05 December 2023

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Chapter 1. Transmigration God In The Wild

The evening news program was showing a business hotel engulfed in flames. 

Captured from above by a helicopter, the scene of a corner of the night city ablaze had an inappropriate yet captivating beauty.

The anchor discussed various reasons for the incident. 

According to sources, the fire department had been inspecting the hotel's fire facilities for a few years. 

Well, that seems like a problem predating the current situation. 

Yeah. But there's an even more troublesome issue.

"Um, have you understood the situation?"

The entity in front of me spoke again. 

Several news images floated beside it as if cutting through space. 

Unfortunately, I couldn't see rows of TVs like LCDs or plasmas. 

Multiple 16:9 images hovered in the air, displaying major channels.

There's still something strange. 

Where is this place, to begin with? Pitch-black darkness. 

Even if I allow the screens are float, it's puzzling that no objects reflect light on the news screen. It implies there's neither floor nor walls. And my posture is mysterious as well. I can't tell if I'm standing, sitting, or lying down. It feels like my senses are numb.

In this empty darkness, I realized, initially, only it was floating there.

A God.

Yeah. I felt like punching myself. 

A self-proclaimed god who I created in elementary school. 

The worst. Should've made it part of my dark history. 

Is this some punishment for continuing it, thinking nobody else but me would ever know?

"That, it's not a punishment! Do you know how much I appreciate you, Akira-sama!"


A self-proclaimed god who completely ignores the atmosphere, desperately asserting itself.

 Don't they understand how tough this is for me the more they go on?

Probably not.

"Well... whatever. Anyway, I get it. I'm dead. I never thought that if I died, instead of Yama or angels or Buddha, an artificial god would show up. So what happened to me? Am I going to hell? Reincarnation? Honestly, I don't understand religions and such."

I answered dismissively.

"Indeed, Akira-sama unfortunately died in a gas explosion accident."

That's a tongue twister. Would've been perfect on a bus.

"But! Don't worry! I will revive Akira-sama!"


Revive me? What is that, some kind of resurrection technique?

If it's turning into a zombie, I'll pass.

Even before that, it doesn't seem like there's even a trace of ashes left.

When I was looking at the footage, the fire had spread to the hotel's upper floors and was a blazing inferno. 

It was about 13 stories tall, I think. I stayed on the 4th floor (which also feels it's a suspicious floor, considering it's the General Affairs Department...), so a whole 10 floors would have been involved. 

My condolences.

No, but seriously, what's with this revival thing? 

Spare me from living on as the ashes of a saint.

"No, it's different! Technically, you're not dead! Akira-sama's body has been frozen in time just moments before the explosion, and we have preserved it... aaaaah!"

Now what?

"Ti-time! We don't have time to chat leisurely like this!"

Come on...

"A-anyway, I'll give you a brief overview, so please listen!"

There are so many places to poke holes in this, but in this situation, I have no choice but to listen. Go on.

"Thank you very much! Um, first of all, it's about me. Thanks to Akira-sama's long-standing faith, I have attained divinity. As a result, I now can interfere with the principles of the world. However, the top 3 gods in this world are too powerful, so I can hardly bring about miracles or anything like that."

I won't ask what's at the top.

"So, I searched for a world even I could interfere with. A world with a high embodiment interference rate, where Akira-sama would face minimal inconvenience! I will resurrect you in that world!"

Huh? What's that? 

Am I being sent to another world? 

This has to be a joke.

"But, there's no other way... or would you prefer a world with only low-level embodiment like plants?"

Absolutely not!

"Then please bear with it! Otherwise, you'll really die!"

That's the worst 2 choices.

"A-anyway, I don't have much time, so let me continue! There's one problem in sending Akira-sama to that world."

No choices, and a problem arises. My life is truly a crappy game...

"Ugh... In that world, there are three powerful gods: Lord Heoris, Lord Termias, and Lord Aigas. Please dedicate my symbol to their temples."

Huh? Are there top 3 gods in the destination world?

"It's quite different from this world... originally, it's a polytheistic belief system, so they recognize each other. Therefore, newcomers like me are accepted. However, it's a provisional treatment, and by dedicating my symbol to the temple, you will get recognized as a god in that world."

Hmm? Well, it's better than dying.

I don't find that much meaning in living anyway.

So, do I choose to die? 

I'm not that enlightened to make such a choice when asked.

"Thank you. There's no rush for that itself, so I hope you can complete it before Akira-sama's lifespan runs out."

Quite a carefree grace period.

"During the provisional treatment, the power to interfere with the principles of the world is very weak. As Akira-sama elevates to godhood, the interference power will gradually become stronger."

Godhood? I don't really understand, but how do I achieve that?

"Do you remember what kind of god I am, Akira-sama?"


"At that time, Akira-sama said..."

"The god of business, right? Yeah, that's right."

I interrupted the god's words.

"Yes... that's right. You also mentioned the god of business. So, if Akira-sama engages in business-related activities in that world, your godhood will rise."

Feels like some kind of business-oriented RPG.

"Yeah, that might be good."

Huh? What does that mean?

"I'm sorry... it seems time is running out. That's the limit."

Oh, is that so?

"Yes... there may be many things you want to say or think about... but please decide quickly. Will you accept the fate of the footage as it is? Or will you start anew in an unknown world?"

The symbol asked with its flickering light.

It doesn't need an answer.

"Understood. Well then, I'll send you to the other world. ...Although there's less than a minute left, do you have any questions?"

Even if you ask suddenly... too many, it's troublesome.

"Nothing in particular... well..."


"It's not really a question or anything, but..."


"You're a girl, huh?"

The symbol shone brightly.

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