26 November 2023

Seeker 244


Chapter 244. The Return Of The Thug Adventurer

We, having completed the application for the Raid Quest to defeat the Killer Ants, soon found ourselves meeting with three other parties participating in the raid. 

In one corner of the Adventurer's Guild building, 16 adventurers gathered, including our party. 

Besides us, there were two four-member parties and one five-member party. 

They seemed to be rough-looking men, with not a single woman in sight. 

The age range was from the late 20s to around the 40s. 

The leader of the 5-member party, a robust middle-aged adventurer in his forties, took charge and began addressing the group.

"Alright, we're all here. These 3 parties are familiar faces—though there are 3 unfamiliar ones."

The man's gaze turned towards us, and we politely nodded in acknowledgment. 

However, the eyes of the surrounding adventurers were directed at Kazane-san and Yuzuki.

"Hehe. Still a bit green, but not bad."

"Yeah, they're quite the catch."

One adventurer licked his lips, and another laughed in agreement. 

The other adventurers also directed various degrees of similar looks towards us.

Ah, these guys are that type.

I was already feeling weary. 

On the other hand, Kazane-san, sensing those gazes, coldly spoke up without mercy.

"Excuse me. It's unpleasant, so could you stop staring?"

"Yeah, it's not cool. Only seniors can stare at us."

Yuzuki said the same and clung to my left arm. 

Seeing this, Kazane-san, as if it were a brilliant idea, also clung to my right arm. Some of the adventurers who had been giving us impolite looks openly clicked their tongues at the sight of the three of us forming a trio.

"Tch, a harem guy."

"Damn, that kid is monopolizing 2 beauties. Ridiculous."

Ah, I remember this pattern.

It's like when those nostalgic thug adventurers bothered us.

However, the atmosphere was a bit different from that time.

The men laughed cheerfully and continued making remarks one after another.

"Hey, bro, isn't monopolizing 2 beautiful women not cool? Don't you think?"

"Yeah, yeah. Just lend one to us unlucky guys. Even for just one night."

"No, no, it's pitiful to let him handle this many people alone. Let's borrow both of them."

"No way! Then both of them together!"



Ah, what do you say to this?

I somehow understood that these people were probably just making crude jokes without any malicious intent. 

However, whether they meant harm or not didn't matter much to us, as we were genuinely uncomfortable. 

Additionally, the murderous intent emanating from Kazane-san was palpable, while Yuzuki seemed more frightened. 

I wondered if this was the type of company that remained once most adventurers with decent conduct became Holy Knights. 

I started to understand why adventurers got disliked by the general populace.

Regardless, it was essential to assert ourselves and not be taken lightly in this situation. 

After taking a deep breath and preparing myself, I addressed the men.

"So, we've all gathered here for the Raid Quest, right? Can we get to the main topic soon? Or should I take charge?"

There was a hint of hostility in my words, and I felt it was inevitable. 

I wasn't about to tolerate disrespect towards my companions.

"Oh, looks like the senior is angry!"

"Good going, Daichi-kun! Say more!"

The 2 girls clinging to me enthusiastically cheered me on. 

Well, it seems like they've regained their composure.

On the other hand, the group of more than ten adventurers facing us visibly soured in the mood. 

One of them seemed about to say something like, "What's with this kid?" and step forward, but a man who appeared to be the leader of the 5-member party restrained him.

"Stop it, Nick. We're about to tackle the raid. Don't cause unnecessary trouble."

"Tch... Fine, Gadol. If you say so."

The agitated adventurer reluctantly backed off. 

So, the person who seemed to be the leader of that 5-member party was named Gadol. 

He appeared somewhat decent, and it seemed like the other adventurers respected him.

I thought if we left it to him, the raid's management would generally go smoothly.

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