20 April 2024

General 43


Chapter 43. Take It Off

"I'm... so sleepy..."

I staggered down the school corridor, struggling to keep my wandering legs steady.

The first day of exams ended without incident.

I managed to get through the dreaded classical literature exam, but despite solving the problems, I found myself dozing off from exhaustion.

Staying up all night wouldn't have been a big deal, but the accumulated sleep debt from days of exam preparation, combined with last night's all-nighter, finally caught up with me.

I'm tired.


I want nothing more than to collapse into bed right away, but there's no way I'll make it home safely on my own.

If I sit on the train, I'll definitely fall asleep and miss my stop.

Plus, there are still exams tomorrow.

While I've overcome the biggest hurdle of classical literature, I'm not prepared enough for the other subjects to expect high scores without proper review.

"I should have a drink."

I opened the lid of the potent nutritional drink Minna gave me and downed it in one gulp.

It tasted bitter, and I involuntarily let out a groan.

"Shou, are you okay? You look really worn out."

"Oh... Hayami-san. I'm exhausted."

I should remind Hayami-san not to call me Major General in public, but I don't even have the energy for our usual exchange.

"Are you sure you're okay? You seem to be in a lot of discomfort."

"Yeah, last night's all-nighter is catching up to me... Are you okay, Hayami-san?"

"I'm just overseeing exams today, so I'll manage. But stifling yawns in front of students is quite a challenge."

Hayami-san chuckled in response.

As an officer, she couldn't afford to appear weak in front of her subordinates.

Enduring it must be tough.

"Well then, I'll head home. Thanks for your hard work."

"Shou, could you come over here for a moment?"

"What is it?"

Hayami-san glanced around to confirm nobody was watching, then motioned for me to come closer.

As I approached her without much thought, she grabbed my arm and said, "Teleportation Ritual: Deploy."

In an instant, Hayami-san and I were standing inside my home's foyer.

"Woah...! Using magic outside of missions..."

I tried to reprimand Hayami-san, but she interrupted me.

"This was considered an emergency measure for your safety, Shou. If it's inappropriate, please punish me."

She replied firmly, almost defiantly.

"I'm not planning to punish you. Thanks, Hayami-san."

"No need to thank me!"

Honestly, I'm relieved.

Taking public transportation home would have been exhausting, so being able to reach my bed in an instant is a blessing.

I'm still wearing my school shoes, but I can bring them tomorrow.

"Huh... Why do I feel dizzy now that I'm home...?"

"A-Are you alright, Shou?"

"I might not be... quite okay..."

I collapsed in the foyer.

My whole body feels hot and feverish.

"I'll carry you."

"Oh, it's... not necessary..."

Before I could refuse, I felt myself being lifted by Hayami-san.

It's called the fireman's carry, a manual transport method for evacuating adults in emergencies without a stretcher.

Being carried like a princess is out of the question. Not that I want that.

As I pondered pointless things, I was soon laid down on the living room sofa.

"Thanks, Hayami-san... That was a smooth carry..."

"I've carried wounded soldiers on the battlefield before."

Hayami-san may seem composed and rational, serving in rear support roles, but she has frontline combat experience.

"How are you feeling?"

"My chest feels tight..."


As I tried to unbutton my uniform shirt to relieve the discomfort, I found it hard to focus due to dizziness.



"Help me... take it off..."


Hayami-san's gulp echoed in the quiet living room.

"Are you... s-sure about this?"

I weakly replied, "Yeah... it's fine..."

I'm already breathless.


With determination, Hayami-san reached for my shirt buttons with trembling hands.

"Haa...! Haa...!"

Her breathing sounded more erratic than mine.

"I'm... feeling a bit... dizzy..."

"I-I'm sorry! I'm so clumsy..."

Hayami-san hastily withdrew her hands, flustered.

With her hesitant actions, my shirt buttons remained untouched.

"It's okay... it doesn't hurt... do it however you want, Hayami-san..."

I lay on the sofa, raising my heavy arm in surrender.

From an outsider's perspective, it's total surrender.

Or perhaps, it's like a baby trusting its mother completely.

"Ah... ah..."

As if drawn by a sweet scent, Hayami-san reached out to my chest, trembling, and after several attempts, she finally succeeded.

"Thanks... I feel relieved..."

"H-How... h-how can I... help..."

The front of my shirt opened slightly, making it easier to breathe.

"Even... faltering at a time like this... I'm such a coward. But taking advantage of weakened Yuu-sama..."

"Huh... Hayami-san, there's blood on your lower lip."

"I-It's... because it's dry..."

"No, it's summer now, so it's more humid than dry..."

"No, it's definitely dry."

As Hayami-san bit her lower lip harder, more blood flowed.

Perhaps Hayami-san is also suffering from the fatigue of last night's all-nighter.

"Thanks, Hayami-san... sigh..."

"You still seem to be struggling to breathe, Major General."

"Yeah... This is a new symptom..."

What is this?

Could it be a sign of my soul armor's rampage?

[That's a baseless accusation, Master. I'm deeply disappointed.]

It seems not.

Kon immediately refuted it.

"[Considering your actions, it seems likely that you already have an idea of the cause.]

What is it? I feel so sluggish. My mind isn't working at all.

The exchange about unbuttoning my shirt seems to have drained my energy.

"Oh! I almost forgot. I have something good."

Hayami-san rummaged through her pockets.

"This is cough relief cream. It has menthol, and applying it to your chest will feel refreshing. It's for babies, so it's gentle on the skin."

Why does everything Hayami-san carries seem to be for babies?

That's a perfectly valid question, but I don't have the strength to ask it now.

"Yes...then please..."

"...That is when I touch Major General Kamiya's skin..."

"Yeah... nice to meet you."

"No, this is a medical procedure... definitely a medical procedure... Calm down, I..."

Once again, I hear Hayami mumbling to himself.

If you're going to paint it, could you please paint it quickly?

"Y-Okay...let's go."

Hayami-san seemed to have made up her mind and got into a horse-riding position on top of me, who was sleeping on the sofa.

Then, from the tube, I passed a thick gel of high viscosity onto my hands, and then it dripped onto my chest, where my shirt was open.

"Yuu-kun is here!? He's already back...ru..."

Now, let's check the situation seen by Mina, who suddenly came into our living room.

A female teacher with a seductive look on her face, her uniform shirt wide open, sitting on top of a student lying lifelessly on the sofa, dripping a thick liquid.


In a silent world where no one spoke, I could almost hear the sound of the refrigerator running.

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