04 March 2024

No Damage 4


4. Pierce! The Spear of the Thunder God

"Wait, wait a moment! I can't let someone who isn't even an adventurer do such dangerous things──"

Ignoring the voice from behind, I ran.

"Please, Lilith!"

Now is not the time for explanations.

"Over here!"

Shouting loudly, I ran towards the dragon's feet.

With tension, the sound of my heartbeat was unusually loud.

Thump, thump──thump!

The pounding was so intense it hurt my ears.

With a growl, the dragon turned its gaze towards me.

Crimson eyes reminiscent of raging flames.

It has a sleek, jet-black body with sharp angles.

A terrifying yet beautiful dragon.

Once again, I thought.

This isn't an opponent a human can fight, at all.

Just meeting its gaze was enough to make me feel like fainting from the pressure.

And a primal sense of fear.

Still──I can do this!

I forcefully turned my feelings positive.

With burning determination, I ran straight ahead.

The distance between me and the dragon narrowed to about ten meters.

To the massive dragon, it was practically within arm's reach.

Perhaps thinking of me as a bothersome fly, the dragon shook its body in annoyance.

Like swatting away trash, it swung its tail at me.


The tail approaching at high speed possessed a destructive force beyond measure.

A direct hit would mean certain death!

In an instant, a burst of colorful light erupted before my eyes.

Patterns reminiscent of the spread wings of an angel.

A dome of radiance enveloped my surroundings and centered around that angelic figure.

When the dragon's tail touched that dome,


With a deafening sound, it got repelled.

Shockwaves surged, and I braced myself on both feet.

I was unharmed.

I had no damage, at all.


From behind, I heard Lilith and Alice murmuring in astonishment.

Well, it is surprising.

"There's really no damage. That's a relief."

By the way, not a single tear in my clothes.

Apparently, my [No Damage Skill] not only applied to my bare body but also to the clothes I wore.

I hoped my clothes wouldn't get torn to shreds, so this was fortunate.

"Lilith, Alice. Prepare [Magic Missiles]!"

I yelled.

"It takes three minutes to charge up the magic. Don't push yourself too hard."

Finally returning from her surprise, Lilith responded with a composed voice.

"Let's go, sis. We'll defeat the dragon together."

"Yes. Um, please be careful..."

The beautiful sister duo expressed concern for me.

With my back turned, I lightly raised one hand.

Simultaneously, I heard the chanting of spells from behind.

They must be performing the initiation ritual for [Magic Missiles].

The spells chanted by Lilith and Alice simultaneously sounded like the melody of beautiful music.

Under different circumstances, I might have been captivated indefinitely.

But now, I have my own role to fulfill.

Distracted from the enchanting voices, I focused on the dragon.

Alright, let's keep drawing its attention.

I could face this once-intimidating black dragon with a calm mind now.

Its attacks couldn't harm me.

That realization provided me with a sense of reassurance.

"Hey, over here!"

I maneuvered around the dragon's side, inviting further attacks.

"Come at me with even stronger strikes. Enough to kill me!"

The dragon seemed to sense the provocation and roared in anger.

It attempts to crush me with its massive feet.

Immediately, I activated my skill.

In response to my will, the angelic pattern appeared again, deflecting the dragon's attack.

Naturally, I wasn't squashed flat, and I was unscathed.

Next, the dragon unleashed its Black Flame Dragon Breath.

Again, I used my skill to deflect it.

Without a single burn, I was safe.

Then came the claws, the fangs, unleashed in succession.

I blocked them all with my skill.

Amazing, no matter how much I took, there was no damage.

Moreover, even after using the skill about ten times, there seemed to be no limit.

I could still activate the skill countless times more. I could sense it.

But, it seemed I wouldn't need to use the skill any further.

"It's about time."

I smirked, lifting the corner of my mouth, and chuckled.

I checked the position between myself and the dragon.

Glancing briefly behind me, Lilith nodded.

Seems like they're ready.


Sending the signal, I sidestepped to open up the line of fire.

"Descend from the castle in the sky. The one who governs the thunder of the Nine Heavens. Crossed wings, supreme crown, shining attire. Followed by thirty-seven holy angels."

Lilith's spell resounded loudly.

Golden twintails and a black cape fluttered in the wind.

In her right hand, she held a silver staff adorned like a work of art.

At its tip was a crimson part resembling a giant arrowhead.

[Magic Missile].

An item that elevates a Common Spell of normal class magic to the power of a Rare Spell of supreme class magic.

Perhaps sensing the surge of strong magic, the dragon slightly recoiled.

But it was too late, even for a moment.

"Pierce, the spear of the Thunder God──[Raging Emperor Lightning Strike]!"

Lilith's spell was now complete.

A dazzling flash filled my vision.

Lightning descended from the sky, striking the black dragon like a golden spear.

Piercing through the dragon's body with immense force despite its formidable defense.


With a small groan, the colossal body slowly collapsed.

Accompanied by a rumble, the dragon fell to the ground.

"You saw what just happened, right? I'll block the dragon's attacks and buy time. Meanwhile, you guys use the magic missile to defeat the dragon."

I declare.

Ah, there's no turning back now.

Truth be told, I'm anxious.

Even if they explained the 'absorb all damage' skill, there are still too many unknowns.

Can it withstand physical attacks like dragon claws, teeth, or tail, in addition to flames?

How much damage can it endure?

Is it unlimited, or are there limits to the impact it can withstand?

I don't know anything.

But there's one thing I do know.

Seeing Lilith and Alice, who have no connection to us, risking their lives to protect my town.

I can't stay silent.

"There's no other choice. Here I am."

Even as I say this, the dragon might launch its next attack.

So, without waiting for an answer, I start running.

Now, let the strategy to defeat the dragon begin.

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