06 February 2024

Earth Dungeon 136.2


Chapter 136.2. Masamune

"Alright, we've started shooting!"

Coordination is not happening. Units that haven't engaged aren't moving to support. Also, it seems the automatic rifle bullets aren't effective against the giant lizard. It doesn't seem to be able to make holes in its body, and the lizard continues to move, biting into the infantry seemingly unfazed.

However, the lizard's rampage ends there. When the infantry brings out recoilless rifles and fires at the enemy, the torso explodes and blows away.

With a few bazooka attacks, one of the large lizards loses most of its body and collapses.

"Alright, we did it... What's that?"

As infantry approaches another giant lizard, about to aim the bazooka, the lizard glows red, and the fired bazooka passes through its body.

The lizard's figure disappeared as if melting into the air, but those watching from a distance, including Masamune, knew where it had disappeared to.

It clung to the wall of a building that quickly moved away. The infantry doesn't notice where it moved to, being too close.

Mockingly opening its mouth, it spewed scorching flames. In an instant, the infantry turned into ashes, armored vehicles melted, and the concrete of the building shattered and flew away.

In the wake of the flames, the asphalt pavement turned glassy, and melted rocks flowed like a river.

Similarly, the large lizards moved rapidly, exhaling a breath of extremely high heat, calling it flames one after another.

Hellish scenes of pandemonium spread everywhere. The damage is far greater than the previous attacks, such as mere bites.

"The infantry is useless! Too close to the enemy!"

Due to the proximity, the infantry is confused, not knowing where the enemy moved. Some infantry noticed where it moved, but the enemy quickly moved again, spewing flames elsewhere.

"Darn it! They're cautious for lizards. We have no choice but to hit them with a tank gun unnoticed. Operator!"

Nanbu shouts, but the response is as if from a manual.

"No, it's not possible. Tank combat in urban areas is prohibited. Currently, the feasibility of combat in urban areas is under consideration. They're discussing interpretations of combat to avoid illegality."

"Fool! Look at the current situation! Connect me to the battalion commander!"

Communication immediately switches, connecting to the battalion commander.

"Nanbu, I understand what you want to say. You want us to start the attack, right?"

"That's right. At this rate, the damage will spread. We need to stop them!"

"It won't go like a movie. Look, there are still people alive, running away!"

The hellish scene is spreading rapidly. The infantry's front line is broken, and they're chasing the fleeing people. The large lizards soon join in, trampling among them.




Everyone falls silent. If they attack now, they'll inevitably involve the fleeing people.

How long the silence lasts, whether it's seconds or minutes, is unclear. In the painful silence, Nanbu slowly opens his mouth.

"...In an old movie. A world collapsed by zombie attacks. In a military community surviving in that world, there was a child who went outside for mischief."


Without understanding what Nanbu is talking about, Soma asks suspiciously.

"The commander said there was a child who went outside for mischief. The protagonist tries to open the partition wall at the entrance to save the child. Seeing that, the commander shouts that he can't risk many friends for one person. It's a typical development in a movie, but the protagonist forcibly opens the partition with his friends. In doing so, the friends are wiped out, and only the protagonist survives, rescuing the child for a happy ending. When the partition opened, a large number of zombies entered, and the commander and many others died."

"Ah... What are you trying to say?"

Masamune understood what Nanbu was trying to say. Soma also nods in understanding.

"I think the commander is right. We can't endanger many people. Those who agree with this opinion, raise your hands."

For a while, silence continues. Masamune and Soma sigh and respond.

"...I agree."

"I also agree."

They know what the result will be. But the current situation will continue to spread without limits around them. There are still many people who haven't evacuated to the rear.

"Alright. Fire the tank gun. Target: Giant Lizards."


Masamune slowly pulls the trigger of the tank gun.

It was the moment he cut a ticket to the frontline of dungeon conquest.

Soon, the sound of gunfire echoes from the surrounding tank units.

In such moments, Masamune occasionally thinks. He has things to ponder, questions without answers.

Namely, when saving lives, whether to prioritize one life or the lives of many people yet unseen.

He understands that an answer will never come.

However, he has made up his mind.

He will never abandon a few more lives.

He is sure he will continue to make foolish choices in the future.

He already had a premonition while heading to the inner town, getting involved in the suspicious story of the man dressed in black.

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