20 March 2024

Earth Dungeon 148.1


Chapter 148. Ash

What is the effect of the substitute ring? I know because I played games a little when I was a kid. In other words, it's a magic ring that can block a fatal enemy attack once.

When hit by an instant death attack, the ring shatters instead, saving the life of its wearer.

But there remains a question: how is a fatal enemy attack defined?

Let's say you receive a fatal scorching breath. Imagine being burned by flames at 10 billion degrees. It's a fatal blow, but the breath continues for a few seconds, maybe even dozens of seconds. In that case, if the ring were to break as soon as it deemed the flames a fatal blow upon contact, the wearer would undoubtedly die from the ongoing breath. In other words, the effectiveness of the substitute ring wouldn't be saving from a blow but rather from a momentary one.

However, magical tools are precise. If it can substitute for a fatal blow, it should also substitute for the scorching breath. While there's a downside that it doesn't protect against anything other than a fatal blow, it will undoubtedly block that fatal blow. That's the essence of a substitute ring.

So how does the substitute ring's effectiveness manifest in reality?

The solution was simple. The wearer of the ring would be in a state of death from a fatal blow. Then, after determining it's safe, they would reconstruct the owner back into their original body and revive them.

In the case of the resurrected Serika, since there were no foreign objects, her original body without the fusion body got reconstructed. Well, it was a bit of a gamble.

I thought maybe the core would get reconstructed too, but I had heard that things like clothes and armor were not part of the reconstruction, and indeed, the core wasn't reconstructed, so that was a relief.

There was no way to save Serika, so upon hearing about the unexpected ability of the substitute ring, I decided to use it. The Dark Cat secretly approached Serika with the ring and attached it to her body as I instructed. I imagine it was attached to her hair somewhere.

Honestly, the chances of failure were high. A fatal blow wouldn't occur if the attacker was strong enough. As long as you could act even for a moment before dying, it wouldn't be a fatal blow. For the substitute ring, a fatal blow refers to an instant death attack, apparently.

However, Shizuku accomplished it. She's surprisingly skilled.

Watching my partner, who's diligently covering Selica with ash to avoid revealing her nakedness, I can't help but be impressed. It would be perfect if that weren't there.

"Shizuku-san, please stop there. We're going to escape soon."

"Yukihana-chan will be carrying the burden, right? I trust that Sakimori-san wouldn't burden himself with a naked pervert."

Saint Shizuku shows a loving smile with a hint of amusement. Her eyes are so cold that one might mistake her for the Demon Lord. Seeing Yukihana smile wryly and nod, I had no choice but to leave it to her.

"As for Serika, leave her to Yukihana. Now, can this broken core be absorbed?"

Reaching out to the split core, it got absorbed into the Equivalent Exchange Store.

[Obtained Fragmented Discarded Rare Element A]

[Obtained Fragmented Discarded Rare Element A]

[Commencing restoration...]

[Restoration complete]

[Obtained Rare Element Core B]

Oh, I'm surprised by the results. It's not Rank A, but I'm satisfied with obtaining a Rank B Rare Element Core.

As I try to figure out what I can convert it into, I hear Shizuku's sharp voice.


I raise my head in surprise. I couldn't even ask what was happening because Seliton's ashes swirled around, covering my body.

"W-What's this... I'm losing consciousness..."

The ashes continue to enter my body. No, the Equivalent Exchange Store is absorbing them. Watching Shizuku and the others panic, I feel an intense heat from within my body.

I lose consciousness and fall into darkness. It seems Shizuku can panic too.

When I wake up, it's pitch black all around. Completely dark. I can't see anything, not even my own body.

"Where is this?"

My murmured voice is absorbed by the surroundings and fades away. Despite feeling neither heat nor cold, I sense a comforting drowsiness and a feeling of happiness as if wrapped in a blanket.

Intense drowsiness overwhelms me, and I slowly close my eyes and fall asleep.

How much time has passed? In a half-awake state, I feel a sense of floating and happiness.

"This is boring. Shall we start thinking about how to get out?"

I'm bored. Sleeping is nice, but I'm bored already. I'm supposed to be the world's savior, after all. I stretch and decide to act rather than lie around.

[It's only been a few hours. Aren't you getting bored quickly?]

I hear a voice in the darkness. It's strange; I can't tell anything about the voice - whether it's male or female, how old they might be, or anything about their personality.

"I get a headache if I sleep too long. I'm getting old, you know."

I respond nonchalantly, and the other party seems to chuckle in amusement.

[Age is only visible on the outside. I believe your insides are full of healthy, vibrant energy. But if you say so, let's go with that.]

"Thanks. So, who are you? The Equivalent Exchange Store?"

I bluntly voice my guess, and the other party seems surprised, causing a momentary stir in the air before it settles down.

[I cannot prove who I am. So, let's finish what you need to do.]

[Do you want to change the Administrator authority of Fairy Machine 665 Naja?]

"[Yes - No]"

"Sorry for Serika, but yes, please. You're not going to turn her into a slave, right?"

[You do not have that authority. Since you don't intend to do anything anyway.]

"You seem to know me well."

Even if I change the administrator authority, I don't plan on doing anything. Free will is important to humans.

Perhaps sensing my intentions, the other party responds with a pleased atmosphere.

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