26 April 2024

Kamisama 78


Chapter 78. Graceful Audience In The Wilderness

"Good morning, Miss Veliero."

Walking on the cobblestone path that connected the city gate and the castle gate straight, was Minister Blow Soar, who was in charge of special missions.

Always clad in crimson, Cherina Veliero greeted with the utmost courtesy towards the nobility.

"Good morning, Minister Soar."

Blow chuckled as if chewing a bitter bug.

"At least spare me the title, Your Excellency."

"With the position and power you possess, shouldn't you be addressed as such?"

Seeing Blow's further grimace, Cherina smiled gracefully.

"It's just a jest, Minister Soar. I sent a letter last night knowing it might be impolite, but it seems you've read it."

"Yes. I read it after breakfast, considering it the first important document. I was quite surprised. What would I have done if I hadn't instructed my subordinates to prioritize letters from Veliero?"

"I would have waited here indefinitely at that time."

"Quite a nuisance."

Another wry smile.

"Well, it's not a big deal, since the castle gate isn't used often."

Indeed, servants either lived in or used the side gate. Since the patrol barracks were located in the city, the castle gate rarely opened.

"We have the schedule for food deliveries under control as well."

As Cherinasaid, most of the provisions for this castle were supplied by the Veliero Company. While other companies also traded, the large transactions requiring several wagons were mostly monopolized by the Veliero Company.

However, whether it was profitable was another story, but that's a topic for another time.

"Also, it's an urgent letter from Veliero. I was confident you'd read it by mid-morning."

"That's insightful of you."

Blow replied with a sigh.

"Well, let's proceed inside. But what's with this procession? The letter only mentioned it as important news for His Majesty. Is it related?"

"Well, depending on the conversation, it may turn into a tribute?"

Then Blow's gaze sharpened.

"Hmm... Important news for His Majesty, and a tribute of... five... no, four wagonloads. If it's good news, I'd be pleased."

"It depends on the context."

Seeing Blow's hesitation, Cherina's composed smile sent shivers down his spine. If his assumptions were correct, she wouldn't have such an expression. And there was no reason for her to bring up this matter... or was there?

Then Blow's thoughts momentarily stopped, the face of the man in the underground dungeon flashing before him before he resumed.

Could it be? No way...?

"Well, never mind, this way, please."

Blow guided her and the guards back along the path they came. Blow's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the man in the underground dungeon, so he didn't notice the conspicuous dwarf and elf among the guards.

Little did he know, this oversight would lead to a significant mistake that would alter his fate.


Entering the castle gate were Cherina, Melvin, Hagg, Yaralai, and Cherina's two original guards, six in total. They were escorted deeper without having their weapons confiscated, suggesting that this castle was different from the usual, with less complex internal structures.

"It's quite an interesting design."

Hagg muttered as he looked up at the high ceiling. The tall ceiling allowed natural light in, creating a solemn atmosphere.

"Is that so?"

"Yes, it's more like a church than a castle."

Hagg replied to Cherina's inquiry.

It was only then that Blow noticed the dwarf walking alongside, momentarily startled. However, unable to send them back now, he continued to cover up.

"It's indeed fascinating. Although there are no records, it seems this castle was built shortly after the Great Midal's End, possibly originally intended as a religious facility. We've conducted numerous internal surveys, but haven't found anything resembling that."

"Hmm... Perhaps it was initially designed as a church and later converted into a castle."

"I see, that would make sense."

To Hagg, who was a blacksmith, warrior, and inventor, this half-hearted building seemed like that.

Even the seemingly calm elf, Yaralai, had her gaze sweeping every nook and cranny of the building. If a warrior observed, they would notice that these two had the eyes of warriors.

However, to Blow, a former merchant with no combat experience, they seemed like country bumpkins marveling at the peculiarities of the castle interior. If only he had noticed even a little at that moment, he might have avoided the tragedy to come.

"This way to the chamber."

Blow led them to a large room of about 20 tatami mats. Although it was smaller than the corridor, it still gave a sense of scale.

"Ah, the weapons are on that wall, and there will be a body search just to be sure."

As Blow snapped his fingers, several soldiers appeared and meticulously searched everyone except Cherina. Hagg wasn't stripped of his armor, but every gap was thoroughly inspected. None of them were allowed to bring in their item bags.

Cherina, on the other hand, underwent no body search, just handing over her chain. She must have been trusted or treated as a VIP.

"Now, Miss Veliero, before the audience with His Majesty, I'd like to hear the details of your story."

"No, I will speak only in front of His Majesty."

"I would appreciate it if you reconsidered my profession a bit."

"Depending on the story, it might even bring joy."

"...You've received quite a few letters in the past three days, a plea to release a certain advisor. Is it related to that? If so, such a sudden audience might not be permitted."

"Depending on the circumstances, it might be the sole reason... depending on His Majesty's mood."

"So, you wish for direct negotiations with His Majesty?"


"...I see. If we could hear the story beforehand, some flexibility could be arranged. Is that alright?"

"Yes. That's fine."

Blow could sense her determination.

And though roughly, he could anticipate what she would request.

It might get messy.

Blow felt a cold sweat running down his cheek.

And the time for the audience had come.


The audience chamber had a peculiar grandeur.

Usually, one would fortify against external threats and have no windows, but the audience chamber was designed with high ceilings to let in natural light, much like the corridors.

In some cases, one might even call it a cathedral. And fittingly, a throne was placed in a high position.

Facing it was a small chair.

"Miss Veliero, please have a seat."

Blow guided Cherina to the chair, apparently specially prepared for her.

"Well, to sit in front of His Majesty..."

"It's His Majesty's wish."

"In this case, how should I observe proper etiquette..."

Cherina seemed genuinely puzzled.

"Perhaps similar to a dinner; His Majesty isn't particularly strict about formalities."

Blow wanted to say "His Majesty is an ignorant country bumpkin," but held his tongue.


The other guards took a typical stance of kneeling behind the chair. At least there seemed to be some minimal etiquette.


Blow disappeared through the door next to the throne, and after a while, a lump of fat. No, a lump of fat dressed in splendid attire emerged.

His Majesty, King Pilatus II of the Pilatus Kingdom.

The Pig King. If encountered in the forest, one would get attacked.

With his fat jiggling, he sat on the throne, creating a ridiculous sight. Was this a kingdom of pigs?

Minister Blow Soar and Prime Minister Genol Boro took their positions on either side of King Pilatus. The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

"Oh, my beloved Cherina, I was surprised by your request for an audience! Surely it's good news, isn't it?"

The Pig King grinned broadly.

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