11 April 2024

Twilight Alchemist 55


55. Victory Doesn't Come Without Joy, Isn't It?

"Good work, Craft-oniisama."

"I just did what needed to be done."

"You haven't changed a bit, onii-sama."

Prompted by Kyle's smile, I sat down in a chair, and after hesitating for a moment, Myrna climbed onto my lap. However, her cheeks remained puffed.

"How's the situation?"

"Everything is going smoothly. Thanks to the efforts of the adventurers, there have been no intrusions into the town. And of course, there have been no casualties."

"That's good."

I was most worried about casualties.

Death is the only thing that can't be healed. Not now, at least.

As long as there's no death, I'm confident I can use healing potions, cure potions, or petrification release potions to treat anything.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"So, is everyone already treated?"

"Yes. Everyone seems to be either actively working or resting."

"There probably aren't any adventurers who dislike festivals, so I bet they're all forcing themselves to stay awake right about now."

"That's possible."

Looking out the window with Kyle, I saw adventurers singing cheerfully while drunk on alcohol, others passionately cooking, and still others snoring loudly while passed out drunk.

Some of them noticed us and waved. When we waved back, they kept calling out Kyle's (and my) name.

Stop calling my name.

"Now, as for what's next, all the cockatrice magic stones have been collected. We've salvaged useful materials from the bodies to a certain extent, and the rest will be burned. Craft-oniisama, you're making incineration alchemy potions, right?"

"Yeah, but it'll take a while with just firewood, and I don't know how many days it'll take. With incineration potions, we can manage in a few days."

"Understood. As always, please arrange the necessary expenses through the Production Guild."

"Got it."

"Now, finally, about Ed, Saika, Kai, and Wamika..."

I raised my head at those words.

"Kyle! I have a favor to ask about that matter! I'm the one who instigated them! So all the punishment should be on me...!"

"Oh! Please calm down, Craft-oniisama!?"

"No! I know very well the seriousness of the crime that brought danger to this town. Yet, I'm the one to blame for the children...!"

"Please wait! Calm down..."

Just as I was about to continue, the door to the room opened, and Raidoc, the familiar blue-haired adventurer, entered.

"That's right, calm down, Craft-oniisama."


"Kyle-sama, the interrogation with the children is over."

"Thank you, Raidoc-san."

"The children... Ed!?"

Following behind Raidoc timidly, Ed and the other mischievous quartet entered the room. Their usual energy was completely absent.

It seems Raidoc had been gathering information from them all this time.

"Raidoc! I have a lot to say, but first, listen to me!"

"So calm down, Craft-oniisama. First, listen to me."

With a dismissive wave of his hand toward me, Raidoc took his seat.

"This fool Craft-oniisama has misunderstood a lot of things, so let me get straight to the point."

"Yes, please."

"The conclusion, including that of the Adventurers Guild Master, is that the eggs brought by Ed and the incident with Stampede are unrelated."

It took me a moment for those words to sink in.


Contrary to me, Kyle nodded satisfactorily.

"As I thought."

"Yes, fundamentally, the story of them taking the eggs happened quite a while ago. It would be unreasonable to try to connect them."

"Is that so...?"

Come to think of it, I never confirmed when the children got the eggs.

"Yeah. A few days after hearing Craft-oniisama's story, they went to get them."

Raidoc nodded at me.

"It's from my experience, but it's true that when the parents whose eggs were taken become very aggressive and chase after them, but I've never heard of it causing a Stampede. If that were the case, humanity would have been wiped out long ago."

"That's true."

It's common sense among adventurers not to touch the eggs, but the fact remains that poachers are relentless. If a Stampede happened every time, it would be a disaster by now.

"The conclusion with the Guild Master is that the cause of the Stampede is still a mystery. However, since the black plants found this time may be related, an investigation will be conducted."

"I'll cooperate when the time comes."

"I'm counting on you."

While Raidoc and I were talking, Kyle glanced at Ed and the others.

"Ed, there's no mistake about the date, right?"

"Ah, yeah. When I heard Craft-oniisama's story, I just couldn't hold back..."

"I understand."

Kyle nodded slowly at Ed, who seemed about to cry.

"The Guild Master also reached the same conclusion. So, this is the official stance of the Adventurers Guild. Rather, we should apologize. We've been neglecting to train these kids properly and teach them what's important."

"There's nothing in the town regulations about not taking eggs."

"Kyle, Raidoc..."

That's right, both of them.

"W-what's going to happen to us, Kyle-sama?"

"Well, ideally, it would be absurd to impose penalties, but I think we need to establish a precedent since you couldn't follow Craft-oniisama's instructions."


