04 April 2024

Dungeon Refrigerator 172


There Was A Story Like This About Becoming A Hermit?

"Hmm, so that kid got knocked flat by that?"

"Darn it... That guy's definitely diving into dungeons."

(But you're the same, aren't you?)

I heard about what happened at school from Shark.

Specifically, after tossing the roomware stained with spilled coffee into the washing machine and wiping off the coffee that had splattered all over the clean room, Shark finally calmed down and started talking, so it took a really long time to get to this point. Besides, she would have gotten burned if she was an ordinary person.

So, according to the story, today's physical education class was held jointly with other classes.

Since it was raining, the ground was unusable, and the gym space was limited, they decided to have a joint class since they were in the same grade.

The class content was physical fitness tests for 1-B and 1-E combined.

The content included nostalgic things like vertical jumps and shuttle runs, which rotated through the measurement items. Well, my student life was quite dull, so I didn't have any memorable youthful experiences.

Anyway, Shark was taking the class like that.

But then, she suddenly became interested in "how far could I jump if I tried my best?" due to her growth in the dungeon. So, according to the story, she tried jumping there to test it out, near the measurement area in the gym.

However, due to her strength in the dungeon, she ended up jumping higher than she thought and gathered attention.

In the dungeon, jumping up like that is not something you usually do.

And she probably wanted to show off a bit. I understand that feeling. You keep getting stronger and feel like you've been reborn with an all-around feel invincibility when you're freshly leveled up.

I also felt exhilarating feeling when I ran up the station stairs in two steps during my commute. Well, in my case, since the random people on my commute weren't acquaintances and just witnesses, nothing happened. They probably just thought I was energetic or in a hurry to avoid being late.

During class, classmates who saw it started making a fuss, and attention gathered around Shark.

Then, she got scolded by female students from other classes for "showing off power gained recklessly in the dungeon". Yeah, I often tell Shark the same thing. So, I can understand her point of view too.

But since Shark didn't intend it that way, she tried to argue against it.

However, the female student apparently didn't listen and tried to leave the scene. So, when she tried to stop her from behind by putting her hand on her shoulder, she twisted Shark's wrist and threw her down.

Hmm, this is a rather delicate situation.

It's not excessive self-defense to throw someone off suddenly from behind when they're not particularly close, especially if Shark got misunderstood as showing off her strength on the spot.

Well, since it was during class, the commotion was calmed down by the teacher who noticed.

But Shark, who wasn't satisfied went to the girl's classroom after school to protest. Well, that's just like Shark, who acts on impulse.

But even there, they apparently got into an argument due to differing opinions, and she got thrown down again.

She was quite upset, but she managed to control herself and back off because it would've been bad to escalate further. But on the way home, thinking back on today's events, she couldn't calm down, so she called me.

That's why, even on a rainy day, Shark came all the way to me with swollen eyelids.



The sound of me sipping coffee echoed in the quiet room.

Outside, the rain was falling steadily, and the washing machine was rumbling at the entrance. With those sounds as background music, I listened quietly to Shark's explanation, occasionally chiming in.

"So, you were frustrated because you thought you had gotten stronger, but you easily got overturned?"

To that question, Shark nodded slightly and answered, biting her lip again, looking frustrated.

In Shark's mind, she had been pleased to have approached her admired Sandra with her recent growth. Having such an event crush her confidence so easily probably threw off her mental balance.

Yeah, well, that's common when you're young.

The growth period is when your body keeps growing. Today's self is undoubtedly superior to yesterday's self. That leads to a certain superiority and omnipotence.

But the mind is still forming their personality, so there's a wide range of swings. Young people tend to act recklessly because they haven't yet aligned with societal morals.

However, perhaps because I'm older than Shark, I find that immaturity cute and feel embarrassed and pleased about myself.

It's because of this high school freshman, Shark, not her uncle or brother Kiyoshi, but someone who is relying on me for advice, something I'm not used to despite being taken advantage of. 

