06 September 2023

Earth Dungeon 62.1


Chapter 62.1. Elf

Elves possess powerful magic abilities due to their skewed stats. They have an affinity for versatile spirit magic, such as reconnaissance, offense, defense, and healing, making it a predetermined path for them to become magicians. 

Born into the prestigious Minamoto family in the inner town, Minamoto Fuuka had all the power, wealth, and martial prowess one could ask for. Her skill, [Elf Transformation], predetermined her path as a magician. 

She was destined to have a military career and became a soldier. 

Her unique skill, [Grand Magic], pushed her further in that direction. Her parents were delighted, her clan celebrated, and her future seemed like a paved path.

In addition to the rare [Elf Transformation] skill, there were only three individuals, including Fuuka, known to possess the [Grand Magic] skill since the appearance of dungeons. 

The [Grand Magic] skill allowed her to wear magician-type equipment without any penalties and master the four elemental magics of fire, water, wind, and earth, along with the [Four Elemental Magic] skill, which also came with magic effect enhancements.

[Four Elemental Magic]... Fuuka knew that elements weren't that straightforward, but it was recorded that way on the status board. There was nothing she could do about it. 

She couldn't use any martial skills, which bothered her, but in return, the [Grand Magic] skill was so potent that it made up for it. Fuuka was hailed as a genius even though she hadn't done much yet, and she found herself burdened with the expectations of being from a prestigious clan with a relatively short history. Past holders of the [Grand Magic] skill had been overwhelmed by its immense power and had easily fallen to monsters. She was warned to be careful.

"Ugh... how boring."

I muttered to myself while staring absentmindedly at the raindrops pelting her window from my room.

Fuuka's room was a 24-tatami mat room with a hanging scroll on the wall. Beneath the scroll were stuffed animals like rabbits, cats, and foxes, and lace curtains adorned the shoji screens. Her study desk resembled a low table for a scholar, with an ink box beside it and manga neatly stowed away.

The mismatched setup was unavoidable. Fuuka was, after all, a typical high school girl who loved cute things. She wanted a bed. But she was told it was not allowed, which was her current source of frustration.

With her elegant beauty, Fuuka looked like a painting of a Western lady when she donned a kimono, emitting an elegant aura. Her hair, as shiny as silk, was a shade of golden, and she had elf-like ears. Her features were almost too perfect. 

Although no one said anything, it was clear she didn't look Japanese, unlike her parents, who had black hair and black eyes. Her appearance had changed due to her [Elf Transformation] ability.

I sighed with a sense of melancholy. The raindrops hitting the window intensified, causing the glass to tremble. It seemed like a typhoon was coming.

In the past, there were satellite systems for monitoring the weather, since dungeons had started appearing on the moon and destroyed all the Earth-orbiting satellites, they now relied on skills like [Weather Forecast].

However, the accuracy of these forecasts wasn't very good. Rumors even suggested that monsters were interfering with the weather.

"Who is that girl, anyway? I checked the student roster, but I couldn't find her..."

After informing Captain Marume about my encounter with Azure Dragon and losing the power of the Five Star Sword, Fuuka, with the now powerless Teru, had conquered a rogue goblin dungeon. I had informed my father about the situation and tried to find the mysterious girl but had come up empty-handed.

She had semi-long black hair and a petite figure. Although one could imagine a beautiful girl beneath that smiling mask, as she had claimed it to be an enchanting mask, it was natural to assume that everything, from her hair color to her facial features, was a disguise.

I watched her battle with Azure Dragon through Sylph. It was a beautiful fight. Despite getting injured, she never let her movements dull and gracefully evaded the deadly magic and Azure Dragon's bites, countering with precision.

She faced that monster all alone. Even with my formidable equipment, I would probably be quickly killed by such an opponent. She bravely fought on, her once pristine appearance now stained crimson with her enemy's blood. She was a true battle maiden.

I would like to recruit her if possible. That girl had exceptional combat prowess, not just in terms of skills but in her sense of combat. I would need to unleash the power of the Spirit Tree Staff; otherwise, I would surely lose.

"Although they certainly have some connection... should I order everyone from the Ashikaga and Taira clans to investigate?"

As I considered the possibility of recruiting anyone not affiliated with the Ashikaga or Taira clans, a flash of lightning streaked through the window, followed by the deafening roar of thunder.

Undoubtedly, she was hiding her power. However, I believed that her true power couldn't remain hidden. I let a faint smile play on my lips. Then, from behind the sliding door, a soft voice spoke.

"Miss, the master is calling for you."

"Understood. I'll go right away."

As I slid open the door, a servant bowed gracefully in traditional Japanese attire. Minamoto family cherished the old ways of Japan.

I moved with elegant grace through the unnecessarily spacious single-story house. They were misusing their wealth. After all, our home was like a palace in the inner city.

"You're displaying your power incorrectly. The Ashikaga and Taira clans have similar palaces. Why not just go with a regular building... I understand high-rises are dangerous, but a ten-story building should be fine."

I muttered my complaints as I approached my father's room. High-rise buildings were avoided because flying monsters could easily destroy them, as had happened in the past. I had never seen a dragon, though. However, buildings of about ten stories were considered safe. When I reached my father's room and closed the sliding door, I noticed someone coming out.

After exchanging greetings and closing the door, the person stood up and faced me.

"This is Kamishiro-sama. I see you're here."

It was Kamishiro Serika, a unique girl with albinism who possessed the [Appraisal] skill. She had beautiful pure white hair that seemed to shimmer and eyes deeper and redder than rubies. Today, she was wearing a kimono with butterfly motifs, likely chosen to match the Minamoto family's attire.

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