16 April 2024

Shop 73


Chapter 73. His Majesty's Arrogance In The Wilderness

■■■ King Cobel Pilates II ■■■

A rather inconsequential matter came to me during lunchtime.

Truly uncouth.

It was none other than Minister Blow Sora, responsible for special missions, who interrupted one of my few pleasures.

Though competent, this man consistently interfered with my enjoyment. Despite being appointed for his subservience, he remains ungrateful.

"My sincerest apologies for disturbing your meal. However, if it's urgent, please forgive me."

Hmph. If you feel sorry, then deal with it yourselves. Well, since I've just finished my buttered potatoes, I'm slightly in a good mood. I'll hear him out. After all, I am generous.

"I forgive you. Proceed."

"Thank you. Actually, a squad on patrol since this morning reported finding stray buffaloes near our royal castle."

Blow solemnly continues his report, but could it be that he interrupted my lunch for such a trivial matter?

"In that case, we should immediately mobilize the reserves and send them to deal with the buffaloes."

"Let the Merchants' Guild handle it on their own. They'll probably hunt them down anyway. Why bother moving my precious troops?"

As usual, Blow's words make little sense.

"There are three main reasons."

"Go on."

"Yes. Firstly, it's about ensuring the safety of our citizens. While buffaloes haven't been known to breach the city walls, one can never be sure. Furthermore, this season sees increased activity outside the city due to wood gathering and the pre-rain commercial period. Buffaloes are generally docile creatures, but when agitated, one never knows what they might do. Fortunately, this stray was found not far from the castle, so it would be a minimal burden to mobilize the army."


I understand what he's trying to say, but commoners would probably flee on their own.

"If the army acts for the safety of the citizens, it will undoubtedly enhance His Majesty Pilates's prestige."

"My popularity is already at its peak."

"No amount of popularity is too much."

"Hmm... Very well, proceed with the next reason."

"Yes. Secondly, buffaloes fetch quite a good price this season. The proceeds from selling their hides and bones could easily cover the expenses of this expeditionary force. Moreover, since there are still few jerky craftsmen at this time if we instruct the Merchants' Guild to distribute the meat for free through them, along with covering the butchering costs, His Majesty Pyratas's popularity would soar even higher."

"I see..."

Ah, so they want to showcase my generosity to those fools who fail to recognize my greatness.

"Hmm. Then what's the last reason?"

"Yes, the final reason is the training of our soldiers. Buffalo hunting is a crucial duty in this country. Many new recruits experience their first combat in hunting buffalo herds. If we allow soldiers from relatively young formations to hunt the stray, it would be good training for them."

While nibbling on tropical fruits for dessert, I ponder. Normally, hunting stray buffaloes is the prerogative of the Merchants' Guild outside the hunting season. But I've heard it's not always successful. In that case, they might come crying to the army for help.

And they've said that wounded buffaloes are very dangerous.

Soldiers are meant to die; it's not a problem. But there's not much to gain from it.

If I take the lead this time, those foolish commoners will come to know my greatness. So, I won't oppose it. After all, I am generous.

"Very well, arrange the formation of the troops with pomp and circumstance."

"As swiftly as possible, Your Majesty."

Prime Minister Genor Bolo interjects. What an oblivious man!

I've already made the decision!

"I know! You're doing it on purpose!"

"Of course, Your Majesty."

Both Genor and Blow bow deeply.

Two men are ignorant of proper etiquette.


In the evening. Just as I was about to have my fifth... no, was it my third wife? Anyway, when I was about to let one of my wives indulge me, another interruption occurred.

"If it's urgent, I've come to request your time."

The voice from beyond the folding screen belonged to that annoying Blow Sora.

Why is it that he can only disrupt me?

"Hmph. Fine, let him in."

"...Are you sure?"

"I am generous."

She's probably bored already; being seen naked won't bother her anymore. Though she's one of the legitimate wives, I can't treat her rudely, but if she were a concubine, she'd be of an age where I could give her away.

Blow, with lowered eyes, steps around the folding screen and appears before me.

"I shall report then. The buffalo that was the target of the expeditionary force dispatched around noon..."


Ah, he mentioned something about hunting during lunch. So, what's the matter? I wait impatiently for the next words.

"Just before the expeditionary force reached its target, it had already been hunted by civilians."

"What of it? I mean, things like that happen."

The hunting rights at this time belong to the Merchants' Guild. It's embarrassing, but it's probably just my army being incompetent.

"There's a slight problem. Firstly, the Guild hasn't commissioned anyone for this hunt. And if the soldiers return empty-handed, it could tarnish Your Majesty's reputation at worst. There was another issue, but that has been resolved."

Now that I hear it, it's not a pleasant story. It could be said that my army has been ridiculed.

"What was the resolved issue? And who managed to hunt the buffalo in such a short time?"

I've just realized, that hunting buffaloes in such a short time would be impossible without an army. Could it be that a neighboring city-state intervened?

No, even if they are neighboring, the distance is too far. There's no possibility of the army coming for that.

"The first issue resolved was the ownership of the buffalo. The ones who hunted it were a dwarf and an elf who are well-known warriors. Understandably, the buffalo was hunted in such a short time. Since there was no request from the Guild this time, the ownership of the buffalo was revoked."

"A dwarf and an elf? It's unheard of for those races to cooperate..."

The enmity between dwarves and elves is well-known. They're like water and oil, incompatible.

"They were hired as escorts for a certain person, who is... Akira, the traveling merchant of note whom Your Majesty has already met, hired recently by Cherina Velierio."


I grab the head of the woman who's been sucking me for so long and toss it aside. There's a small scream, but it doesn't matter.


That black-haired, insolent-faced man who stands beside Cherina as if it were his rightful place. According to Blow and Genor, he's probably the one who thwarted the plan regarding the potatoes, that detestable foreigner.

"What's become of him?"

"He's currently under interrogation in the underground dungeon of the palace."

"Has his punishment been decided?"

"Ultimately, it depends on the judgment of the judiciary, but it could be a fine or a few lashes, or at most, a fine with forced labor."

"...Too lenient."

That man is an evil person who harbors Cherina. I let it slide considering his contribution with the potatoes, but this time, it's a clear crime.

"Do you think such a punishment is sufficient for mocking my soldiers?"

"Legally, that punishment is appropriate."

Blow responds.

"The law of this country is me."

"Of course."

"Very well, then I shall personally decide his punishment. That man will receive 500 lashes publicly and then be crucified in public."

"Five hundred...? He will surely die before the crucifixion, though?"

"In that case, a hundred will suffice. Injure him enough before crucifixion, but make sure he survives."

"...Death penalty, then?"


"It may be lacking in charges for a public penalty."

"Then fabricate a charge of treason or whatever you like. Isn't that your specialty?"

Blow raises an eyebrow at those words, but he doesn't react further.

"...Understood. When shall the punishment be carried out?"

"Hmm, tomorrow."

"It's impossible to prepare the documents by then. At the very least, we shouldn't make it seem like we're questioning and investigating for just a few days."

"It's troublesome. Then how many days later would be suitable?"

"Well, the fastest would be four days later. If we want to show it to as many people as possible, we can issue a notice four days later and then have it a few days after that."

"Four days later is acceptable. I just want to see the flogging. And there will be people gathered on the day, right?"

"Yes, we should be able to fill the square."

"Then the execution of that man is decided for four days later. Leave the rest to me."


Blow Sora bows deeply, then exits beyond the folding screen and out of the room.

For the first time in a while, I feel a hearty laugh bubbling up from my stomach.

The naked woman trembles in a corner of the room.

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