19 April 2024

Twilight Alchemist 60


60. The Inspection Team Needs To Be Told Without Hiding Anything, Isn't It?

"Welcome to Golden Dawn. My name is Kyle Gandarl Veil Road. Thank you for coming all the way here."

In the garden of Kyle's mansion, I stood in line with Kyle and others.

One day, several months after the Cockatrice incident, a special guest arrived in the village of Golden Dawn.

A group on horseback, they were an inspection team from the capital of Maugalia Kingdom.

A kindly middle-aged man stepped forward from the inspection team and bowed.

"Oh no, indeed the journey was long, but with the roads so well maintained, it's quite easy to reach here. I am the representative of the inspection team and the Deputy Minister of the newly established Pioneer Province in the kingdom, Morg Mode. Pleased to meet you."

"Yes, Mode-sama."

"Haha, no need for 'Sama'. And I would be pleased if you could just call me by my name."

"In that case, I'll call you Morg-dono. Please feel free to call me by my name as well."

"Let's do that, Kyle-sama."

Kyle and Deputy Minister Morg shook hands with smiles.

But a Pioneer Province? Does this mean the country is finally taking serious steps towards colonization? However, being officials from the capital, they seem composed even dealing with nobles. Is Moog also a noble?

"But, was it really unnecessary to hold a welcoming ceremony?"

Kyle asked anxiously, but Moog responded with a gentle smile.

"Yes. We'd like to observe the usual atmosphere of the town as much as possible."

"If I may be so bold, being a novice, I apologize if I'm rude."

"Oh no, not at all."

At that moment, Kyle noticed the gaze of the knights accompanying the inspection team. Their eyes were on Kyle's two guards.

"The two behind me are my guards, Alphard and Persia."

The two introduced nodded silently.

It seems the knights accompanying the inspection team were interested in the equipment of the two.

Alphard and Persia each carried two swords, one a famous sword brought from home, the other a proud creation of Leafan, a mithril sword mixed with dragon material. Their auras were different. They were knights sent by the kingdom as guards. It's obvious at a glance.

Feeling the gaze of the knightly group, Moog steered the conversation.

"Could it be that the magnificent swords you two are carrying at your waists are made with the hard mithril reported by the Border Viscount?"

"Yes. But these are even more special."


"By mixing dragon material with hard mithril, they become even more superior weapons."

"That's amazing. They must be the works of the Twilight Alchemist as rumored."

"Yes. They are the collaboration of Craft, the alchemist, and Leafan, an excellent blacksmith."

"I see."

While smiling, Morg's gaze shone sharply.

Then, a woman in her 30s stepped forward from the inspection group. She was a mage wearing a robe.

"Nice to meet you, Kyle-sama. I am Elra Ruira, a court alchemist. I was once an apprentice to Jabir Haljan. I'd like to meet this Craft, the alchemist, if possible...!"

"Elra, that's rude."

Morg smiled wryly at Elra, who had stepped forward inadvertently.

Elra's gaze was on me. I'm the only one wearing a mage's robe.

"I apologize, Kyle-sama."

"No, it's fine. Should I call you Elra-dono?"

"Yes. I'm honored. And..."

"Calm down, Elra."


"Don't worry about it. Elra-dono is interested in the alchemist Craft, right?"

"Yes! Lately, all of Professor Jabir's papers have been joint research with this alchemist called Craft."


Did Professor Jabir really collaborate on research papers!?

Since the professor is amazing, I thought maybe he would only mention me as a collaborator at best.

Professor Jabir is truly a wonderful person!

"Elra-dono seems very passionate about research. Of course, I plan to introduce you later."

"That would be much appreciated!"

While Elra's gaze seemed to say, "Isn't he Craft?" she seemed excited. But there were other things to do later, so Kyle seemed to put it off for now.

If he introduced her now, Elra's barrage of questions would consume the time.

Commander Morg wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Well, well... if you could excuse Elra's rudeness."

"Not at all. First, let me guide you to my mansion. After you've put down your luggage and rested for a while, I'll show you around the town."

"That would be appreciated."

And so, the inspection team from the kingdom would go around Golden Dawn.

"That's... an enormous amount of Alchemically Hardened Rock? All those towering walls and houses standing vertically. They're all made of Alchemically Hardened Rock, right?"

"Yes. Thanks to Alchemist Craft, all the major buildings in Golden Dawn are made of Alchemically Hardened Rock. Even the houses are like castle walls, which draws laughter."

While Kyle spoke amiably, the mood of the inspection team was not calm.

The inspection team not only passed through the huge gate and entered the town with the castle walls on either side but also saw various buildings until they arrived at Kyle's mansion.

On both sides of the main street are buildings in traditional architectural styles. That's for the sake of the scenery.

Alchemically Hardened Rock is used for other buildings, most of which have multiple stories.

Therefore, just by looking around a bit, it's more magnificent than the residence of the Border Viscount, Gandarl, which is the capital.

Currently, there are still many vacant lots within the walls. That's because priority is given to planned construction.

It's prepared to handle an increase in population.

However, we'll solve the problem once we complete the third wall.

Moog sighed.

"In the capital, the introduction of Alchemically Hardened Rock has begun in some buildings. We found that its convenience is incredibly high when we use it. Right now, we're eager for mass production. Especially, its strength is remarkable, making it the best building material for castle walls."

"So, they're already producing it in the capital."

