03 March 2024

General 22.2


Chapter 22.2. Mina's Affection

"Welcome back, Mina... and Hinoura-san."

As the two returned from the restroom, the last dish had just been cleared away.

"My, Yuu-kun, you ate quite well!"

"T-thank you for the meal."

Oh no... My stomach feels like it's going to burst.

Suo-senpai also seemed lethargic, perhaps due to being full.

"You two took quite a while to come back."

"We got carried away with our conversation."

Though Hinoura-san chuckled, her expression seemed more relaxed than when Mina had dragged her to the restroom earlier, so the conversation probably didn't get too serious.

"Well then, shall we order dessert?"

""We don't need any!""

Both Suo-senpai and I immediately declined.

After leaving the family restaurant, Hinoura-san and Suo-senpai went their separate ways at the station since their homes were in opposite directions. Mina and I boarded the train for our journey home.

"I tried probing Hinoura-san, but it seems she hasn't noticed anything about Yuu-kun's secret."

"I see... thanks, Mina."

"Though she has quite the sense to notice Yuu-kun's charm, it seems she was taken aback by the depth of the bond between me and Yuu-kun."

Though I felt like there might be something different, I didn't have the energy to argue. 

My stomach was so full and uncomfortable that I could only manage minimal responses. However, just before meeting up with Mina and the others, Hinoura-san had definitely asked me about my salary with some intent, hadn't she? 

She seemed suspicious after seeing my salary. No, it's no good. My head is too full processing the digestion of my stomach's contents to think properly. Mina said there's no problem, so maybe it's fine to put Hinoura-san's inquiry on hold for now. 

With a clouded mind, I optimistically let the drowsiness brought on by the sudden rise in blood sugar wash over me as I swayed on the train ride home.

The Next Day

I arrived at school a little early since I received a notification from Principal Takami to visit his office first thing in the morning. The hot tea was soothing to my tired stomach.

"Hey, Yuusuke. Sorry for calling you out so early."

"No problem. So, what's the matter?"

"The teachers have already been informed, but I wanted to let you know, Yuusuke. There seems to be some suspicious activity from Anti Soul Armor groups."

"Oh... So, these kinds of groups really exist nowadays?"

"During the World War, both government and civilians were seriously committed to crushing such groups."

"I was still in Japan, and I remember watching news and talk shows about these groups. They got treated as traitors."

"When I say 'crushing', I mean it literally, not just online backlash or criticism on forums. Japan lagged behind in the military use of Soul Armor during the early stages of the war. As a result, Japan kept losing battles, resulting in many casualties. 

The discourse in the country at that time blamed pressure groups opposing the use of Soul Armor for holding Japan back. When people have nowhere to direct their anger and frustration, violence and vigilante justice can easily erupt."

"It's a bitter history."

"I might be talking about it as if it's someone else's problem, but it's thanks to you, those sentiments subsided."


"After you were conscripted and sent to the front lines, Japan started winning battles. Attacks on Anti Soul Armor ideology rapidly decreased."

"So, they just needed someone to vent their frustrations from a losing war on... That's an unpleasant story."

"The backlash from that bitter history led Anti Soul Armor groups to become protected entities. However, due to their ideological content, they remained a minority."

"Nowadays, it's impossible to operate without Soul Armor in various sectors, like energy production."

"The world has reached a point where it can't function without Soul Armor. With soul armor users involved in energy production, efficiency has increased multiple times over, and the influence of Soul Armor on society is growing. Even if they were targets of regrettable oppression in the past, people wouldn't gather around an unrealistic doctrine."

"What about these suspicious moves from the Anti Soul Armor groups?"

"Recently, authorities conducted a large-scale raid on one of these groups. Numerous members and weapons were seized under charges of illegal weapon possession."

"Then, isn't it resolved?"

"According to the documents from the raid, it seems they were planning terrorist attacks on important facilities within the country. And apparently, Specialized Soul Armor Academy was also one of their targets."


"However, since most of the main members and weapons got confiscated during the raid, it seems unlikely they can carry out their plans."

"With just one gun, even amateurs can kill several people."

I frowned at the authorities' optimistic view. As someone who lost their parents to terrorism from another country, I couldn't help but feel hatred bubbling up personally.

"In case of anything suspicious, make sure to keep an eye on it."

"Understood. And what about the students?"

"Dealing with Anti Soul Armor groups is a delicate matter. If our vigilance against them gets revealed through the students, the group might criticize us. Therefore, no announcements will be made to the students."

"Got it."

"I'll be away on a business trip, leaving the academy. I'm counting on you."

"Even if you say that, all I can do is act when the time comes."

"Just in case, we've made preparations here, so make sure to fulfill your duties when the time comes."


At that moment, I didn't quite understand the meaning behind Principal Takami's talk of duties and the suggestive laughter.

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