19 April 2024

Seeker 314


Chapter 314. The Far Eastern Country

The caravan of the Wolf Fang Tribe merchant, Wolf-san, who departed from the oasis city of Radaja, continued its journey further west.

Of course, we who serve as the caravan's guards are also along for the ride.

After traversing the desolate desert night for about two days, the scenery dominated by sand ended, and we entered the mountainous terrain.

Choosing relatively gentle terrain, we continued our journey for about a day, gradually returning to our ordinary day and night routine.

The caravan arrived at vast and verdant plains.

As we continued further, we could see the appearance of villages where people likely lived.

"Wow...! Senpai, isn't that a rice paddy?"

Yuzuki pointed ahead, indicating the expansive landscape.

Following the indication of my kouhai, amidst the wooden houses scattered around, rice paddies filled with ripening rice plants spread out.

"It does look like it. Since coming to this world, whenever we talk about farmland, it's always been just fields, so this is refreshing."

"I wonder if we'll be able to eat rice again. And sake!"

Kazane expressed her anticipation with sparkling eyes.

It's typical of Kazane to bring up sake before miso or soy sauce.

Observing our reactions, our employer, Wolf-san, interjected.

"From the color of your hair and eyes, I had a feeling. Are you folks really from around here?"

"Uh, well... It's not exactly like that, I think. Um, our past memories are a bit fuzzy..."

"Amnesia? All three of you? Well, that's something..."

"Hahaha... So, please don't expect us to have any local knowledge."

It's been a while since I brought that up, the amnesia setting.

From what I've heard, it seems that this far eastern country, Yamatai, resembles ancient Japan from around the Edo period, and the people living here seem to be of the yellow race with black hair and eyes.

Our appearances, Kazane, Yuzuki, and mine, seem to resemble those of the Yamatai people.

But naturally, we've never been to this land.

It would be strange if we were mistaken for locals and asked various questions, hence the reintroduction of the amnesia setting.

Wolf-san's caravan, and we continued through the country of Yamatai.

Passing several villages, we eventually arrived at a town.

By the way, the villages we passed resembled scenes from historical dramas or period pieces.

We often saw farmers wearing ragged clothes and straw hats, wielding sickles to harvest rice.

And the town we arrived at also had a scenery reminiscent of a period piece.

Wooden houses with tiled roofs and triangular roofs lined the streets, while people in kimonos and straw sandals walked about.

Even though it was getting dark, we could still see fishmongers carrying barrels of fish on shoulder poles and rickshaws briskly passing by.

However, what was noticeably different from scenes in period dramas was the presence of different races—especially a considerable number of beast folk.

Beastfolk such as cat-eared, wolf-fang, and tiger people were interspersed among the townsfolk at a ratio of about one in twenty.

Moreover, occasionally, we spotted individuals wearing weapons that seemed to be awakened.

But they were slightly different from adventurers or knights we had seen before.

Wearing attire reminiscent of ronin from period dramas, many had swords at their waist.

Although magic stone-made swords existed in our world, and they were sporadically seen in armor shops in other regions of this world, it was the first time we had seen awakened individuals wearing them so frequently.

It seems that awakened ones have subtle characteristics depending on the region or race.

For example, the dwarf warriors guarding the dwarf settlement of Dagmahal often wielded axes, hammers, and crossbows, and many were proficient in fire or earth magic.

The warriors from the desert country we encountered in the oasis city of Radaja were notably skilled in using scimitars.

Of course, there were numerous exceptions, but it was just a matter of such tendencies existing to some extent.

Continuing through such a vibrant and colorful fantasy-like town, we arrived at a splendid inn, where Wolf-san arranged rooms for us, including ours.

Thus, we dispersed with plans to depart for the capital again tomorrow morning.

So, until tomorrow morning, we have free time.

With Kazane and Yuzuki, I decided to explore the town for the first time.

Griff, in its miniature form, usually perches atop Yuzuki's hat.

Perhaps because it was getting late, the number of people walking on the streets was becoming sparse compared to when we first arrived in town.

After entering a dumpling shop and enjoying handmade grilled dumplings and green tea, the night had deepened, and the streets were now deserted.

The town, faintly illuminated by lanterns, was already pitch black away from the bustling main street, with only the moonlight as a guide.

It was while we were about to head back to the inn along the dimly lit night road it happened.

On the deserted night road where the foot traffic had completely disappeared.

In the distance ahead, I saw the figure of what seemed to be a town girl.

The town girl in a kimono, holding a lantern, was hurrying along the night road.

Perhaps she was in a hurry because she was late getting home.

It was at that moment when I faintly thought it was a bit careless for a young woman to be walking alone on such a dark night road.


Suddenly, a burly man emerged from the side of the girl, covered her mouth with a cloth, and swiftly carried her back into the darkness from whence he came.

The girl couldn't resist, and in the blink of an eye, she got abducted.

Only the light of the lantern she dropped remained on the roadside.

"Daichi-kun, was that...?"

"Yeah. It doesn't look like a normal situation. Let's go after them for now."



The man who abducted the girl effortlessly lifted a single human, albeit a woman, and swiftly carried out his deed.

It didn't seem like the work of ordinary people. Surely, he must be an awakened one.

We didn't know the circumstances, but once it came into our sight. We couldn't just ignore it.

We immediately set out to chase them. But at that moment.

From further ahead of where the girl got abducted, another figure, moving at an unimaginable speed—presumably into the same darkness, perhaps there was an alleyway—darted.

The figure illuminated by the lantern seemed to be that of a young samurai, young enough to be called a boy.

Given the speed at which he ran, he must be an awakened one.

"??? Besides the abductor, another awakened individual? What's going on?"

"Could that be the man's accomplice?"

"I don't know. Either way, let's chase after them for now."

We dashed towards the darkness where the man, the town girl, and the young samurai (?) had disappeared.

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