more free time.

Why hunting, though?

"Well, I heard that deep in the forest, there's a group of large boars forming. Some of the hunters who found them had other plans, so they allowed us."

"Oh, wild boars, huh? But why me?"

It would reduce profits, wouldn't it?

"No, it seems there are quite a few of them, so I thought maybe you could help transport them. Ah! Of course, we can split the profits!"

"I see. Well, I wanted some exercise occasionally, so it's fine."

"All right! Thank you very much!"

Currently, food prices in this town are skyrocketing. 

Especially meat is in high demand, and the supply can't keep up, so it's become quite expensive. 

It's only natural for Jitaro, a hunter (I forgot), to target this trend.

Although prices are higher than in other towns, incomes have also increased significantly, so it's generally not a problem. 

Golden Dawn Town is extremely prosperous to an extreme extent.

Also, Golden Dawn Town has grown far beyond the size of a village, so it's often referred to as a town now.

"By the way, do boars really form groups?"

"Well, since they practice polygamy, sometimes a group with a surprisingly large number of females can form. Must be because the males are so strong."

"I see... Oh, right. Let's take the orphans with us."

"The children?"

"Yeah, Ed can use sword techniques, Saika with a bow, Kai and Wamika can use magic now. It's about time they had some real combat experience."

"That's a good idea. With you and Craft-san, it should be safe."

"Exactly! Alright, I'll go tell Azul the plan... No, Jitaro, you'll convey it."

"Got it!!"

Jitaro dashed off energetically.

Azul didn't really have feelings for Raidoc, and besides, Raidoc already had a lover named Solar. 

Jitaro had once been downcast, but now he was happily contributing to Azul's well-being.

Although Azul thought of him as a devout follower...

Jitaro, Leefan, Azur, and the children hadn't been skimping on their Stamina Potions. 

I hadn't told Jitaro, but I had been secretly adding them to their meals.

So, although they were standing out among the villagers in terms of growth, they weren't really aware of it themselves.

As we finished preparations and waited, Jitaro returned not only with the four children but also with several unfamiliar adults.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Who are they?"

"Oh, they're new settlers asked by the Hunting Guild on the way. They wanted to see this forest a bit."

"I see. I don't mind. They're not amateurs, are they?"

Their attire and equipment were typical of hunters, all well-used.

"Yeah, they're fine."

"I'm Craft, nice to meet you."

"You're Craft-san, right? Nice to meet you."

"Oh, here, take this."

I distributed the undiluted Legendary Stamina Potions to everyone.

"Could this be the rumored Ultimate Stamina Potion that's no longer available?"

"I don't know if it's ultimate, but it's definitely more effective than what you can buy in stores now."

Currently, the Stamina Potions sold to villagers were diluted to reduce their effectiveness. Even though they got diluted, they were more effective and lasted a full day compared to the Stamina Potions circulating in the kingdom.

Considering the original amount of herbs, it was already a mystery why they were so effective, likely due to the Alchemy Cauldron and emblems. Best not to dwell on it too much.

I'm not diluting the Healing and Cure Potions. But their prices were significantly higher. 

If a registered resident got injured, they could get a prescription for free from the church. (Technically, there was a donation, but it was more of a gesture.)

Mana Potions were somewhat diluted and sold only to the adventurer guild. 

Unfortunately, the hardworking guild branch manager from the former settlement couldn't move, so a new guild leader had been dispatched.

"Is it okay for us to have such precious items?"

"I think it'll be fine with just me and Jitaro, but please protect the children in an emergency."

"Understood. Thank you very much."

Just a precaution.

After confirming everyone had taken their potions, we ventured deeper into the forest.

"Indeed, the forests on the frontier are deep."

"That's right. Jitaro, can you clear a path a bit more?"

"Got it."

Leading the way, Jitaro used his hardened Mithril machete to clear the underbrush and even cut down obstructing branches as I requested.

"Hey, look at that, cutting through those thick branches so easily."

"Yeah, his sword skills are impressive, but his strength is unbelievable."

The hunters whispered to each other.

Not as much as Jitaro, but if you lived in that town, you would likely develop similar skills soon.

"Hmm? This... probably..."

"What's wrong, Jitaro?"

