30 November 2023

Seeker 249


Chapter 249. Quibbles

Once the discussion concluded, the raid members split into parties, each heading toward a different hole. 

However, at that moment—just as we were leaving the central square of the village, intending to head to our designated "ole—.

a party participating in the raid approached us.

They were adventurers in their thirties, lined up in a threatening manner. I think their party name was something like the Dawn Warriors. 

They were the ones who had been messing with Kazane-san and Yuzuki. 

While other parties were involved, these guys seemed to be the most troublesome.

Wondering what they wanted, the man wielding an axe, the leader of this party, spoke up. 

"Ha, you guys think you can defeat the Queen on your own, huh? Quite cocky. You're the Earth Spear, right?"

With this tone, I felt I understood the direction of the conversation. Essentially, they didn't like us and had come to find fault with us.

Other members followed the leader. 

"Do these ignorant kids think they can handle their jobs alone?"

"Listen up, kid. Each party is supposed to go to a different hole. You can't hide in our shadow and pretend to work anymore."

"Hey, you guys. These boys are about to learn the harshness of the adventurer's world whether they like it or not. Do your best not to be discouraged."

"Oops, yeah. Sorry, kids. From now on, you'll involuntarily learn the toughness of the adventurer's world. Do your best not to be crushed."

"We might as well teach those cute girls of yours everything right now."

"Hey, teaching them everything? What do you intend to teach?"

"What do you think? The meaning of a woman surviving in the adventurer's world."

"Haha, you guys are fixated on that."



Um... I have a lot to say.

But first of all.

Did these four not see who contributed to the recent group battle? 

No, they probably didn't. 

People with such strong vanity likely don't acknowledge others' achievements.

Even without that, they should recognize our strength equivalent to A-rank just by participating in the raid. 

Do they lack intelligence?

Can't those monkeys just go back to the zoo?

"Let's go, Daichi-kun. No need to bother with them."

"Yeah, Senpai. Dealing with these guys is just a waste of time and effort."

"Right. Let's go, both of you."

I left with Kazane-san and Yuzuki.

We're ignoring the members of the Dawn Warriors.

We headed towards the hole assigned to our party.

"Tch, acting all high and mighty. What's with 'Let's go, both of you'?"

"Seriously, these damn arrogant brats."

Voices like that came from behind.

But when did I become the charming guy in this story? 

It's one of the mysteries of another world.

I'm hanging out with Kazane-san and Yuzuki.

Maybe it's not surprising I'd be seen that way.

The raid members split into parties, each heading to their designated hole.

The hole we were going into was near the entrance of the village.

A hole with a diameter of over 2 meters, likely dug by Killer Ants, sloped downward from the entrance.

It felt a bit cramped. 

But it wasn't so narrow that we couldn't walk through comfortably.

Peering into the hole, Kazane-san spoke.

"It's a big hole for something dug by Killer Ants. Even for ants that size, this much space seems unnecessary."

"Maybe it's for Soldiers and Mages to walk through?"

"Ah, I see. Lesser monsters doing extra work for higher-tier monsters. It's a bit sad."

"Thanks to that, we can move easily. With this size, it's just enough for two people to fight side by side. Kazane-san and I as the front, and Yuzuki as the back. What about the Griffin?"


The mini Griffin on my shoulder tilted its head.

From this point onward, other parties wouldn't be watching us.

Se could return it to its original size and make it a combat member.

"For now, is it okay to leave it as it is? If we return it to its original size, Griff-chan might feel cramped. We would too."

"Right. If the need arises, we can always change it."

We had that rough plan in mind. 

I lit a lantern and stepped into the hole, leading the way.

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