14 December 2023

Bottom Tier 43


Date With Ao-chan Part 1

I couldn't sleep at all. 

When I looked at my face in the mirror, faint dark circles had formed. 

"Is my outfit okay? Is that date plan okay...?" 

Because I know the town so well, I couldn't stop thinking about going here and there, and it became endless in my mind. 

Maybe there's a chance for intimacy? 

Thinking about such things, I got excited again.

Is the outfit I bought not suitable? 

I began to worry even more in bed.

I pulled out the newly bought outfit, put it on, and washed my face. 

Since we didn't specify a meeting time, it would probably be the usual time before noon. 

This is the time to go in search of the quest. 

It's because Ao-chan tends to drink heavily and can't wake up in the morning at all.

I slapped both cheeks to boost myself. 


While waiting in front of the inn, Ao-chan seemed to see me from the window. 

"Wait a little longer!" 

Her voice came from above.

"Oh, okay." 

Even my voice sounds stiff. 

Despite being together almost every day, I get nervous when it comes to a date. 

Should I do this or that, repeated the date simulation in my mind, and while wandering around the entrance and exit, Ao-chan arrived.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." 

Oh! She's an adult woman! 

Ao-chan was wearing a knee-length dress. 

The arms and chest are slightly see-through, giving it a sexy touch. 

Her hair gets tied in a ponytail, and she's carrying a small bag. 

It looks like an evening dress but not too formal.

"Shall we go?" 


We start walking side by side. 

Normally, she would ask, "How does it look? Does it suit me?" but not today. 

No enthusiasm, no desire—this must be what adult composure is like.

"When did you buy that outfit?" 

"Well, anytime is fine, right?" 

Let's keep silent about it. 

So it doesn't look like I hastily bought it. 


Ao-chan looked me up and down twice and smiled.

"It's good. Looks cool." 

I'm going to die. 

The brightness of her smile is too much. 

"No, no, no, well, thank you." 

"Hehe. You're getting into the mood." 

It's fun. 

Five minutes into the date, and it's already fun. 

Maybe Ao-chan unexpectedly thought of coming in a normal outfit. 

But that wasn't the case.

It was clear from her attire that she was going on a date with me properly, facing me directly. 

I was happy about that.

"Sensei, too—"

When I tried to continue, Ao-chan cleared her throat. 



"Anything is fine, but today, I'm not a teacher." 

With a sharp expression, Ao-chan separates her on and off. 

"Call me something other than 'sensei' please." 

"Then, Nakabayashi-san." 

"Why!? That's the most distancing way!" 

We both laughed at each other for a moment.

"You call me Ao-chan, right?" 

Why that? 

"Well, yes. ...Is that okay?" 

"Yeah, it's fine." 

"Then, Ao-chan." 


Ao-chan seemed restless with the unfamiliar way of addressing her. 

"Your outfit today is mature and lovely." 

"Really!? Yay!" 

Ao-chan was happy, but she quickly shook her head and returned to her usual expression. 

"Well, um. Okay, okay, okay, yeah, yeah, it's nothing much."

Could it be that Ao-chan is just pretending to be an adult? 

She's trying hard to show a kind of dignity for the date. 

I understand that this attitude is also cute.

"When did you buy that outfit?" 

"It's a secret." 

Since there are often clothes appearing without me knowing, she probably bought presentable clothes in advance. 

"Where are we headed?"

"In the town square, there's a hero's statue."


"I was thinking of seeing it, but I thought it might be boring."

"Yeah, I think so."

"So, let's start with a dining district that Ao-chan would enjoy."

"Oh, really?"

Her eyes sparkled a bit.

Since this is the capital, various foods and drinks are gathered from different places.

"How about some sake tasting, milady?"

"Really?! Sounds super great!"

Ao-chan's excitement rose, and she became like a gal. 

In the first shop, we tried sweet sake, dry sake, and refreshing sake in small sips, and Ao-chan was in a good mood. 

There were unique drinks only available in this world

But some were the same as in our world.

"Oh, the flavors are totally different. This is also good."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it."

"You can taste so many different things."

"Yeah, yeah." 

Ao-chan nodded happily, but then she suddenly realized something.

"Wait! This isn't right!"


"I was supposed to encourage you today, Minato-kun, but I'm the one getting treated!"

Was that the intention? 

"Well, then it's my turn next."

"Where are we going?"

Leaving the liquor store, Ao-chan walked confidently.

"To a butcher shop. A place where you can eat lots of good meat."


"Minato-kun, you really love meat. You always eat a lot. But you seem to hold back because I'm paying a little."

"You're observant."


Thinking back, whenever I ate a lot, Ao-chan seemed to watch over me with a smile. 

We arrived at a steakhouse, and Ao-chan emphasized.

"You really don't need to hold back today.". 

So, I started ordering the meat I was curious about.

While Ao-chan ate one piece, I polished off two, then three.


"When Ao-chan drinks alcohol, I feel the same way."

"I see. I understand now."

Putting a hand on her mouth, Ao-chan smiled elegantly.

Whether she was happy I was eating meat, Ao-chan's cheeks remained relaxed.

"Is it really fun to watch people eat?"

Are you a fan of eating shows?

Ao-chan, shaking the glass of red wine she ordered, propped her chin and gazed at me.

"Yeah. It's like watching a puppy eat so innocently and cutely."

"Is that so...?"

Is cute a compliment? But even if Ao-chan said that, I didn't mind.

"It's the energetic vibe of growing up, which I don't have. I like it."

"I can still eat more."

"Amazing. Maybe it's because you move and fight a lot."

"Maybe there's a connection, maybe not?"

After eating two more pieces, I finally felt full, and we left the restaurant.

"I could have paid for the earlier meal."

"You usually treat me, and today is a date I invited you to."

"Oh... right. Thank you."

Tehehe, Ao-chan blushed and smiled shyly.

After that, we strolled through the town. 

While I was familiar with it, Ao-chan, not knowing it well, didn't have time to look around slowly.

Passing by the equipment shop out of habit, the familiar shopkeeper teased us. 

"Couple adventurers, is it a date today?"

"Yes.", Ao-chan replied boldly.

"That's great, being young and all."

We nodded and walked away.

It's good that we didn't look like siblings.

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