17 March 2024

Musou Slime 58


58. Instantaneous Teleportation

When did this guy move?! I couldn't see any movement at all!

"Don't make that stupid face!!"

Caught off guard by the sudden event, a straight punch landed on my face. I got sent flying off the ground and rolled along the surface.


I heard Irena's voice. I quickly got up and took a defensive stance.

I've only taken one hit. I should be able to recover.

But why did Barry move behind me in an instant!?

"...People are starting to gather."

Coming back to my senses, I noticed the townspeople watching us from a distance.

Fights among adventurers are commonplace. Even if there's a fight in the guild, it's usually just a side dish to drinking.

But it's different in the town. A fight is a fight. It could become a serious problem.

"...Well, whatever. You get it now, right, loser? It's impossible for you to beat me!"

Saying "Let's go," the two turned their backs and walked away somewhere.

I lost. The pain from being punched is throbbing now.

What was that instantaneous teleportation? Is that the power of an S-rank?


As I pondered while holding my cheek, Irena approached me looking apologetic.

Contrary to her usual lively self, she looked downcast.

"I'm okay. It's not a serious injury. But Irena—"

"I'm sorry! It's because I'm so useless!"

Just as I tried to comfort Irena, she bowed her head to me.

"Why are you apologizing, Irena?"

"...What they said was true. Because I'm inexperienced, Arx was made fun of."

"That's not true. Irena, you're not inexperienced."

Still, Irena didn't seem convinced by my explanation.

"I'll work harder to adjust my sword! We still have time until the real deal!"

With determination in her voice, Irena ran off energetically, most likely towards Danzel's shop.

"She's gone."

"Yeah. She's got a lot of energy."

Watching Irena run off, my mind was filled with thoughts of Barry.

"Hey, Raize, did you see Barry's movements when I got punched?"

"I did. But, to be honest, I couldn't see it clearly. I hate to say something stupid, but that was truly—"

""Instantaneous Teleportation.""

It seems Raize had the same impression. If it looked that way objectively, then it's probably true.

"You saw his skill, right?"

"Yeah. It was <Swift>."

"That's right. But even with <Gale> moving at super speed, it shouldn't disappear like that..."

Raize and I stood in the middle of the road, pondering. But we couldn't find an answer.

"Well, we'll figure it out later. I'm tired. Let's call it a day."

"No, I'm going to train. Losing like that is frustrating."

"You fool, first-class adventurers need proper rest! Got it? Listen to this story. There was a hermit living on a small island, and he included naptime in his training routine."


"Because resting time is important."

Pointed out by Raize, I sighed. Today was a long exploration, and I feel a bit tired.

"There's no point in doing anything when you're tired. Your focus becomes scattered, and you won't last long. Got it?"

"I'm sorry..."

Raize said nothing more and crossed her arms.

I understood what she meant. In reality, I am tired, and rest is necessary.

But the frustration of losing to Barry is still there. Honestly, I want to level up right away.

At that moment, as if Raize had read my mind, she smiled.

"If you really want to get stronger, let's go to the dungeon together tomorrow. You want to see how far we can go, right?"

"...Is that okay!?"

"Because it's you, you'll probably want to challenge your limits. How about it? Resting today for tomorrow?"

Yeah, that's good. I want to face the dungeon in top condition.

"But! There's a condition."

"What condition?"

As soon as I said that, Raize suddenly became hesitant.

"...We're going shopping together right now."

"Speak up!"

"Be quiet! I'm saying I'll help you take a proper rest for tomorrow's dungeon!"

I see. So Raize talked about the importance of rest to get me to go shopping with her?

She could have just said it directly. She's not straightforward at all.

"Alright, let's go shopping."


Raize and I walked towards the shopping district.

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