21 January 2024

Seeker 280.1


Chapter 280.1. Hero Of The Divine Spear

Returning to the underwater city with the Merfolk warriors, the inhabitants welcomed us with anxious expressions.

Upon seeing this, the Merfolk King spoke loudly.

"Fear not, everyone! All threats that could endanger us have been eliminated! The Sahagin have been defeated, and the sea monster Kraken, which once terrified this sea, has been vanquished!"

Upon hearing the king's words, the uneasy Merfolk in the village erupted in cheers.

Men and women embraced each other, some held their children and sobbed - emotions varied.

The King raised his hand, gesturing for the people to quiet down.

The Merfolk village fell silent, awaiting the King's next words.

Once again, the King spoke eloquently.

"In this time of peace, it was through the brave efforts of our tribal warriors, risking their lives, and above all, the deeds of the heroes of the human race, that we were able to achieve this. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to those human heroes - Daichi, Kazane, and Hotaru! I ask you all to praise them as well!"

The Merfolk King had positioned the three of us at the forefront.

The attention of the village Merfolk turned towards us.

"Thank you! Heroes Daichi, Kazane, and Hotaru!"

One Merfolk in the village exclaimed, and this triggered a chorus of our names.

Daichi! Kazane! Hotaru!

Daichi! Kazane! Hotaru!

"Ugh, this is embarrassing, Daichi-kun..."

"W-Well, it's better for Senpai to get praised on behalf of all of us."

"Exactly. Daichi-kun is our leader. -Everyone! He's our leader, Daichi-kun!"

"If you'll praise him, please use Senpai's name!"

"Hey, you two."

Pushed by the two, I found myself standing in front.

The Merfolk of the village, initially looking puzzled, soon began chanting my name, seemingly reading the atmosphere.

Daichi! Daichi! Daichi!

I got bombarded with cheers.

It's so embarrassing I could die.

Damn it, remember this, you two behind me.

I'll definitely get back at you later.

After a while, the Merfolk King raised his hand again to calm the scene.

When I noticed, Princess Fermina was also by the King's side.

Gelarc-san had secretly brought her from a hidden cave.

The King addressed the villagers again.

"I believe that these three heroes of the human race were sent as a helping hand by the sea god Walnis. And my daughter Fermina made a promise to them. Without my permission as the tribal King, she promised to reward them appropriately if they assisted us. It's true, without my consent."

The King said this, laughing as if it were a joke.

Fermina retorted, "Father, really! Well, it couldn't be helped at that time!" The villagers laughed.

Then, the King waited for the crowd to settle down, and this time, he proudly presented the spear he held to the villagers.

That spear was the divine spear - the Spear of the Sea God Walnis.

After defeating the Kraken, I returned it to the Merfolk King.

"This divine spear is said to be a treasure once in the hands of our tribal hero king. Today, it was sleeping deep in the cave for sealing the calamitous sea monster Kraken. And that calamity has been defeated by the hands of the heroes here! Therefore, I intend to entrust this divine spear to the messenger of the sea god Walnis. What do you all think?"

The Merfolk villagers were momentarily astonished.

But soon, realizing they were being asked by the King, they began to exchange glances with those around them.

Eventually, one Merfolk shouted, "Agreed! That divine spear is truly fitting for them!"

Starting with that voice, voices of approval echoed one after another.

Soon, the voices of the people echoed unanimously.

With the conclusion reached, the King calmed the crowd once again.

Then he turned to me and extended the spear.

"Hero Daichi of the human race, I want you to accept this divine spear."

"Uh, um... yes. I will gratefully make use of it."

As respectfully as possible - almost like receiving a diploma - I accepted the divine spear.

Cheers erupted from the villagers.

The cheers praising Hero Daichi resurfaced.

Um? While I'm extremely happy to receive this divine spear, is this really okay?

I mean, for a moment, I was thinking some wicked thoughts, you know?

Pretty wicked thoughts? Is that okay?

Alright. If I stay silent, it probably won't be noticed.

Having received praise from the Merfolk and the divine spear, we continued with a bit of conversation before the dissolution of the gathering.

Afterward, we were allowed to tour the underwater city before deciding to leave the village.

At the farewell, Princess Fermina and her escort Gelarc-san came to see us off once again.

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