06 December 2023

Seeker 254


Chapter 254. Boss Battle (1)

We heard voices that resembled screams from a distance, so we dashed towards the source of the sound. 

Eventually, we arrived at a location in the middle of a passage where the ground had collapsed like a pitfall. 

From the bottom of the hole, we could hear the screams of several men.

We were approaching the edge cautiously to look below.

We witnessed a scene where four adventurers got surrounded by numerous Killer Ants. 

If left alone, it was only a matter of time before those adventurers would be wiped out and become prey to the giant ants. 

Additionally, we saw a significantly larger Queen Ant, the Killer Ant Queen, compared to the others. 

The Queen was stationed in a hall slightly away from the adventurers being swarmed, observing the chaos from a higher vantage point.

"What should we do, Daichi-kun?"


Kazane-san and Yumitsuki looked at me with eyes that seemed to plead or express anxiety. 

The adventurers in imminent danger were the central figures who had verbally abused Kazane-san and Yumitsuki. 

They were the 4 members of the adventurer party Dawn Warriors.

From our current position, we could sweep away the horde of Killer Ants with area-of-effect magic, involving those adventurers. 

Moreover, we could have a significant advantage in the fight against the Queen from this position. 

However, in that case, we would have to abandon those adventurers. 

To rescue them, I would need to jump down, engage in close combat to draw the attention of the Killer Ants and lead them toward us.

For a moment, my heart wavered. If we prioritized our safety—

Shaking my head, I dismissed that thought and conveyed to my two companions:

"I'm jumping down to help! Yuzuki, provide support from here!"

"Got it! We're counting on you!"

Fuwane-san and Yumitsuki's voices carried a mix of joy and relief.

I used [Tame] to return the Griffin to its original form first and then jumped down with the Griffin to the bottom of the hole. 

Meanwhile, Kazane-san had already jumped down ahead of me.

With the Seeker's agility and durability, landing without any damage was effortless.

"Are you uncles okay!? Haah!"

Fuwane-san swiftly slashed a Killer Ant in front of her with a dual-wielded short sword, causing it to disappear and transform into a magic stone.

Among the Killer Ants that swarmed the dying adventurers, several turned their attention to Kazane-san.

That was the moment when Griffin and I landed.

I landed near Kazane-san and started attacking the Killer Ant in front of me. 

"Three of them seem to be unconscious! Come, Soldier, over here! [Three Strikes]!"

"Kuah, Kuaaa!"

My skill attack instantly killed the Killer Ant Soldier that had entered my range, turning it into a magic stone. 

The Griffin also launched a series of attacks on the nearby regular Killer Ant with its claws and beak.

Kazane-san continued her agile movements, quickly dealing with another regular Killer Ant.

"With this position, it's hard to aim for them collectively. But [Explosion]!"

Yuzuki cast flame magic from above the hole, blowing away 3 Killer Ants that were in a position to attack the dying adventurers. 

Those 3 also disappeared in an instant, turning into magic stones.

"Here it comes, Daichi-kun!"

Kazane-san shouted, poised against the horde of monsters.

I stood next to her, holding my spear in a defensive stance. 

The Killer Ants seemed to sense who the most dangerous opponent among the humans in this area was. 

The crimson giant ants that had swarmed around the members of Dawn Warriors redirected their attention simultaneously, heading towards me, Kazane-san, and the Griffin.

The total number of remaining Killer Ants, including the higher-ranked ones, was around a dozen. 

In the approaching horde, I noticed the presence of about three Soldier-type ants. 

A bit away from the scene, 3 Killer Ant Mages stood before the Queen, preparing to cast magic with earth-colored energy enveloping them.

The eyes of the Killer Ants focused on us. 

The members of Dawn Warriors in critical condition seemed to mostly get ignored.

Good, that's fine. 

Except for one conscious adventurer, the HP of those dying adventurers should already be below zero. 

If they continued to receive attacks like this, there was a high probability of losing their lives.

Oh, but...


The lone remaining adventurer, who seemed to be a swordsman, charged at a Killer Ant Soldier with tears streaming down his face. 

His strike sliced across the Soldier's shoulder to the chest but didn't deliver a decisive blow. 

Instead, it drew the Soldier's attention, and the adventurer fell under the Soldier's counterattack with its spear.

In that case, he probably just lost consciousness after his HP dropped below zero; there shouldn't be any immediate danger to his life. 

But he's being reckless...

Despite that moment, the focus of the battle shifted to the confrontation between our party and the swarm of Killer Ants. 

The crimson giant ant horde surged towards us with overwhelming force.

"Take this, [Three Strikes]!"



In response, Kazane-san, the Griffin. and I systematically mowed down the approaching Killer Ants. 

Although their numbers were significant, the regular Killer Ants were no more than small fry for us. 

Even the higher-ranked Soldiers could get instantly killed with my [Three Strikes].

Originally swarming around us, the crimson giant ants were rapidly decreasing in number.



At that moment, the big boss, the Killer Ant Queen, made a move.

The Queen had been stationary a few meters away from us.

It lifted its upper body and spewed a sticky liquid in large quantities toward us from her massive mouth.

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