04 February 2024

Twilight Alchemist 26.2


26.2. Birth, Isn't It?

In the village's central square, the fearsome dragon's head, which sat enthroned, was beautifully adorned. 

Not only were there numerous bonfires. But also lamps and candles lined up, brightly illuminating the darkness.

"Now, let's celebrate the success of the dragon subjugation! Cheers!"


Having completed the rough proceedings, Kyle, who had already begun the victory celebration on his own, took charge again. 

A resounding chant echoed throughout the village.

"Finally, the main characters have arrived!"

"Raidoc-san! Craft-san! Over here!"

"Hey, don't run away! Both of you come this way! We have both booze and meat!"

"Hey! Raidoc-san! Come over here! It won't be fun in that gloomy place!"

"Kyaa! Craft-san! Come here! Let's drink together!"

Somehow, young women who had increased in number in the village had gathered. 

They were probably aiming for promising adventurers and witnesses. 

Leaving one's hometown required a considerable amount of determination.

"Oh, I'll drink with my companions."

"Eh! Raidoc-san, you're being naughty!"

"Then come on, Craft-san!"

"Haha... I'll drink here."


Dodging the women who were making advances, I sat down at a table where older men were already gathered. 

There were some girls I found attractive.

But getting involved here would undoubtedly lead to trouble. I haven't thought about marriage yet.

"Hey, Craft-san! Try this!"

"Hmm? What's this?"

"It's dragon steak!"

"Eh? Why?"

"Apparently, the adventurer's guild provided a bit for the feast."

"That's good... their generosity is surprising."

The adventurer's guild was an organization that required a significant amount of money for maintenance, contrary to its appearance. 

I thought they would make a hefty profit whenever they could.

"They said they handed it over to the surrounding area that got damaged by magic. The village distributed the edible parts among everyone."

"I see."

Crafty move. Since the intricate parts required more effort, they might have used it to gain favor with the village. 

Still, it was undoubtedly a generous feast.


"Right!? I've never eaten such delicious meat before!"

"I thought it would be bland, but the sweet fat and tender lean meat blend perfectly, and the juices overflow! This isn't just delicious; it's amazing!"

"Hey! You guys! Make sure the adventurers also get to eat!"

"Oh yeah! Come on, brother! Have some too!"


The villagers, who were devouring dragon meat, were urged to share with the nearby adventurers. 

Kyle was also providing more alcohol and different kinds of meat, and barrels of wine and dried meat were being brought out from the mansion's warehouse.

Apparently, dragon meat alone wasn't enough. In addition to boar meat, various other meats were being grilled. 

With over a hundred hungry adventurers, the meat and fish were quickly disappearing. It was satisfying to watch.

Fortunately, the village's treasury was sufficient, and selling the materials from the dragon this time would bring in more gold. The villagers who knew this were all smiling.

"So, Craft-san did this, and then Jitaro cast a spell like this!"

"I have no idea! You're drinking too much, Jitaro!"


"Persia-san, please!"

"I've had enough! I can't drink that much!"

The villagers were having too much fun. Persia was politely participating, trying to keep up. 

Well, it's okay. I walked around moderately, greeting people. I was recommended alcohol and meat everywhere.

But I skillfully avoided them and moved on. There was not enough space in my stomach to accept everything.

"Hey, hero!"

"Huh? What do you mean, it's you?"

Raidoc and the others had apparently gathered in a corner I had missed.

"What are you talking about? This achievement from start to finish is all thanks to Craft!"

"I just helped with what I could."

"Do you realize that? Without you, we wouldn't have been able to do it."

"You guys being here made it possible."

Raidoc raised his cup with a smirk, and I also clinked my cup.

"Ah, two rough guys are laughing together~"

"Are you drunk, Soral?"

"Well, yeah! I'm totally drunk!"

"Well, keep it moderate."

In the distance, Kyle was being held by the villagers, worshipped.

When our eyes met, I probably had a smile on my face. I sat in a quiet place.

The breeze was refreshing. It was just right to sober up. 

Yeah. I see. 

I wonder if I could be of use to someone. 

I gently stroked the emblem of the Twilight Alchemist on my left hand.


The celebration was in full swing. In a corner of the central square, Solar, oddly dressed, stood alone. 

She seemed unusually restless. Curious, I observed from a distance.

Maybe, just maybe, I thought, and sure enough, I spotted Jitaro, who had cleaned up nicely, holding a bouquet and walking towards her.

Oh, Jitaro, you're doing it. With a nervous expression, Jitaro approached Solar slowly.

"Hey. Did I keep you waiting?"

"Uh, um? I just got here."


"The, um, business you wanted to discuss..."

"Uh, yeah."

"Oh, that, um..."

Tension filled the air between the two.

"Hey! Damn it! Men need courage! Solar! I'm in love with you! Will you go out with me!"

Wow! What a manly confession! I unintentionally swallowed my spit and watched.

"Oh... uh... well..."

"I'm serious! Th... the answer can be... um, given later!"

Suddenly becoming timid?!

"... Fool. I'll give you an answer now."

"Oh, okay."

"Yeah... um, please take care of me..."


Whoooa!!! I couldn't help but cheer. Even Bepp, Bardak, and Moda jumped out.

"Congratulations, leader!"


"Hmph. Finally. It was frustrating up until now."

"No, it's just that..."

"Eh!? Did everyone know!?"

"Well, well. Let's not get into the details! Today is a celebration!"

"Oh! Congrats, big bro!"

"The hero who defeated the dragon? Drink, drink!"

"Alright! Another serving of dragon steak!"


And so, Raidoc, who had arranged a meeting with Solar, successfully confessed his feelings. 

The festival was further fueled and burned passionately. 

Leaving behind the burning trash named Jitaro who had watched from the shadows. Namu.

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