26 March 2024

Earth Dungeon 67.2


Chapter 67.2. Negotiation

"No, this is the main deal. Sorry about that." 

Serika said as she reached out a hand to stop me from getting up. Huh? Weren't you interested in hearing about Shizuku?

I looked at her with a puzzled expression, and she nodded before proceeding with her main proposal.

"I received a research facility and became the director. However, I've been facing harassment in both tangible and intangible forms. I can't get staff to gather, and materials aren't coming in. I don't want to create more debts with my family, so I was wondering what to do. That's when I heard about you."

"I see. Go on."

I sat back down, ready to listen. It seemed this girl had risen to her position through her talents rather than being a typical noble. Otherwise, she wouldn't be struggling to gather staff as a director.

"So, I want to buy the materials from the monsters you've defeated. The Goblin King Sword is the minimum requirement. It's made of magic metal, you see. If you have anything more. Well, I'd like to hear about it, perhaps when you defeat stronger monsters. If possible, I'd like Azure Dragon's fangs and scales."

"Hmm... Honestly, I have plenty of Goblin King Swords, so that's fine. It depends on the price, though."

I narrowed my eyes at Serika, who was sending me an enticing glance and agreed. 

I had plenty of Goblin King's swords at home. As for Kouryuu's materials, I wasn't sure.

With a bright smile and a radiant face, Serika clapped her hands together.

"That's great! Also, I'd like you to take on some of my requests. Dungeon exploration, material gathering, and so on. Various things."

"I might refuse some, but go ahead. But the request fee will be high."

"Heheh, understood. It might be a relatively dangerous mission, so in place of a contract fee, I'll provide you with equipment. Oh, and if you bring materials, I can make weapons for you at a discount."

"The leftover materials go into your pockets, right?... But it's fine. I need better gear for facing stronger enemies than before. Just not any fantasy-style costumes."

I didn't want any fantasy-themed gear. It didn't fit my image.

"Don't worry, I understand that part. Well then, as an earnest money, take this."

Serika smiled warmly, leaned forward, closed her eyes, and.



She kissed my cheek. Just once.


Then, she pulled back, and I was left stunned, holding my cheek. I watched her antics with a bemused expression and chuckled.

"Is this the earnest money?"

"I-I can't believe you...kissed my cheek!"

She trembled, turned beet red, and waved her hands in front of her face.

"Fall, curse you, fall!"

[Magic Hard Shield]

A sudden gust of wind and a snappy slap, directed toward my cheek, I created a reinforced magic shield through combat magic to block the attack.

"If you do it, expect it to be returned. Did you think you could kiss someone's cheek without being prepared for retaliation? You little girl." 

I teased with a smirk, wagging my finger. Did you think I'd be surprised and flustered like a young man? Sorry, but I'm an old man. I won't be that easily flustered. However, the fact that the magic shield cracked was unexpected. 

It seems I underestimated her power.


Then, Serika let out an adorable scream, covered her face with her hands, and rolled on the floor. You tried to tease an adult, after all.

"N-No, it's okay, Serika! He was just messing with you. All he did was poke your cheek with his thumb." 

Karin rushed to explain the truth to Serika and tried to console her.

"Well, I couldn't just return the kiss to a young beauty like that without permission. Anyway, I'll take my leave now. Take care of the dwarf girl and the equipment."

I waved and left. I'm a hard-boiled man, after all.

[...Sakimori-san. Could you have defended against Serika-chan's kiss? You could have created a shield like Kenzan Shield, right?]"

Glaring at me with a displeased look, I managed to calm Shizuku-san by buying her some cake as a souvenir on the way back. Kenzan Shield is quite something.

Serika heard the old creaking door as I left.

"You're leaving?"

Serika stopped rolling on the floor, whispered to herself, and spoke up.

"Yeah, I'm heading home. Serika, you were surprisingly weak against teasing, huh?"

"No... that's not it. I was just surprised. You had combined magic weaponization with combat. The footage I received from Karin only showed the simultaneous use of magic and combat. So, that [Shadow Tiger]. It had the power to easily defeat a Goblin Knight. But it had magical weaponization too?"

Karin had secretly recorded footage of my dungeon exploration and shared it with Serika. After watching the video, Serika decided to win me over. Originally, she had planned to introduce me to an outer town construction company, but she went the extra mile to obtain Ryuko.

"You're a freakish magic operation user."

"That's not normal. I've never seen anyone who can use magic and combat simultaneously like that. You're not a demon from a demon family, right? You don't have multiple heads, do you?"

"Totally normal. You saw, didn't you?"

That's right, it was normal. It made me wonder how I could do that. It was as if I had a highly advanced calculation amplifier in my head.

"No, it's not normal at all. I'm getting really interested in this. I'm looking forward to our next meeting."

Serika smiled, clearly intrigued because she met an interesting man. His power might be quite useful.

"Your ears are all red."

I coughed softly and turned away from Karin, who was giving me a cold stare. Well, what did you expect? Most people would be surprised if they kissed on the cheek like that. To do it in return, and deceive her, no less.

Next time, I'll tease her.

For now, maybe I should buy some clothes.

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