"I see, I understand. Alright, if you want to get stronger, I'll lend you my strength!"


I looked at Shark with determination and made a cool decision. At that moment, the toaster oven beeped as if it had been timed.

"Hmm... looks like the mochi is done. Well, whatever, let's eat first. How do you like your mochi, Shark?"

"...With mayonnaise."

Wow, is this what youth is about.?


Timing is everything, but is that the formula for victory in personal battles? Wouldn't it be the classic heart, skill, and body when I think about it?

As for Shark, there's no shortage of skill and body.

I heard she's learned self-defense techniques from her policeman uncle and brother Kiyoshi, and due to his brotherly influence, she can move like a martial artist. And although she's not in any school clubs, she runs around airsoft fields on weekends despite being small in stature.

Among the four, including the college girls, she has the best physical foundation and still has a lot of room to grow due to being in her growth period. If Shark trained in the dungeon, it would be obvious that she'd become stronger rapidly.

However, there's a but.

Strength isn't just about skill and body. It's the sure heart that controls skill and body that makes it complete. This incident would probably not have happened if Shark had more control over herself.

So, the priority now is to train Shark's heart first.

But training the heart is the hardest. After all, it's invisible. I can only infer whether the heart is growing from her words and actions. And even though I understand that, I'm not an excellent educator, my options are limited.

But wanting to fulfill Shark's wish somehow, I thought hard and ended up tossing Shark into the dungeon's cockroach nest.

"Uwaaahh! No nooo! I said I don't want to!"

Shark, who changed into borrowed room wear and donned a lazy sweatshirt, screamed as she got surrounded by the roaches. The insects crawling all around her.

"Hold on! Overcome your weaknesses and strengthen your heart!"

"B-but does that mean I have to meditate here...? That's impossible~!!"

"Do it! And it shall be done! You can do it! Shark! Surpass Sandra! If she were my sister, she'd be snoring, and napping even here!!"


As soon as I mentioned Sandra's name, Shark, bewildered but no longer crying out, stopped.

The Sandra effect was indeed remarkable. Well, as a result, my fictional sister gained the setting of being "that weird one who can nap peacefully even among a swarm of giant roaches". Well, since she's a fictional character, it's all good.

Shark somehow managed to sit in meditation posture, closed her eyes, and began meditating.

Her lips trembled, and her temples twitched, showing she wasn't completely focused. Still, it was significant progress to maintain that posture while surrounded by insects she disliked. I also sat facing Shark from a distance, assuming a meditation posture.

"Focus! It's meditation! Clear your mind, and even fire will feel cool!!"


And then, "What in the world?" The giant roaches closed in, their antennae touching Shark's body. With each touch, Shark shivered intensely.

It's okay. If Shark immerses her consciousness inward and reaches a state of selflessness, she won't be bothered by her surroundings. Well, the monk who said "clear your mind" ended up burning to death. The roaches won't attack unless provoked, and they follow my instructions as the Insect King. So, during this training, I want her to strengthen her mind thoroughly.


"Ahhhh! I can't take it anymore! Nooo~! Stoooop... gurgle, gurgle..."

About 8 minutes later, Shark, reaching the limit of her mental endurance, finally panicked and vomited. The giant roaches swarmed toward the vomit as if saying "Feast!" and seeing this, Shark turned even paler and passed out.

"Well, this is her limit..."

However, for someone who dislikes insects, this scene is a nightmare. Eight minutes was quite a feat.

Me? I'm fine. It's not the most pleasant sight, but I'm okay. My mental strength was always the highest, and I could handle such stress well.

Well, I do have things I don't like, like lotus seedpods, but for some reason, I end up watching videos of removing dandruff or cleaning teeth plaque on the internet. It's not that I enjoy being scared, but what's this sensation?

Oh, but I definitely dislike seeing inside roaches. When I see their hairy limbs or moving abdomens, it sends shivers down my spine.

Alright, session over, everyone disperse.

Come on, scatter quickly, or I'll step on you. I have to take care of Shark, who's puking and passed out.

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