09 October 2023

Seeker 203


Chapter 203. Meeting (3)

Now, refocusing our attention, the meeting began. Chairman Balzamunt began by saying,

"First, let's clarify what we want to request from the Human warriors and Yusefia-san. We need assistance to resolve the ongoing monster attack issue that threatens this town."

"Hmm, I expected as much. So, do you have any specific plans in mind?"

Yusefia-san quickly responded.

While I couldn't help but be concerned about the reward amount, bringing up money seemed inappropriate. 

I decided to follow the flow of the conversation for now. 

To summarize the main points:

Namely, Dwarf town Dagmahar is under continuous attack from hordes of monsters. 

Although Bargamund-san assessed the immediate defense forces upon his return, the issue was far from resolved. 

It is only natural to want to fundamentally resolve this abnormal situation for the peace and security of the settlement. 

The increasing strength of the attacking monsters with each assault is also a cause for concern. 

By taking all those problems into account. We're currently exploring ways to fundamentally resolve the situation. 

Bargamund-san responded to Youthsphere's question while stroking his impressive beard.

"I cannot say for certain, but I agree with Yusefia's hypothesis. In other words, the cause of this monster attack problem could be..."

"Is it highly likely that a new dungeon has appeared near this settlement?"

Kazane-san continued the sentence.

Bargamund-san nodded knowingly.

"Yes. At least, that's the premise I'm working on for now. So, I want to search the vicinity of this town, but we can't neglect the town's defense. That means the warriors of this settlement won't be enough, even with me included."

"So, is that where we come in?"

In response to Yuzuki's question, Baramund-san nodded again.

"Even if we say we'll search thoroughly, if a horde of monsters that large has been advancing, there should be some traces left behind. Therefore, I don't think the dungeon search will be too difficult. If the dungeon is nearby, we should be able to find it quickly. I estimate within a day, or at most two days."

"The problem is what comes after – conquering the dungeon, right?"

At my words, Bargmund-san nodded once more.

"Yes. But in any case, to simultaneously defend the village and strategize for the dungeon. We need you, our guests. I promise to offer you Human warriors a reward of 10 gold coins per person a day. If you agree to venture into the dungeon, we'll discuss it separately about that."

Upon hearing Bargamund-san's words, the other Dwarf warriors who were attending the meeting began to clamor.

Bargamund-san yielded his seat, and Grunba-san, who was sitting next to him, stood up and confronted Bargamund-san.

"Ten gold coins per person per day!? Bargamund, that amount is outrageous! Do you intend to empty the village treasury?"

However, Bargamund-san, faced with the protest, remained unperturbed.

"It's unavoidable. Offering a reward commensurate with one's abilities is a matter of honor among warriors. And you three are at 'that level.' Right, Human warriors?"

It seemed that he knew about our limit break.

He can somehow tell the strength of opponents who are lower level than him.

"Yes, that's right. We didn't plan on mentioning it unless asked, but we've also achieved a Limit Break. We're nowhere near Yusefia-san's level, though." 

I replied while adding in my mind, "For now.".

Apart from my expectations, the commotion among Dwarf warriors grew considerably.

"What!? Those Human warriors also achieved a limit break!?"

"No wonder they're so strong..."

The way the Dwarf warriors looked at us seemed to change slightly. 

It shifted from trust and reliance to respect.

In the world of adventurers and warriors, there's a tendency to place trust and respect in those with strength. 

I couldn't help but feel uneasy about those glances, given that we were here more due to luck than anything else.

As for the reward amount that Dwarf warriors were making a fuss about:

With a reward of 10 gold coins per person per day, when converted to gold coins for the entire party, it amounted to a value equivalent to 300 gold coins per day.

When we headed to the Dragon's Valley, it included a big job of dragon slaying and was a three-day forced march with a reward of 500 gold coins.

On the 6 day journey we undertook at Eslyn-san's request, she promised us about 600 gold coins if we didn't go through the Adventurer's Guild as intermediaries.

In comparison to those, the reward amount offered by Bargamund-san was certainly a generous sum, considering the honor it entailed.

Bargamund-san added.

"If the village treasury does run dry, we'll liquidate non-gold assets if necessary. A few hidden treasures or two won't be much for the village's future. Or if you have any other suggestions, I'm willing to hear them."

"Ugh... No, I can't think of any. Fine, I'll go along with the chief's decision." 

Grunba-san reluctantly agreed and sat back down.

The other Dwarf warriors also seemed to generally accept the terms.

And at this point... 


The usual notification came in.


Special mission: Resolve the monster attack issue in the Dwarf town Dagmahal!

Experience Points earned upon mission completion... 100,000 points.



All three of us, Kazane-san, Yuzuki, and I couldn't help but exclaim in unison. 

The reason was the unprecedented and exceptionally high amount of experience points being offered as a reward for this mission, within immediate reach.

Though Dwarf warriors seemed puzzled, we managed to laugh it off.

For reference, the highest experience points we had earned from a special mission until now were 30,000 points when we went to collect elixirs in the Dragon's Valley.

This new offer was more than triple that amount, a whopping 100,000 XP.

However, such a high experience points reward also implied a higher level of danger, or at least, that's what we had to consider.

When the experience points reward is this substantial, it's hard to be unconditionally excited. 

After a brief moment of contemplation, I proposed Bargamund-san.

"Could we have some time to step outside and discuss whether or not we'll accept this request?"

"Sure, I understand. Let's take a break then."

With Bargamund-san's words, the meeting was temporarily adjourned.

Yusefia-san also stretched in a corner of the room.

"Well... Then, I'll step outside for a bit too."

"Yeah, don't run away, Yusefia."

"I'm not running! Bargamund, what do you take me for?"

"Oh, I just find it amusing to tease my dear friend."

"Grrr... Remember this, you!"

Yusefia-san's reaction brought out laughter, diffusing the tension in the meeting room.

Together with Kazane-san and Yuzuki, I stepped outside the Dwarf warriors' garrison.

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