24 January 2024

Shop 36.1


Chapter 36.1. Handsome Man And Beauty In The Wilderness

Do you all remember?

The errand event I got asked to do by a certain god.

The task was to visit the three major gods of this world, pay respects, and offer the carving of the symbol of a certain god. 

I visited the church of the Earth Mother Goddess Aigas, the only one in this city. No, in the country. 

However, due to various reasons, I couldn't receive the symbol. 

I was begged to wait for about a month as they sought instructions from their superior, and that's how I ended up staying in this city.

The only priest serving the Earth Mother Goddess Aigas, Mouton Laetia, was standing in front of the inn.

She still had a gentle smile and a refreshing aura. If she became an idol in Japan, she would surely be popular. 

With her tall and slender figure, she could even pass as a beautiful woman in men's clothing. Her chestnut-colored ponytail swayed gently.

"Good morning, Akira-sama."

She bowed politely when she approached.

"Oh, good morning... I was planning to thank you for the inn, but I got a bit busy and couldn't make it. Thanks for that, though."

"Not at all. We are grateful for your understanding; it is only natural for us to accommodate such requests."

She seemed genuinely apologetic. At least that's how it appeared. It's hard to tell what she really thinks.

"So, what brings you here so early in the morning? Did you manage to contact the headquarters or something?"

"I apologize. I came to convey another message."

What could it be?

"The express delivery addressed to the headquarters arrived in Sevites City and was handed over to the Griffin service."

"Sevites? Griffin service?"

Both terms were unfamiliar to me. I vaguely remember hearing about griffins in games or novels. 

What were they again?

"Sevites is a major city upstream of the River Liberi. The Griffin service is a delivery service that uses flying creatures. It's not common, so many people are unfamiliar with it. It's a business that delivers goods to distant places. Do you know about it, Akira-sama?"

"No, not at all. But I think I can understand the system."

"As expected, Akira-sama, as a merchant, grasps things quickly. It may be difficult for common folk to understand."

In my country, postal and delivery services were well-developed. 

People might find it hard to believe that ordering something online would result in it arriving the next day.

"Well, never mind that. So, what's the point of all this?"

"Since the most likely scenario for a letter to be lost is between here and Sevites, and it has been entrusted to the Griffin service, it is almost certain that the letter will reach the headquarters. I have come to request that you wait in this country until then."

"I see."

Indeed, in a place where bandits could appear near the town, losing contact might be quite common. 

I hadn't realized it until she mentioned it. Griffins, if they fly, would undoubtedly provide a sense of security. 

It's considerate of her to bring such a report personally.

"But it's fine; I've decided to stay in this city for a little longer due to some developments. So, unless something significant happens, I won't be running away."

"Is that so?"

She tilted her head. If a type of person saw that, they'd instantly fall in love.

"Yeah, I don't really understand it myself, but I've ended up helping a merchant I met."

"I see. If you are the god of commerce, wonderful results are sure to come. Although I believe in different gods, I also pray for your business to prosper."

"That's quite encouraging."

I decided not to ask what she was about to say. It would take me some time to recover if she used a chuuni-like term.

"Alright then, I'll be going."

"Yes. If you encounter any trouble, please feel free to visit the church or send someone, and I will come directly."

"Got it. I'll rely on you if anything comes up."

Yeah, let's make sure nothing happens. It might be a bit late for that.

"See you."

Laetia saw me off with a smile. Beautiful people always have a certain charm.


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