I tried to stop Kyle in a panic, but he closed one eye and smiled, so I swallowed my words and remained silent.

"For the four of you, please clean the town before school every day for the time being. Can you do that?"

"Ah, yeah! We'll do it! So please don't kick us out of town!"

"Understood. Cleaning is important, but don't neglect your studies."

"Ah, yes! Yes!"

"Good for you, Kyle!"

"Yes! As long as we don't bother Sister Az!"

"Yes. Please do your best."


Good. This is really good!

From now on, I have to teach them what's right and wrong properly.

"So, Craft-oniisama, I have a favor to ask of you as well."

"What is it?"

"Could you participate as a teacher in school once a week?"


"Yes. I'd like to change the private tutoring time you've been giving them to school time."

"...I see. It might have been a bit too focused on certain individuals."

"Yes. The necessity of teaching important things from a young age has become even clearer from this incident. Can I count on your cooperation?"

"Of course. I believe I'm partially responsible for this incident as well."

"While it wasn't a direct cause this time, this is still a pioneer town. There's a possibility that incidents like this could occur again in the future due to this. Thank you."

"Understood. Leave it to me."

What to teach can be discussed with the other teachers, but I'll teach the kids the way I know. Although I'm not exactly an adult either, it's my duty.

"Now that the punishment has been decided, let's talk about the reward."


Ed looked puzzled at the unexpected topic.

"The four of you did a good job, you know?"


"That's right! I was just thinking of scolding them...!"

"Ed, listen to Kyle's explanation."

"Ah, sorry."

It's Kyle, so he probably has some clever plan.

"So, the reward I've thought of for you all is names."


The quartet looked puzzled at the meaning.

"Yes. It seems none of you have surnames, only first names."

"Ah, because we're orphans."

"So, I'd like to give you all surnames... family names, from me."


"Although you'll become siblings, is that alright with everyone?"

The four of them exchanged glances with wide eyes, then instantly broke into smiles.

"Is it okay!? Craft-oniisama!"

"Yes. Would names be enough for the reward?"

"Yes! Of course! Is everyone okay with that!?"

"Yeah! That's fine! Although having Ed as a brother is a bit..."

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"I'm happy! Please do it!"

"Yay! We're siblings~"

"That settles it then."

While watching the excited quartet, Kyle took out four pieces of paper from a drawer.

"These are my approved family register certificates. If you all write your names here, they'll be official."

Kyle planned this from the beginning. He's quite something.

I couldn't help but let out a smile.

This incident, if it spreads, will hardly be blamed on the children anymore, but there's still a possibility that some individuals will. So, with the combined punishment of cleaning and the reward without money, Kyle is trying to calm things down in one fell swoop.

Kyle might actually be a formidable strategist, huh?

"Um... Ed Kendall?"

"I'm Saika Kendall!"

"I'm Kai Kendall!"

"I'm Wamika Kendall~"

"Although I thought of the surnames, if you don't like them, I can change them?"

"No! I'm happy! Kendall! It's cool!"

"Yes! It's like a dream for us beast folk to have surnames!"

"Really... Thank you so much! Craft-oniisama!"


He seemed genuinely happy from the bottom of his heart.

Although some beast folk have surnames, it's difficult for these orphans to obtain them.

"Well then, it's settled. Let's take this opportunity to amend the town regulations to require surnames for residents who don't have them."

Hearing that, Raidoc showed an impressed expression.

"Oh. So if you become a resident of Golden Dawn, everyone can have a surname, right?"

"Yes. I think it'll become necessary from now on."

"Isn't that good? There are plenty of adventurers without surnames, and I think the number of permanent residents will increase."

I felt a chill run down my spine as I listened to their conversation.

He's aiming for the registration of family registers!

Just having names leads to overlap, but if each person also has a surname, the likelihood of overlap decreases.

Having a surname was once a privilege of nobles and wealthy merchants, but nowadays, even countries encourage people to have surnames.

If a resident has a certain level of education, it's common to apply for and obtain a surname, but it's not easy for rural people or those who lack basic knowledge.

There's also a small fee involved.

And if it's beast folk or demi-humans, the hurdle would be even higher.

To make all residents have surnames because of this incident is an incredible strategy.

If they had middle names, nobles wouldn't be pleased.

Huh? Middle names?

I remembered Kyle's full name.

Kyle Gandarl Veil Road.

His middle name is Gandarl.

And the surname I gave the children this time is Kendall...

I see. That's quite a cunning setup.

Kyle winked at me again.

Kyle... What a frightening kid!

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