27 February 2024

Twilight Alchemist 37


37. Being Trusted Is Something Hard To Notice At First, Isn't It?

When we returned to Pioneer Village, we started by explaining the situation to the residents and adventurers.

"What! Even though this is a place that Kyle-sama and Craft-san worked so hard to develop!"

"Damn it! I can't forgive them, even if they're nobles!"

"Now, everyone please calm down! Zaid-sama's proposal is by no means wrong. So, about the relocation—"

Before Kyle could finish speaking, all the villagers and adventurers stood up.

"Of course, we'll go with you!"

"Yeah! There's no way we'd stay behind, right!?"

"Guild Master! Adventurers will move together, but surely you're not suggesting we provide escort fees!?"

"Let's create a village even better than this one and shock them all!"


I watched their reactions with a bit of astonishment.

What Zaid promised was far more than the meager relocation funds for pioneers. I had thought that some portion would remain.

"Haha, Craft-oniisama really underestimates himself when it comes to his own affairs."

"What do you mean?"

"Craft-oniisama is the driving force behind the development of this village. Everyone understands that. If Craft-oniisama goes, it's obvious we'll follow!"

Is that really so?

We're moving to lands that are likely more dangerous than here. I thought there would be people who'd choose to stay behind as well.

And isn't it Kyle who gathers people's trust?

"Well, I understand that Kyle was more cunning than I thought. Anyway, let's discuss our next steps."


After that, we began sorting out the village's assets and individual belongings.

"We'll leave about half of the stamina potions behind."

"Yeah, it's a relief that Shirura-san has purchased nearly half of them for the shop."

"We'll buy them back from the development fund and distribute them to everyone as usual."

"I see."

"Most of the healing potions and cure potions have already been purchased by the Adventurers' Guild, with only one barrel of each remaining."

"If we're coming to this new land, having this much left is reassuring. I may dislike Zaid, but I don't wish for his death."

"Understood. What about alchemy and smithing supplies for potions and tools?"

"Those belong to the production guild or individuals."

"That's not a problem then. All the wood will be left behind."

"That's unavoidable. Besides, there are forests continuing into the new settlement area. We can secure as much as we need."


Wood needs to be dried for a long period, but with magic or alchemy, we can manage it somehow.

Since it's just the beginning, let's do our best there.

As for what was cunning about Kyle, it was that he had bought materials in Gandarl that seemed suitable for alchemy and smithing for the new pioneer village's assets.

Honestly, with the materials, we can make as many stamina potions or anything else as we want.

Most of the lacking materials can be procured locally by requesting adventurers, which is also an advantage.

"Earlier, the guild master mentioned that due to the guild's contract, they can't move, so they'll stay behind."

"I see... That's unfortunate."

"Yes. Once things settle down, we'll contact the headquarters of the adventurers' guild to arrange for their relocation to the new village."

"That's a good idea."

In this way, preparations progressed rapidly.

Normally, relocating over a thousand people would be quite troublesome, but it wasn't much of a problem for us.

First, security.

Since adventurers are moving together, their "protection" alone solves everything. 

Moreover, half of them are experts in dragon extermination. They're reliable.

When a Cyclops, known as an adventurer killer, suddenly appeared on the way, Raidoc defeated it effortlessly with a series of powerful techniques.

He's become ridiculously strong.

Next, speed of movement.

Thanks to the stamina potions and cure potions, everyone in the village is healthy. Moreover, they don't get fatigued.

It's like going on a picnic.

Finally, luggage.

Since I'm carrying everything with spatial storage, it's like a picnic indeed.

Fortunately, we had enough tents.

But seriously, how much can my storage hold?

It seems like there's no limit, but it's convenient, so I won't dwell on it too much. Maybe I should consult with Jabil-sensei when I have the time.

Entrusting everything to the guild master of the adventurers, we moved to our new home.

Surprisingly, there were no major troubles.

During the journey, Azur muttered quietly.

"Raidoc-san is so cool, isn't he?"


Well, it's not like we'd run into any trouble, right?

Leafan and the adventurer party, who had already moved ahead to the new location, welcomed us.

"We've been waiting for you! Kyle-sama, Craft-kun!"

"Hey, is there any problem?"

"We've cleared out the surrounding monsters, so it's safe. Also, based on the urban design you provided, Kyle-sama, we've decided on the layout of the buildings."

"As expected of you, Leafan."


"Alright, then everyone! Let's start by setting up temporary living spaces! Leafan, I'm counting on you."


The row of tents looked like a military encampment.

"Leafan, I've noticed something recently."

"What is it?"

"The villagers, especially those who've been here since the beginning, aren't they strangely getting stronger?"

"Oh, now that you mention it."

"Did you notice it too, Leafan?"

"Yeah, I did. The lumberjacks, for example, now carry whole logs by themselves. But why is that?"

"This is just a hypothesis, but I think it's because of the stamina potions."

"Huh? Aren't those like powerful energy drinks?"

"Yeah, but think about it. Basic physical training usually involves moving until you're tired, resting, and then moving again, right?"

"I see."

It seems Leafan has also noticed.

"Yes, they work all day at full capacity and sleep soundly at night. They keep repeating that. So, the laborers, especially, have become incredibly strong."

"Could it be the same for adventurers?"

"Most likely. I believe it's the biggest reason why we've been able to produce so many who can damage dragons in such a short time. Did you see Raidock the other day? In this short time, he's become able to defeat a Cyclops alone."

"Then should we stop distributing stamina potions?"

"That's the thing. After discussing with Kyle, it was decided to gradually reduce the effects given to the villagers. We'll stop distributing them altogether in about a year."

"I see, they were originally just for initial distribution."

"That's right. Please communicate this effectively to everyone."

"Got it. What about the ones for adventurers?"

"They'll remain the same as before."


It's not a problem even if adventurers become stronger.

For the stamina potions for villagers, it was decided with Kyle that while the duration of the effects remains the same, the potency will be gradually reduced to that of commercial products.

Of course, it's great that the residents are getting stronger, but Kyle concluded that it's a bit extreme and could lead to military use.

Well, there's nothing to be done about the initial members.

Actually, since there are many lumberjacks, they're a very welcome presence for the development of the new Golden Dawn Village.

Thus, thanks to the delightful companions who seem capable of scattering ordinary adventurers with just their strength, the newly born Golden Dawn Village develops at an astonishing pace.

It's truly surprising.

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