10 December 2023

Mob MC 372.2


Chapter 372.2. Parfait

-Miu's POV-

I don't want to use that method. If I leave behind my power, someone might eat it. 

Well, there's no one else here except me. Those noisy people from a long time ago have transformed into mist-like entities and are just drifting around.

Since I'm a gourmet, I don't want to eat residual powers like that. 

I decided to think of another method. 

My intelligence has improved, so I'm sure I'll come up with a fantastic idea.

As I ponder, the cause of my increased intelligence, the old man with the shining ball, comes to mind. The shining light ball was him.

Hmm, I'll follow what the old man said!

"All right! Here we go!"

I jump, and as a brilliant idea comes to mind, I take out the special bird feather that fluttered down from the sky some time ago. 

Pouring my power into it, I create another me in the image of the eaten shining ball.

A floating shining ball appears in front of me. It's a tiny shining ball; I only have a bit of power. 

I created it using only my power, so it doesn't have a soul. But it has consciousness, so it's not a big problem.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm okay, me."

The small shining ball transforms into my likeness and smiles.

"Can you make it there?"

I will eat the sources of recovery within the parfait. I'm sure the parfait will try to interfere. 

With my limited power, I might get defeated.

"There are more delicious things in the world! The old man will help as proof!"

"Oh, that's amazing. So, should I just cheer you on?"

Applauding, he praises me. 

Then, can I eat the whipped cream?

"No, you can't, me. Well, tell me various things from the outside."

"What kind of things?"

"If something happens that prevents the parfait from recovering, let me know. See, like this."

I point to the glass, and place my hand on it, and it feels cool and pleasant. Pressing my cheek against it, I examine it closely.

"There are lots of light lines!"

Light lines run through the inside of the parfait. No, the parfait seems to be a mass of these light lines. 

They are bundled together to form a big parfait!

"It seems like a secret to returning to its original state. I plan to secretly eat this! But it seems like it wants to return."

"Come to think of it, things have been strange lately."

I backtrack my memory and recall. Even if I'm not aware, I remember everything. I hadn't thought about it at all.

In my memory, the bundles of light unravel and twist together repeatedly. "Do you remember?"

"Yeah, I remember!"

Due to the repeated process, a crack appeared in the parfait glass. 

I think it's probably the fault of the person who was shaking it.

"It will probably return even if you eat it. So, let me know when it's about to return."

"Yeah, I'll keep an eye on it from the outside!"

Smiling, I respond, it's okay to nibble on the wafer while doing that.

"If it's about to return, let's eat its foundation."

"Got it! I'll let you know right away!"

We look at each other's faces and laugh together. 

It's so exciting. I don't have to eat only wafers any more. Wafers are delicious, though.

"Eat, eat, and I'll keep getting bigger!"

"Looking forward to it!"

We clap our hands and start dancing. Tantantaratara.

While dancing, I remember the people who used to live around the parfait dancing as well. Neither of us has ever danced before, so we stumble and fall, but it's so much fun.

Both of us end up on our backs.

Then, holding hands, we laugh together. It's the first time it's been so much fun.

"We're going to eat a lot, right?"

"Yeah, if the parfait doesn't return to its original state, I'll eat from the outside too!"

Since we're connected, if the other eats, I'll feel the taste too. Exciting!

"This parfait is ours."

"Let's eat it all!"

We won't give it to anyone. It has been mine since ancient times.

"The old man will teach us various things! Hehe, looking forward to it."

But I'm a little curious about what the old man said. There must be something fun other than the parfait.

"I'll send a lot of power from the outside too!"

Let's eat it up.

Let's eat it all up.

I'm sure it will work out. After all, we've become smarter.

Let's kick out anyone who gets in the way. Let's tell them this parfait is ours.

"Well then, I'm off!"

"Good luck!"

Waving our hands with big smiles, I slip through the hole, disappearing into the parfait.

I also wave my hand with a big smile. It will surely work out. Hehe, we're such good friends; it'll be fine.

After watching me completely enter the parfait, I also moved to cheer me on.

"Well, since my power is still weak..."

I talked to the old man who came from the outside. Hmm, that's what happened! If I use this, I can eat the parfait and become stronger.

It seems interesting!

"Well... Jobs..."

Giggling, I shine my eyes with an expectation I've never had before.

Then, as I gradually increase my power... there was something even more wonderful than the parfait, so I'm very happy.

After all, it would be sad if it ended after eating everything. I didn't know that a family's love could be so sweet. 

For the sake of my kind family and the old man, I decided to create a new parfait.

I'll make a parfait even more delicious than before.

After a while, a gap appeared that I could pass through, so I transformed back into a snake and slipped in.

Hehe. Finally, my wish is coming true!

That's how I, who created Takano Miu, came to be.

But once it's eaten, there's no going back.

Chew, chew.

Hmm, not very tasty.

But somehow, my head feels clearer.

I wonder why, but I quickly get distracted by something else.

I've discovered a major secret.

"These wafers are regenerating!"

While I was eating the wafer, the wafer that I thought I had finished eating magically returned to its original state.

I've discovered an amazing secret. I realize with excitement, breathing heavily. I do somersaults in joy. Rolling and tumbling around, I noticed that the wafer I had been eating had also returned.

"It should never disappear no matter how much I eat."

I had never considered that a parfait could regenerate. 

However, it seems that eating that shining ball improved my intelligence.

Without biting into the regenerated wafer, I cross my arms and ponder. 

At this rate, I'll never be able to eat the parfait. 

But I am different now. My head is smarter.

I gaze at the parfait intently. Being observant is important, as my intelligent self has realized. Sniffing and swaying my body, I observe.

While watching, I noticed something.

"It's recovering! It seems there are several points where the power is gathering!"

I've noticed that power is particularly concentrated in some areas. I might be a genius.

However, the parfait is in a glass, and I can't bite into it. What should I do?

"I should eat where the power is gathering bit by bit from the top!"

I'm so smart! I stand up straight and climb onto the parfait. 

There used to be a bird at the top, but it disappeared after a commotion, making it peaceful.

I bite into the cloud-like whipped cream.

The fluffy texture and the almost melting sweetness. Delicious. I put my hand on my cheek, roll around, and smile broadly.

But the whipped cream returns to its original state too quickly. Hmm, I want to eat it all, though. It seems like eating from the top won't work.

I look around, wondering what to do. Is there any solution?

While looking around, I noticed something else.

There is no one shaking the parfait. I wasn't interested in what they were doing, but there was a small hole in the glass where they used to shake it.

That must be the trace where the first shining ball passed through! Surprisingly, it seems that a hole was made.

I move over and sit in front of the hole. Can I enter from here?

"But it's so small."

I can't pass through. The hole is too small even for my little finger. How did the person who was shaking it manage to pass through?

I try to remember the method that person used to enter.

"They turned into a small shining ball, right?"

Leaving almost all of their power behind, they shrank their body to pass through.

The power left around them is drifting like mist. That power is also gradually entering the hole.

Hmm, I see. That's the way to do it. But it might be impossible for me.

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