16 April 2024

Earth Dungeon 164


Chapter 164. Rental

At the penthouse on the top floor of the Amatsugahara Corporation's headquarters, I was reading a large amount of documents in the usual living room. The new base seems to be operating smoothly, which is reassuring. Maybe the food problem will be sorted out somehow.

"Wow, as expected of you, aniki! How did you manage to build that sewer?"

Since I was reading documents, I couldn't hear any noise. If I didn't hear it, he didn't hear it. Maybe a fly is buzzing around?

"There was no dust or dirt, so I was surprised when I released the slime."

"Hmm... Ohki-kun, did you climb down a ladder? You could've just opened the manhole cover and dropped it in."

It's not noise, so I gave up and looked at Ohki-kun, who was sitting across from him with a sigh.

"If I dropped it from the ladder, the slime might have died. And when I went down, I was surprised. The floor was shiny concrete."

"You're serious, Ohki-kun. Did you come here bragging about how amazing it is?"

"Yes! Your magic was amazing, aniki! I boasted about how amazing your magic is to everyone!"

"Hahaha! That's our Ohki-kun! Thanks, buddy. Here, this is your reward."

Snapping my fingers, the dark cat took a bundle of bills from the shelf, hugged them, and walked over cutely on two legs to hand them over to Ohki-kun. It must have been quite a job. He crossed his legs and folded his arms with a cold smile.

"With my magic, keep bragging like that. Counting on you in the future."

"Got it! Leave it to Tadakatsu Honda Assault Buster!"

"That name is too long."

Ohki-kun jumped for joy, took the bundle of bills, bowed, and left.

Well, he worked hard this time. Keep bragging about my magic to everyone. Instead of Ohki-kun, the usual little girl came in through the door, saw me, ran up to me with a shining smile, climbed onto my knees, and sat down satisfied.

While smiling wryly and patting her head for comfort, ethereal Shizuku curiously tilted her head and approached my face.

[Sakimori-san, was it good? It's impossible to claim that changing the terrain with spirit stones is earth magic. It seems like a hassle to be proclaimed as Sakimori-san's magic by those around you.]

Touching my face with a puzzled expression, she asked as she approached, but it was too close. I narrowed my eyes and curved my lips, leaning against the sofa.

[What about contingency plans?]

[Right. Obviously what Ohki-kun did was bad. But you know, I had already thought of countermeasures. I'd like to think of it as fortunate.]

Being petted and pleased, the little girl pushes her head against me even more. 


[Yes. Obviously, it's absurd for a human to magically create a brand-new, shiny concrete sewer. A human couldn't done such a thing with earth magic. So what do we do?]

I explained with a raised index finger. It's impossible for anyone to not find it strange to suddenly construct a new sewer.

[It's not magic. If it's skills, it's subtle. Can you have the skill to create such a splendid sewer even without signposts?]

[No. If such a skill existed, we could have built fortresses and countered dungeons more easily. We had construction skills, but we needed a lot of materials, and it took some time.]

While swimming through the air like a dolphin, Shizuku conveyed her knowledge.

[Right. It's incomprehensible to the opponent. Even from common sense, it's hard to believe a human could build a sewer instantly. If I had a skill that could make sewers instantly, why didn't I use it until now? If that's the case, what's the solution?]

Well, I think this idea is also unreasonable, and I say with a wry smile.

[It implies that the sewer was secretly under construction. The manhole cover slightly rises from the ground as the ground trembles faintly. Hey, clearly it was already made. The old man boasted to everyone that it was his magic. You're being deceived.]

[Hmm, I see. People could see me as spreading lies by claiming it's magic.]

Shizuku and I clap hands in admiration. That's right. The more Ohki-kun brags proudly to everyone, the more they'll nod their heads in lukewarm agreement, saying it's amazing in a monotone voice.

I removed the manhole cover hidden under the soil and showed it by removing the soil with magic. That's Illusionist Sakimori-san for you.

Of course, some would think it's strange that people weren't noticing the construction underground. But you know, fitting imagination into your own common sense. Imagining without realizing it's a creation. Creating a reasonable way and getting them to agree. Even if I don't do anything. The less information you have and the more you can imagine, the more self-proclaimed detectives there will be.

[So it makes you think there's still a mastermind behind the Amatsugahara Corporation.]

"I, the mastermind! Muahaha!"

The little girl excitedly raises her tiny hand as a candidate, but a mastermind is impossible.

[Whether it will work or not remains to be seen. The only payment for this strategy is the million I gave Ohki-kun. He'll surely be popular at the bar. I've also secretly placed dark tigers and dark snakes around him, just in case.]

Unless they're a formidable enemy, Ohki-kun should be safe. I laugh with a smirk.

[I'm impressed again by Sakimori-san's cleverness. My favorability rating has also exceeded the limit again.]

