15 March 2024

Genius 12


Chapter 12. Just Like Before

"...Well, this turned out unexpectedly."

As a result of discussions with Katia's father, Jurgen, Hermes ended up working for the Trakia family.

Afterward, detailed discussions were held regarding specific conditions, but nothing was said that went against his wishes.

If anything, he only got prohibited from using his [Emerald Tablet] power recklessly. At least for now, reproducing bloodline magic in front of many people would have too great an impact on noble society, not to mention it could be dangerous for Hermes himself. 

Jurgen, who knows the capital well, advised that it would be better to refrain from it. After all, his main purpose in seeing bloodline magic is for analysis, so it's not a big issue.

Next, they discussed the escape drama that Katia experienced today with Chris. Since Chris specifically mentioned Aster's orders, Jurgen, as the Minister of Justice, will properly protest against him giving orders that ignore orderliness, even if it's from a royal.

For now, things should settle down over there. While there's still a possibility of danger, if Hermes fulfills his duties as a guard perfectly, it should be fine.

In any case, Hermes was assigned a guest room as both a servant and a guard, as mentioned earlier. It seems he can use this room entirely as his own.

He never thought that on his first day in the capital, he would sleep in a bed instead of a futon, let alone be guaranteed the best food, clothing, and shelter.

At night, on the balcony of such a room, Hermes murmured while looking back on the journey of almost half a day.

"Anyway, I'm grateful to Lady Katia."

"Ah, there you are, Hermes."

As if confirming rumors, Katia walked towards the balcony from the other side.

"This is perfect timing. I was thinking of talking a little more."

Her attire was the simple dress seen earlier.

It seemed more like loungewear, with minimal decoration, but when she wore it, it looked like a luxury item.

After all, the original material was excellent. The understated colors complemented Katia's vibrant hair and eyes, creating an enchanting beauty that melded into the night sky.

Perhaps noticing his gaze fixed on her, Katia tilted her head.

"What's wrong? Is there something strange?"

"Oh no, quite the opposite. I just thought again how beautiful you look."


Her cheeks noticeably blushed.

"You always were straightforward with compliments since long ago..."

With her hand on her face, as if concluding on her own while looking down, then she looked up with narrowed eyes.

"Speaking of which, I've been wanting to ask... what's with that tone of yours?"


"Yeah, it feels more distant compared to before. You don't even call me Katia anymore."

"Well, that's..."

He judged it'd be inappropriate and tried to respond with a more sensible approach.

"I am now a commoner, and I am now your servant, your retainer... It wouldn't be appropriate to keep things as they were."

"Then let's go to how it was when we're alone."


"In places where formalities aren't necessary, it's fine, right? If you call me your servant, then obey your master."

She rapidly made requests without looking at him.

It wasn't something to refuse, so he complied.

"Alright, Katia. Is this okay?"


After lightly trembling her shoulders, she finally faced him.

It would be best not to mention her slightly relaxed expression or the remaining blush on her cheeks.

"However... it feels unfamiliar. It's been years since I spoke so casually."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah. Since then, I've only lived in seclusion with my master in the hinterlands."

So, it had been about 5 years since he spoke in his old tone.

There was a nostalgic feeling to it.

Seeming interested, Katia leaned forward and asked.

"What was your master like?"

"Uh, as I said earlier, I can't talk about details like status or name... but roughly speaking, she was a bit of a wreck."

"A wreck?"

"Yeah. She was someone who seemed to have no interest other than magic. I took care of all the basic daily tasks. Once, she locked me out of her lab for three days, saying not to enter, and when I finally did, she was almost dehydrated and close to death. That was quite a shock."

"T-That's terrible..."

Looking back, it seemed like his devotion and dependence on his master had accelerated since then.

He shared a few more of Rose's bad episodes and concluded.

"But when it came to magic, she was really something. Until now, probably even in the future, I can confidently say she's the greatest magician in my eyes."

Hermes spoke calmly yet firmly, expressing his truth.

"...I see."

Hearing this, Katia smiled somewhat sadly.

"You were saved by that person... not by me."

"Huh? Well, I mean... both by her and by you. Before meeting my master, it was you who saved me."

"But that's not what I meant... Well, it's fine for now."

After that, they reminisced about some old stories here and there.

"...Speaking of which,"

Suddenly curious, Hermes asked.

"What have you been doing these past five years, Katia? Since you're engaged to Prince Aster, I assume there have been various things related to that?"


Instantly, her body tensed up.


"...Well, yes. There have been various things."

In a different atmosphere than before, Katia began to speak.

"Hey, Hermes, haven't you noticed anything?"


"Even though we're childhood friends and you're a servant, it's not common for us to be alone like this at night like this. Especially since I have a fiancé."


A clear premonition.

Before that took shape, she revealed the decisive words.

"That's right. Just last month, my engagement got called off. Now, I'm just a discarded noblewoman."

At the same time, in a room in the royal palace.

"I beg your pardon, Your Highness, I beg your pardon!"

The pitiful voice of Chris von Fremblied, with silver hair and emerald eyes, echoed.

"Silence. Who allowed you to speak back?"

Interrupting him was a beautiful yet confident voice, though currently somewhat displeased.

"I ordered you to capture Katia. And I provided you with enough force to do so."


"And yet, what happened? You were obstructed by some unknown magician and failed?"

Under the intimidating voice, Chris cowered without saying a word.

To be precise, it wasn't just any unknown magician who obstructed him. It was undeniably his own brother.

However, his minimal pride couldn't admit that fact.

Reluctantly, and prepared for further reprimands, he obscured the identity of the one who interfered with him.

But even if he had honestly disclosed it, the outcome wouldn't have changed.

Furthermore, he didn't realize that hiding it now would lead to even worse consequences.

"Katia is undoubtedly a nuisance to this country."

Ignoring his small calculations, the voice continued.

"She constantly hinders my ambitions, so I called off the engagement. Instead of accepting that, she continues to act recklessly."

Confident ─ or someone who never questioned themselves ─ the voice continued.

"If we let her go unchecked, she will undoubtedly bring disaster to this country. That's why we must capture her. Yet those stubborn old men have not charged her with any crime, claiming she hasn't committed any. They fail to see my foresight. That's why this country will never progress."

"Th-That's absolutely correct, Your Highness!"

Unable to withstand the pressure of silence, Chris shouted.

"Your Highness is truly a perfect hero! Your judgments have never been wrong! It's just ugly old men clinging to their status and power who hinder Your Highness's path ─"

"Stop with the blatant flattery. It's distasteful. You're making me doubt even my own rank."

Displeased, the voice dismissed him.

"...Very well. One should not think everyone can be as perfect as me without making mistakes. Perhaps this is a test from the gods to see if a king who tolerates subordinates' failures can truly lead."

Glancing at the apologetic Chris, the voice turned away.

Prince Aster Joseph von Eustia II left the room with an air of nonchalance.

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