"Yes. Since the joint paper of Jabir-dono and Craft-dono was announced. All the alchemists in the capital are mobilized."


The paper was supposed to provide a recipe and process, modified magic circles that even regular alchemists could make, but is it really necessary to involve so many people?

Professor Jabir was also producing a large quantity, wasn't she?

As if seeing through my question, Court Alchemist Elra murmured.

"Seriously. Professor Jabir doesn't understand the height of her skill. Few alchemists can produce magic circles with such precision in quick succession..."

I see. Even for her, it's tough.

Professor Jabir is amazing, after all!

The escort knights of the inspection team gaze at the walls and the town.

The walls made of Alchemically Hardened Rock are constructed in layers, making it an impregnable fortress already.

However, the main part of the town is only between the first and second walls.

The under-construction third wall is planned to enclose an area several times larger than the capital, and once this space is filled, it will become the largest city in the kingdom.

"There have been several monster attacks, so we changed our plans and prioritized the completion of the walls. That's why there are still vacant lots for the fort's construction."

The site for the fort under construction behind Kyle's mansion has only the foundation completed using Alchemically Hardened Rock, but its size surpasses even the royal palace in the capital.

Morg wiped his cold sweat.

"I wonder what kind of monstrous fort will be completed if all the forts to be built are made entirely of Alchemically Hardened Rock. Just imagining it. Well, it's quite exciting."

Although his expression didn't show much excitement, maybe he's just naturally like that.

Then, I should work harder to make him more excited!

Voices are heard from the vacant lot for the fort's construction.

In a corner of the vast land, soldiers stand in formation.

"That's my newly established army. Fortunately, many adventurers have joined."

"Oh? Adventurers seeking freedom have changed careers to join a disciplined army?"

"Yes. Each one is very experienced in combat, which is a great help."

Standing in front of about a hundred soldiers, commanding them, is a man who exudes the air of a seasoned veteran, carrying two battle axes on his back.

Next to him stands a tiger-beastman, also a robust individual.

The captain of the escort knights steps forward instinctively.

"Is Kyle's army employing beastmen?"


In the kingdom, despite efforts to abolish discrimination against beastmen at the request of the church, it's not going smoothly. The fact that they hold important positions in the army in this town makes the captain of the knights show a complicated expression.

"The overall command of the army is entrusted to Degard Bismack-san, who is a former adventurer and has experience as a mercenary. And the tiger-beastman standing next to him is Taigal Gaidar-san, who has also been active in the same party. Both of them have been very helpful during monster attacks."

"I see."

While the inspection team, especially the knights, watches, the training continues.

Commander Degard shouts.

"Alright! Next, we'll conduct anti-monster training! Attack the targets made of Alchemically Hardened Rock!"


The archers shoot in unison with disciplined movements.

For some reason, the arrows penetrate the Alchemic Hardened Rock harder than regular rock.

"That is..."

"They've coated the arrowheads and tips with Sharpness Oil."

"They use it for training as well?"

"It seems so. I don't understand everything about the army, so I leave everything to Degard-san."


While muttering about using precious Sharpness Oil for training, Morg furrows his brows and observes the training.


At Degard's command, the spearmen advance side by side, thrusting the targets.

The targets made of Alchemically Hardened Rock get scraped away by the spear thrusts.


This time, as the spearmen step back, the infantry charges forward.

Several squads rush towards the targets, led by former adventurers, and the soldiers all unleash sword techniques.

"[Thunderous Assault Slash]!"

"[Blizzard Chaotic Slash]!"

"[Powerful Strike]!"

"[Cross Slash]!"

"[Godspeed Counter Slash]!"

"[Shining Flash]!"

Amidst the flying sword techniques, the knights and Moog scream.

"I-Is this the training of a border army!?! That doesn't look like the training scene of a knight order with crest holders!?"

"I-I-Is this... really the infantry's training?"

Then another knight notices another fact.

"Look! Only a few of them are combat crest holders!"

"W-What!? Everyone is unleashing sword techniques even though some don't have crests!? That's madness!"

While not as powerful as breaking Alchemically Hardened Rock in one blow, the soldiers without crests increase their attack power by continuously unleashing sword techniques.

The knights are stunned and frozen.

Then, Court Alchemist Elra excitedly leans forward.

"Could it be that those soldiers are using those legendary quality Stamina Potions regularly!?"

"Yes. Although there were restrictions on sales for a while, we have resumed the sale of legendary quality Stamina Potions. They get provided to the army, so everyone should use them regularly."

"Using legendary quality... regularly. Is this related to the paper by Jabir-dono on 'Training Considerations with No Side Effects Using Stamina Potions'?"

"I'm sorry. I don't know much about that paper..."

Kyle apologizes sincerely.

It's okay. I don't really understand what a paper is.

"Oh, I'm sorry too! In simple terms, the paper discusses the possibility that if people can train without knowing fatigue, they might gain strength tens of times that of ordinary people!"

"I see. Based on my experience, I think there's no doubt about it."

Kyle answers with a smile, but the members of the inspection team are filled with fear even with that smile.

"I... want to go home..."

A very small voice, but someone from the knights murmurs.

"In that case, let's head to the academy next."

The inspection team eagerly jumped at Kyle's suggestion as if to escape.

Of course.

Even at the academy, they'll have their norms shattered.


You wouldn't hold back if it's for Kyle's sake, right?

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