"There's probably an Orc settlement ahead."

"Again? They keep popping up even though we thin them out."

"Huh? That's not good, we should go back—"

The hunters were about to say something, but I had a plan in mind, so I distracted them by engaging the children in conversation, not hearing the hunters' warning.

"This is perfect. Do you guys want to take them down a bit?"

"Huh!? Is that okay, onii-chan!?"

"Wait! Weren't we supposed to hunt boars!?"

"Monsters are scary..."

"Hmm, sounds fun."

Ed, Saika, Kai, and Wamika gave varied responses.

"You guys should be fine now. Ed, if you can handle the vanguard properly, right?"

"I got this! I can do it!"

"All right, it's settled."

"Wait!? Hey! Are you really going to let the children fight!?"

"What? If it gets bad, we'll help."

I retrieved the equipment I had stored in space for the children and distributed it to everyone.

Ed wielded a sword and shield, and Saika held a bow.

Kai and Wamika each gripped a staff.

"...The equipment seems unusually good?"

"Yeah, it's all made of hardened Mithril. The clothes also got reinforced with alchemy, stronger than regular armor."

The hunters were speechless.

While it was luxurious equipment for children, I didn't want them to get hurt, so I gave it to them. If they aimed to become adventurers, they would need usable equipment.

"Now, let's enhance them."

With a gentle tone, Wamika cast enhancement magic on Kai and Saika. She probably had the potential to be a priest or an enchantress.

"Okay, Kai, unleash your magic first."


"Who else?"

"Oh, right."

Guided by Jitaro, we moved to a position overlooking the Orc herd, about six of them in a small settlement.

"Hey, there are fewer than I expected."

"Huh!? No, no, Craft-san! They're Orcs, you know!? Even goblins are a handful for children!"

"It'll be fine. Kai, go ahead. Try it out."

"Uh... okay, I'll do my best."

Kai raised the staff, a Leifan-designed staff using magical stones lavishly. "Ice Pillar!"

A large icicle pierced an unsuspecting Orc, a blow fatal enough.

"Wha?! A kid using attack magic!?"

"And quite powerful too!"

Well, they've been drinking Mana Potions and practicing hundreds of times more than an adult every day. If they couldn't do this much, it would be a problem.

By the way, I only taught them once a week, with the other days for homework.

"Swift Wind Slash!"

Next, Saika fired an arrow. Since she didn't have much talent for magic, she was currently receiving private tutoring from Solar. Thanks to Legendary Stamina Potions, she had practiced hundreds of times more than an adult and had developed powerful techniques as a child.

Another Orc fell.

"Alright! Leave the rest to us!"

Of course, it was Ed who leaped forward.

"Strong Arm Strike! Falling Leaves Flash!"

Ed wasn't particularly good at magic but excelled in swordsmanship, so he was getting private lessons from Raidoc. 

Actually, not just Raidoc but adventurers were excitedly teaching them, so it was like the entire adventurer guild was nurturing the orphans. 

What he displayed were sword techniques that beginner adventurers would just be learning.

With the agility of a beastman, his swift and nimble attacks surpassed ordinary adventurers.

"What?! This can't be real!"

"Without any emblems, he's using sword techniques!?"

"That's disgusting!"

"I'm feeling sick!"

Well, it is surprising.

The orphans, who had helped with animal butchery at the orphanage, had no mental issues and were now dealing with Orcs effortlessly.

"Hmm, their situational awareness is a bit lacking."

"Yeah, indeed."

Jitaro nodded at my muttering.

As he responded, Jitaro fired his bow, taking down an Orc that had been hiding to target the children. Its head was blown off by the arrow.

"Ah! Sorry, Ed! I let my guard down!"

"Damn it! I was too focused on the fight. My bad."

"As long as you know, it's fine. Be more careful next time."

"Yeah, got it."

"Yes, Craft-oniisan."

"Good. Now, take their magical stones. You can use them as your allowance."

Once we returned to town, I would ask Jitaro to sell them through the Hunting Guild.

"Huh? Really!?"



The children joyfully stabbed knives into the Orcs' chests.

A heartwarming scene indeed.

"Oh... terrifying... Golden Dawn is terrifying..."

At least say it's reassuring.

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