09 April 2024

No Damage 21


21. Staking My Pride

I descended to the first floor to take a break until the next mock battle.

"Good work, Haruto."

"Good work~"

The people who were coming toward me with smiles were the beautiful duo of Lilith with her blonde twin tails and Alice with her silver short bob.

"Thanks for coming, both of you."

"We had guild business in the morning, so we couldn't come to watch. Oh, would you like some of this?"

"I brought this for you too. It's a treat~"

They each offered me juice and bread they had made.

My stomach was growling, probably from the battle, so I appreciated it.

"Thank you, both of you."

Gratefully, I replenished my energy.

"The first mock battle is over, right? How was it?"

"I fought against Dalton-san. The results were pretty good, I'd say."

I recounted the details of the first match to them.

"Wow... Dalton-san is even ranked A among adventurers."

Lilith's expression mixed with surprise and admiration.


"He's a top-class mage specializing in fire-based attack magic. To completely shut down his attacks..."

Alice's eyes widened in surprise.

"He was really nice. Although his appearance is a bit intimidating."

"He looks like a rough character, yeah. But he has a kind and caring personality."

"He doesn't have any biases and treats us fairly, one of the few adventurers who do~"

Dalton-san seems to have a good reputation.

"The next opponent is supposedly a girl named Luca."

As I said that, Lilith and Alice's faces stiffened.

"Eh, Luca... as in Luca Abasta, the Ice Blade!?"

"Of all people, you have to face someone so amazing!"

Glancing at me sideways, the two said,

"Well, well, the assessment isn't just this time."

Lilith forced a smile awkwardly.

"No, why are you suddenly in comfort mode!?"

"It's okay to fail once or twice. When the results don't come out, we'll do our best to comfort you~"

Alice smiled wistfully.

"So why are you assuming I'll fail!?"

"Well, facing a rank S adventurer..."

"Judges value the content more than winning or losing... but the opponent is too strong."

"Is Luca really that incredible?"

It's true. Luca's swordsmanship was so good, that she easily neutralized the rampaging applicant, but...

"Rank S adventurer Luca Abasta. A master of the sword that ranks among the top on the continent."

Lilith explained.

"She's one of the 77 rank S adventurers in the guild. Anyway, she's amazing~"

Are there really that few rank S adventurers?

Maybe they're truly the cream of the crop.

"But Haruto, you're amazing too. You may have said something optimistic, but you might still be able to pull something off even against a rank S opponent."

Lilith said with a smile, gripping both of my hands.

"Sorry for saying something pessimistic. I'm rooting for you too."

"Me too... Why are you holding Haruto-san's hand, Lilith-chan?"

"Oh, sorry, I just..."

Blushing, Lilith let go of my hands.

The soft and warm feeling of her hands lingered on mine.

"Ugh... Lilith-chan's unfair."

"W-Well, then, onee-san to me too... okay?"

For some reason, Alice pouted, and Lilith intervened.

"Here, Haruto."


It was a strange flow, but I took Alice's hands.

"Haha, now it's a tie."

Alice beamed while Lilith pouted.


I was bewildered by the ever-changing attitudes of the two.

Entering the first combat room, Luca was already waiting.

Her short hair was as blue as her nickname, reminiscent of ice.

Her cool eyes were a mysterious purple.

And her expression was unreadable, exuding a transcendent beauty.

I surveyed her and the surroundings.

It was a room similar to the third combat room earlier, but the difference was the reliefs covering one wall.

"According to the application, your specialty is defensive magic. Is that correct?"


It's not really magic, though.

But I didn't want to reveal the truth and risk experiencing that mysterious pain again.

So, I decided to stick with the idea that my power is defensive magic.

"Then, let me show you my swordsmanship first, for reference when you defend."

Luca drew her sword with a calm voice.

"If you can use it as a reference, but..."

At that moment, she disappeared.


When I realized it, Luca had appeared about ten meters away near the wall.

When did she!?

And what's even more surprising is that there were reliefs on the wall next to Luca that weren't there a moment ago.

Could it be? Did she carve them into the wall instantly?

"I made all the reliefs on this wall. Before I fight applicants, I always show them my movements."

With the sound of her guard ringing, she sheathed her sword.

"Even though it's protected by a barrier if I strike with a force that surpasses that defense. It's possible to cause harm. That's why I carve reliefs on the wall like this."

She moved in the blink of an eye.

I couldn't see anything.

How Luca moved, how she carved reliefs into the wall, or even the movement of her sword.

It's fast—no, beyond fast.

"It's not a human skill, that..."

"I'm a 'Factor' holder. It's nothing for me."

Luca declared.

I see. That's how it is.

Factor—though I don't know the details, I've heard rumors.

Something that occasionally manifests in those with the blood of gods or demons.

It's said to be a blessing or a curse, something indescribable.

It manifests in one out of tens or hundreds of millions of people, and it greatly amplifies various abilities that people possess.

By the way, Sarome mentioned that she's also a Factor holder in the previous battle with the demons.

I don't know what type of Factor Sarome has, but Luca's seems to enhance her agility.

But even so, her speed was beyond belief. No, beyond perception.

In any case, it was an extraordinary speed.

"I won't hold back just because you're an applicant. I won't look down on you or be conceited. I'll do my best. For my pride."

Luca drew her sword again.

In mock battles, the focus is on the content rather than the outcome.

Actually, Dalton-san in the first match initially held back.

But it seems Luca has a different policy.

From the beginning, she goes all out—it's like she's saying it won't even be a story if you can't withstand it to a certain extent.

"I'll make sure to hold back on the fatal blows, so you don't have to worry about dying. But you might get injured, so if you aspire to be an adventurer, you should be prepared for that—shall we begin the evaluation?"

I gulped nervously.

Can I really defend against Luca's sword?

I can't maintain my skill continuously.

I have to activate it in response to the opponent's attack to make use of its effects.

How will I defend against Luca's sword, which will surely come at me faster than I can perceive?

If I activate my skill before her attack reaches me, I win.

If I fail to perceive it and get cut, I lose.

"I'll test your strength."

With that, Luca disappeared from my sight.

A high-speed movement invisible to the eye.

And from there, a lightning-fast strike.

Both attacks were beyond my perception.

A dazzling light filled my vision before her attack could reach me.

Activating my defensive barrier, [Armor Phase], I awaited Luca's unseen attack.

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