30 April 2024

Shop 80


Chapter 80. His Majesty's Fury In The Wilderness

For a while, Pilatus II couldn't comprehend the words of the woman before him.

"Do whatever you wish with me?"

Those should have been the words the king desired, yet they didn't resonate with him, as if he were listening to distant weather reports from the Kingdom of Shinki.

Though he desired her smile, though he craved her words, no joy came.

For the first time in his life, the king understood another's heart. No, he was made to understand.

It was because of Cherina's strong and pure feelings that even a king inferior to a pig could comprehend whom those feelings were directed towards.

(Her feelings are not even directed towards me!!)

At that moment, the king showed a grotesquely angry expression. He didn't raise his voice; his anger was too overwhelming for words.

(Unforgivable! Unforgivable! Unforgivable! To become someone else's property?! What an insult! Unforgivable! Tear this woman apart! No, even if she's tormented as a sex slave forever, this anger will not subside! Do you know the Velliero Company? Capture this woman, and exterminate the company too!)

As the king's head boiled with rage, the guards, Cherina, and the surrounding escorts were restless.

Even during an audience, soldiers were distracted, unable to calm down.

"What's going on?"

The king, noticing something amiss, looked around. Some guards rushed to the slits for light to peek outside.

Finally, they noticed the commotion outside the castle.

Whether cries or shouts, occasional explosions mingled with them.

"What... What's happening?"

Suddenly faced with the situation, the guards instinctively surrounded King Pilatus.

"Guards! What's happening?"

Minister Blou-Sowa was the first to shout, his face stern.

In response, a guard peeking outside the slit answered.

"I'm not sure, but it seems like a rebellion... no, it looks like... it seems like the prisoners from the dungeon are escaping!"

"What did you say?!"

Blow rolled over to another slit.

"Your Majesty! This way!"

Prime Minister Genoel pulled King Pilatus's hand.


"Your safety now! Guards, follow us! Veliero's group, wait in the anteroom!"

With a voice much louder than expected for his age, the prime minister shouted, dragging the king, accompanied by guards, disappearing into the back door.

"What should we do?"

It was Dwarf Hagg who spoke to Cherina.

"Prisoners from the dungeon?"

Cherina didn't answer.

"Wait, I heard a spirit... Akira heard..."

"What do you mean?!"

"What's going on?!"

Cherina and Hagg shouted in response to Elf Yalarai's words, then all three clung to the slit.

"Hey, you guys! What are you doing? Get back to the anteroom!"

The remaining guard shouted, but the three ignored him, staring outside.

"Hey! I can't see anything!"

"I'm not sure, but it seems like people in the same prison garb are heading out armed."

"At the end, Akira is there. The attire is strange."

"You guys!"

Ignoring the approaching guard with a red face, Cherina turned around sharply. The guard halted at her smiling face.

"My apologies. We will return to the anteroom."


"Let's go."


Hagg snorted and followed Cherina. The rest followed Cherina back to the anteroom.

As soon as everyone entered the anteroom, Cherina made an announcement.

"I have decided. I will abandon the royal family."

"Miss Cherina?!"

Melvin shouted desperately.

"It's useless to stop her, Melvin. She has already decided."

"Hmph. That's fine, but what do you plan to do? I wish for a breakthrough, but what comes after?"

"I will escape with Akira and contact the 'Seadragon' afterward."


"An organization dissatisfied with the royal family... in simpler terms, a resistance against the government."

"What? You're connected to such a dangerous group?"

"I've been urged to rebel several times. They wanted me to take the lead."

"Why you, miss?"

"Because I have public support. If I stand up, many will follow."

"Hmph. It's a suspicious tale."

"Indeed. However, this country is at its limit. Even if I did nothing, it would have ended soon. But my thoughts have changed. I will end this country."

Determination filled Cherina's eyes.

Melvin seemed on the verge of tears.

"Hmph. Women are truly scary creatures. Well, anyway, there's no other way to help Akira."

Hagg's words were met with a nod from Yaralai.

"W-we'll follow you wherever you go, Miss!"

Even though trembling, the Velliero family's guards showed determination.

From their words, it was evident that it wasn't just an employment relationship.

"All right, let's start with weapons."

Hagg cracked his knuckles, wearing a fierce grin. Next to him, Yalarai's lips curled up slightly.

(Akira, we'll come for you soon.)

Cherina's eyes burned crimson with determination.

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