12 December 2023

Mob MC 376.2


Chapter 376.2. Saying Farewell

[Everyone, it's unexpected, but I'll disperse the power of creation.] 

I don't intend to become a Creation God. 

So, I don't need the power I acquired. 

I'll entrust everything to the Great Tree, but I'll leave a little because if everything gets transferred, another god like Helheim might think of something bad.

[...Is it okay to lose all the achievements you've worked so hard for?]

"Yeah! Because Takano Miu will live as a human!"

With a calm smile, I responded to Miu's words. I've decided to live this life as a human. What happens after death is unknown. 

Will I return to being a snake, or will I get reincarnated and live as a new human again? 

But for now, I want to live as Takano Miu, alongside everyone. I've spent tens of thousands of years in the blink of an eye, living meaninglessly. Human life, even if it's long, is probably shorter for me than the tens of thousands of years.

 So, here is the power of creation, the power of origin, let's leave it here.

"[...Got it.]

[Mii-chan agrees too.]"

Miu and Mii-chan didn't try to stop me; they supported me. 

Blushing, I responded with a proud expression. I felt very happy.

[Well then, I'll share my power!]

With a determined expression, I raised both hands toward the sky and shouted.

"I want to share it equally!"

I concentrated, and Mii-chan appeared in a semi-transparent form with gray hair and ice-blue eyes. 

Similarly, Miu, with black hair and black eyes, appeared like an attached spirit.

"Kyaa, Mii-chan'll take it! I'll do my best to manage this power!"

Excitedly waving her hands, Mii-chan seemed pleased.

"Didn't you just say something about evil spirits? Also, I don't need that. Let me be reborn in a peaceful home in a new world where I won't have money problems in politics, as we agreed."

Miu, looking suspicious with a half-eye, said something I didn't understand. What was the promise again?


I draw out the platinum power and disperse it to each of them.

"First, 50% to me!"

Reluctantly, I shared the power.

"Then, I'll share the remaining power equally with myself, Mii-chan, and Miu to the Great Tree!"

"Where's the equality in that! You're not really planning to discard any power! And stop including yourself in sharing the remaining power!"

I heard something like a hallucination, but it must be my imagination. 

This law of equality is famous worldwide. Probably, surely, maybe.

The power of platinum glowed and flowed into each of them.

The platinum power glowed and entered the two of us. Mii-chan, who had been translucent, has a soul, a real life.

Miu, who had been translucent but was about to escape, also had a soul and a real life.

The rest of the surplus power got absorbed by the Great Tree and became the core that maintained its form.

"Why are you sharing it with me? And why this appearance? Return me to my original form!"

Miu stomped her feet in frustration and confusion. Now she's tilting her head.

"I think this appearance is better."

"Mii-chan agrees."

"With a majority vote, we've decided on this appearance."

Mii-chan and I raised our hands in agreement, and we made the decision.

"Why create souls? They're unnecessary, right?"

"That's a se-cret~"

Miu, pouting and complaining, once again merges with me, and similarly, Mii-chan also becomes one with us. 

The three consciousnesses return to one body, and Miu and Mii-chan become me. I am Mii-chan, and I am also Miu.

I create the souls because after this human life ends, each of us will walk our separate paths. 

We're together now, but the world continues. 

The time will come for each of us to choose our path, a decision to be made when our lives end. 

Whether to become a god, become a wandering traveler exploring other worlds, or live as a human is uncertain. 

However, it's necessary to create souls for that time. And also for power. It's better to have them than not. 

But saying that out loud is somewhat lonely and unpleasant, so I'll keep it a secret.

I survey the god's world after the end of the apocalypse. It's a world of nothing but gray ashes. 

The souls of the gods drift, and only remnants of their power linger in the god realm.

"The gods can be revived, and we can return the power to Grandpa Odin and others... but it seems like it might lead to no good, so let's not."

Snapping my fingers crisply, I smile at the good idea.

"Let's reincarnate the gods too. Let's make a snack out of the remnants of their power."

There's no use in keeping remnants of the gods' power. 

I spread my hands, swirling the air, and collect the remnants of the gods' power, transforming them into wafers.

Hehehe. This should do it perfectly!

Now, let's return to Takano Miu's world. 

To the world where my family awaits. To the world far more important than the power of creation.

Floating gently, I head towards the Great Tree. 

Following my thoughts, a dimensional rift appears in the trunk.

I look back one last time.

Yggdrasil no longer exists, and beyond the horizon, there is nothing. 

Only a small spring remains.

The world where I lived. The world I lived in for tens of thousands of years.

Goodbye. There may come a day when I visit again.

Now, with a farewell, I depart from this world, leaving behind a hint of loneliness, and dive into the Great Tree.

"I'm home," I say. I hold more joy than loneliness in my heart.

I return to the human world.

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