17 April 2024

Introverted Archer 74


74. Rational Tactical Time!

"Absolutely. This is the 31st floor!"

Above, there's still an undefeated floor boss! Judging by the enemy's strength, that must be the floor boss of the 30th floor.

Floor bosses have overwhelmingly stronger abilities than the lower floors. In my estimation, a Golem from the 10th floor would be about as strong as a monster from the 17th floor.

The eye I fought earlier was a monster from the 32nd floor. So, the floor boss of the 30th floor is undoubtedly stronger than that.

Can I do it? I faced the floor boss of the 30th floor head-on. I could still escape with an escape item right now, but...

"Though I pretended to hesitate for a moment... I don't feel like running away at all."

It would be unsatisfactory to leave the 30th floor uncleared like this.

"But then, rushing in without thinking would be irrational... Let's start by making a plan."

First, let's understand the opponent. I focus on the large presence on the upper floor.

I feel a massive aura sitting right in the center of the upper floor. It resembled a quadrupedal beast.

What is this? A lion? Or perhaps a giant dog? Either way, it's certainly not the kind of creature you'd find in Japan.

No, not even in Japan. It couldn't exist in the real world. This monster has two heads.

Its entire body is as black as charcoal, with gleaming white eyes within. Astonishingly, its size easily surpasses human height just in body height alone. It's more like a bear than a dog.

"It certainly looks strong... but I should appraise it just in case."



Floor Boss of the 30th floor.

Equivalent to level 38 in human terms.


Level 38!? That's way beyond anything I've faced!! My level is currently 27, so it's vastly superior to mine. The highest record for humanity in the dungeon is the 27th floor. This monster is much stronger than that.


There's no better opponent to test my rationality, my limits.

But level 38 equivalent. Even a difference of one level can create a considerable gap in strength, so it's not hard to imagine what an 11-level difference would mean. This calls for even more careful consideration than usual.

I've showcased my standard tactic plenty of times, the bow trick attack. Its advantage is that even a weakling like me can unilaterally attack.

However, on the flip side, I'm extremely vulnerable when the monster closes the distance. If I don't defeat the enemy in one shot, my position will be compromised. Moreover, I know from the 20th floor that floor bosses will chase me across floors.

Furthermore, this is the 21st floor. If I attack from here and Orthros finds my location, I won't be able to escape. I'll be sandwiched by monsters from the previous floor, and it'll be game over.

"In that case, what's my trump card...?"

Twysteria――I look at the green bow I'm holding.

If I unleash all my strength with Twysteria, can I crush Orthros? ――No, the likelihood of that is low. I'm not foolish enough to charge in with such a gamble-like strategy.

So, what are the remaining options...? <Rationalization>? [Sure Hit]? Time-stop shot?

No good. None of them are decisive. Think. If single abilities aren't enough, then add, multiply, eliminate the unnecessary――if that still doesn't work, reverse, apply――,

"...Could this possibly work?"

At that moment, a new idea springs forth like an electric current. Once the direction is set, now it's about how to execute it.

"Is it even possible? I've never done it before――but maybe with this method?"

Thoughts stretch out for minutes, preparations for execution require nearly ten minutes more.

Indeed, dungeons are wonderful places. Because there are opponents superior to oneself, ideas that wouldn't normally occur are born.

It feels like playing a challenge run in a game. Combining existing cards to find the best opponent to defeat. I feel fulfilled in those moments.

This is it. Like finding an oasis in the desert, like getting coconut juice on a deserted island, a feeling of satisfaction washes over me. This is what I wanted.

"――Alright, this should be enough."

After finishing my preparations, I start walking towards where the staircase leads.

And then, the next action I took――,

It was simply to climb the stairs.


Right in front of me is Orthros. The feeling of oppression when facing a monster in person is always beyond imagination.

"Nice to meet you. Sorry for meeting you and immediately making you a practice dummy."

The moment I snapped my fingers. Arrows pierced through the dungeon floor, assaulting Orthros countless times.

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