25 January 2024

Twilight Alchemist 19.2


19.2. We Need To Handle Valuables With Care, Isn't It?

"O... apologies for the wait, Kyle-sama."

"Welcome back, Leafan-san."

Leafan, who had been roughly handled by the merchant, finally entered Kyle-sama's mansion. His hair was in disarray.

"Now, please give us your report."

"Yes. I'll provide detailed written information about the encounters with monsters later. For now, here's an overview. In the forest, we encountered goblins, orcs, giant spiders, and what appeared to be a stray hydra."

"Indeed, this forest seems to be teeming with monsters. It's understandable why the development didn't go smoothly."

"Yes. Especially in the early stages of settlement, a large quantity of wood is needed. If we were to transport everything, the cost alone would destabilize the country, so being close to the forest is an absolute necessity."

"Of course, I understand. Now that we've completed the initial stages of village construction, stability should increase from here on. ...I apologize. Please continue."

Kyle-sama apologized for getting off track. It wasn't a noble-like behavior. They generally gave off an impression of being arrogant and condescending.

"We discovered a cave on-site and explored it. Inside, we encountered creatures such as rock lizards, will-o'-wisps, giant pill bugs, and a massive magical creature resembling a dung beetle."

"It seems like a challenging cave."

"Yes. However, thanks to Raidoc's party, we could progress without any casualties. I didn't expect a potent stamina potion to have such an impact on our strategy."

"I agree. While I had a vague understanding in theory, hearing about the actual results is impressive."

"The pinnacle was the Cyclops subjugation. It was possible because of Craft-kun's magic attacks, but exploring the cave's depths without encountering stamina depletion was crucial."

"Incredible. It's said to be the adventurer killer, right?"

This would be a difficult question for Leafan to answer.

"Yes. Unlike other magical creatures, Cyclops tend to suddenly appear alone. The guild doesn't know the reason. Well, the study of magical creature ecology hasn't progressed much. Not knowing where they are and their persistent nature towards humans makes them dangerous. If you encounter them unprepared, it usually ends in a wipeout."

"That sounds troublesome."

"The one time I encountered it in the past, I barely escaped with my life."

At that time, many coincidences in the terrain allowed for a successful escape. Normally, facing it head-on would have been an unwise decision. Raidoc's decision to fight was remarkable. It was a courageous act.

"Stamina potions, healing potions, sharpness oil, hard forging oil... With these, I feel our strength increases about tenfold."

"Yes, I believe so too."

"I can't give a definite answer. Assuming a tenfold increase in strength might be a bit dangerous."

"That's true."

Kyle-sama is responsible for this village. It's essential to be cautious.

"Now, about mithril, Leafan was already requesting to sell it immediately. What do you think is best?"

As far as I was concerned, as long as the required amount remained with me, I intended to follow Kyle-sama's judgment.

"Let's refrain from exporting for a while."


Leafan concurred with Kyle-sama's quick decision.

"Do you have a reason?"

"Well, recently, there has been a significant technological innovation in mithril processing. Moreover, it has spread rapidly."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. Even blacksmiths who couldn't touch mithril before can handle it now. With the demand for mithril skyrocketing, I thought it might be wise to wait for the market to peak. Flooding the market with a large quantity now could make other merchants resentful."

"I see. Prices are continually rising, too."

"That's right."

I understand. If I intend to profit, it would be safer to aim for the timing when the market has peaked. Dumping a large quantity into the market now might lead to resentment from other merchants.

"Understood. However, this is a personal request: I'd like you to allow the sale of weapons to the adventurers based in the village."

Otherwise, the plan might not progress.

"Yes, I understand. I'll think about the sales approach, but I'll make sure adventurers have something available for purchase."

"That would be helpful."

"With Raidoc-san's earnings, they should be able to equip themselves fairly quickly."

"That's true."

With the proceeds from the Cyclops' materials, Raidoc and his team would acquire a substantial amount of money. Given their usual performances, they would likely start equipping themselves with mithril gear.

"So, tomorrow, let's start making mithril ingots. But there's something I'd like you to make first."

"What is it?"

"A mithril, iron, and copper alloy... a large cauldron."

"A cauldron?"

"Yes, I want you to make an alchemical cauldron."

Alchemy is finally advancing to the next step.

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