Giggling while holding her cheeks, blushing, and mimicking Shizuku, the little girl puts her hand on her cheek and giggles amusingly.

[Thank you. I'm embarrassed, but well, that's enough about the sewer. Visitors should be coming soon.]

Smiling wryly, I narrow my eyes at the signal that came through.

The Shadow Cats I placed on the road report that they've confirmed approaching armored vehicles. The awaited ones seem to have arrived. Should I prepare some tea?

Before the Amatsugahara Corporation, armored vehicles stop, and soldiers come out one after another, as observed through the shared vision of the dark cats I arranged.

By the way, there's a difference between Dark Cats and Shadow Cats. It's because of the different mana consumption rates. Shadow cats only require 10 mana, but Dark Cats require 150 mana, while Dark Tigers require 200 mana, so I made sure to distinguish them when creating them.

[The soldiers seem unusually tense.]

[Probably because they've learned about the power of the rented pets.]

I chuckle amusingly. The soldiers are carrying automatic rifles on their backs but aren't attempting to hold them. Fear is visible on their faces.

[When they rented them, I showed them they can also withstand AP bullets. They must feel like they're coming to a dangerous place with toys.]

[Although some tough ones don't show any fear.]

Riding a tiger from the armored vehicle, with a snake around her neck, a girl comes out while snorting.

"Hehe. It's safe with me-nya. You don't have to be nervous because it's okay-nyahaha!"

With her cat ears perked up and swaying a cat tail, the cat girl, Kazama Karin, comes from the armored vehicle, laughing confidently.

It's been a while, but Karin seems unusually confident. What's up with that?

The main lobby is finally operational as a reception lobby, and the dark cat at the reception miaows and waves her hand to guide them forward. Following the excellent reception cat, Karin sniffs as she heads to the elevator. Behind her are the main visitors.

She's a girl with beautifully sculpted features that complement her blonde hair. Her ears are pointed like bamboo leaves, and her attire is elegant and luxurious. The green-dyed dress suits her very well.

She's an elf.

It's a race of elves who live in the forests, a fantasy staple.

Well, she's actually Minamoto Fuuka.

Finally, Karin and the others board the repaired elevator. It's quite moving to see the elevator coming to my house.

The Amatsugahara Corporation headquarters is practically newly built, and most of its functions have been restored. Electricity has also been restored thanks to the generator, and we can use phones internally.

Several areas seem to have been repaired but let's chalk it up to the imagination. The little girl is happily swinging her legs, but it's probably just my imagination. Maybe the house spirits repaired it.

"The guards are here-nya!"

The cat girl presses the intercom with a cat toy, urging them to come in, and they enter confidently. No need for a reception. I'm busy preparing tea and snacks.

"Hey, Karin. And Fuuka-san, welcome."

Karin guides them to the reception room as if it were her home.

"Long time no see-nya."

Casually raising her hand, Karin smiles with a cheerful expression.

"Nice to see you again, Amano-san."

Bowing deeply, Fuuka also enters. Her polite bowing indicates that her attitude toward me has changed quite a bit.

With a gentle smile, I wave my hand as if to invite them to sit on the sofa. Karin plops down on the sofa, while Fuuka sits down gently.

"We've returned the familiars we rented."

"Thank you. It seems they were useful."

I notice Fuuka's slight hesitation, but I'll pretend not to see it with an adult response. She seems nervous. Don't blush, adults don't care. The cat girl is smiling widely.

"Six Dark Tigers, two Dark Snakes, and two Dark Crows, totaling 100 million."

As if Konoha received a request, I rented familiars to the Minamoto family through Karin. At 10 million each. It seems they were useful.

"Here's the rental fee."

She hands me a small silver trunk, and I accept it. It might seem cheap considering they helped with the oil field conquest, but as a rental fee, it's expensive.

"I've received it."

There's no need to check the contents. I'll set it aside. Seeing this, Fuuka shows a cheerful smile and claps her hands together.

"The performance in actual combat was splendid. In dungeon conquests, the overwhelming combat prowess without worrying about casualties, not to mention facing mummies. I never imagined such power."

"It was worth introducing them. I am Lieutenant Colonel Kazama Karin-nyahaha."

Karin proudly puffs out her chest, laughing nyahaha. I see, so she became a lieutenant colonel. That's why she's so confident. Lieutenant colonel? Was she a junior officer?

The cat girl who seems to have forgotten her job as a spy annoyingly flashes her collar rank insignia. Should I congratulate her? She seems quite happy. But a lieutenant colonel? Was there something in the inner town?

While Fuuka smiles wryly at Karin's behavior, she turns to me again with a cheerful smile.

"How about it? I'd like to invite you to a celebration for acquiring the oil field, Amano-sama."

A celebration, huh? It seems a lot is going on behind the scenes, but it sounds interesting.

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