28 December 2023

Seeker 267


Chapter 267. Underwater Exploration

The landmark for the location of the underwater city, the Mermaid Rock, is a small rocky area that rises from the sea surface to a height of several meters.

Floating alone in the vast ocean, the rocky reef earned its name from the past anecdote of "seeing a mermaid".

Having reached the mermaid rock by boat, we anchored the boat on the rocky reef and landed on a piece of land so small that calling it "land" seemed presumptuous.

From here on, the exploration would continue underwater.

The Aquaform would truly come in handy.

"Well then, let's split up and search for the underwater city. The southern side, where the port town Baren is visible, is over there. I'll explore the north, the boy takes the south, Kazane explores the east, and Hotaru explores the west. Aim to return and report by 10 minutes. Someone might have found the underwater city during that time."

Rebecca-san looked at the three of us and gave these instructions.

It's easy to forget, but she is the client for this quest.

"Will we really find the underwater city with this method?"

As Yumitsuki raised a skeptical voice, Rebecca-san waved her index finger dismissively.

"Don't worry, the underwater city is somewhere nearby. Trust my investigation and instincts."

"If we don't find it by nightfall, we'll give up the search and consider the quest fulfilled, right?"

"Yeah, that's the contract—hey, don't you believe me at all, boy!?"

With Rebecca-san's retort, laughter filled the air.

Well, in reality, I think there's a reasonable chance that the destination is somewhere in the nearby underwater area.

Even if it turns out to be a bluff, the calculations have been made to ensure the investment pays off.

In addition to the 30,000 points from the special mission, clearing an S-rank quest would give another 30,000 points, totaling 60,000 experience points earned.

It's a decent amount of experience points for a two-day quest.

Of course, it would be fantastic if we could get 50,000 points for reaching the underwater city.

Finding the underwater city would bring joy not only to Rebecca-san but to us as well.

So, the underwater exploration by the three of us and Rebecca-san began.

My responsibility was the south side of the mermaid rock.

After parting ways with Wind Sound, Yumitsuki, and Rebecca-san, I dived into the sea.

The miniaturized Griffin followed me.

Diving into the sea, I swam underwater.

Thanks to the Aquaform's power, there were no issues with breathing, and I could smoothly advance into the depths.

Things like water pressure seemed to be reduced, making underwater activities comfortable.

In the beautiful emerald-colored sea, colorful fish swam, and I could see groups of swaying seaweed and coral resembling jewels on the seabed.

I continued to swim around, searching for something resembling the underwater city.

The depth of the water to the seabed wasn't very deep, but as I went deeper, it became quite dark.

Visibility was accordingly limited.

Even if there was an underwater city nearby, finding it wouldn't be that easy, I thought.

After swimming around for a few minutes with no significant findings, I thought it was about time to return and report.

When I returned to the mermaid rock, Yumitsuki, who had drips of water on her, was waiting on the rocky shore.

Almost at the same time I returned, Wind Sound also surfaced.

"Senpai, Wind Sound-san, welcome back. Any findings?"

"No, nothing here so far. What about Wind Sound… I mean, Wind Sound?"

"Hehe, but I haven't found anything either. It seems like we'll have to search patiently. If it's too far, it's beyond our reach."

"Originally, it's a story like catching clouds. Oh, we also found nothing."

Wind Sound and I climbed onto the rocky shore, taking a brief break.

The mini-Griffin shook its body, shaking off water from its fur.

However, after about five minutes, the client didn't return.

"Rebecca-san is late."

"I wonder if something happened. But Rebecca-san is a free spirit."

"Let's wait for just five more minutes... I mean, let's wait. If she doesn't come back, let's consider our options."

"I heard from Wind Sound, but Senpai, you seem awkward."

"Don't force yourself; take it gradually, gradually."

"Yes. Wind Sound… I mean, with Wind Sound, the polite form has become a habit."

Habits are hard to break.

But I want to shorten the distance with Wind Sound, so I'll try my best moderately.

After that conversation, another five minutes passed.

Rebecca-san still didn't return.

"We should consider that something might have happened to Rebecca-san and take action."

"Something like what?"

"Monsters rarely appear around here. Maybe she found the underwater city and went there alone?"

"Rebecca-san isn't that free... at least, I want to believe so."

It's hard to deny the possibility.

After all, it's Rebecca-san. Trust is lacking.

"Let's dive into the sea on the north side, which was Rebecca-san's exploration area."

"Sounds good. If we miss each other, we'll blame it on Rebecca-san."

Decision made.

The three of us, along with one animal, decided to dive into the sea on the north side of the mermaid rock, which was Rebecca-san's exploration area.

Entering the sea, we swam around for a while.

Eventually, Wind Sound pointed ahead.

"Daijikun, look...!"

"Yeah. It really exists..."

Quite a distance ahead.

Beyond a large rocky reef, a faintly visible appearance of what seemed like a peculiar city at the dim sea bottom began to appear.

Houses made of coral combinations and dwellings using giant bivalves seemed to gather in groups of two hundred or three hundred, forming a large village.

In the central part, a particularly splendid building (?), resembling a tower made of a giant shell, was visible.

If there is something called an underwater city, that appearance could only be described as such.

"Rebecca-san, did she really go to the underwater city alone?"

"I don't know. But it seems reasonable to consider that possibility. Let's go."

Mission-wise, we wouldn't receive experience points without reaching the underwater city.

The three of us decided to swim past the nearby rocky reef and head towards that settlement.

That's when it happened.

"Wait! Don't get any closer to that place now!"

A woman's voice could be heard from somewhere nearby.

It wasn't Wind Sound or Yumitsuki's voice.

Looking closely, there was a cave beneath the rocky reef we were about to pass, and someone was appearing there.

The upper body was that of a human beauty, and the lower body was a fish.

To describe that figure in one word—


The three of us harmonized in surprise.

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