27 November 2023

Mob MC 358.1


Chapter 358.1. Ashtaroth's True Identity

Having finished breakfast and decided to ignore the persistent request for a castle visit from the Emperor, I moved to My room. 

First, I had to let my dads know Grandpa Odin's contact information.

"Tell them you can only contact me through the messenger bat." 

Grandpa Odin said in his opening words.

In my room were Grandpa Odin and others to hear about yesterday's events: Frigg, Freyja, Heimdall, and Ant-san. Each found their spot, sitting on sofas or directly on the carpet.

"There's no messenger bat. Mama would get mad," I complained, shaking my feet on the sofa.

"I don't know, fool. Even if you don't say everything, why did you answer honestly?"

"Well... because we're family? The story of the Demon God might reach papa and others from somewhere, and there's a chance they'll suspect Mii-chan's involvement."

Oh well. Mii-chan will take on the role of the messenger bat. She just needs to shake her arms and crow like a rooster.


For now, it's the flapping Mii-chan. She vigorously shakes her thin arms and pouts her mouth in dissatisfaction. Please give her a good excuse for papa and others.

As Mii-chan flaps and imitates a bird lying on the sofa, Freya looks at her with an exasperated face.

Frigg-oneesan looks at me with a dumbfounded expression as I lie on the sofa, cock-a-doodle-dooing and imitating a bird.

For Mi-chan, it's a critical moment of being scolded or not scolded. Cock-a-doodle-doo.

"It can't be helped. Then I'll teach you a good excuse. Say to the old man over there. 'I will continue to journey to master magic. My magic path is just beginning,' or something like that."

"Oh! Somehow, that sounds like it! It's like a line from a manga ending, but!"

Frigg-oneesan giggles with a swirling index finger, giving a sultry smile. I see. That's very much like Grandpa Odin.

"That's right. Rather than that, the maids were in trouble because they couldn't polish the crown. Where did you put it?"

"It's heavy, so I left it in the item box."

"I'll give it to the maids, so give it to them, young lady."

"With the important issue resolved, let's get to the main topic. Oh, and here's some rice crackers as a thank-you."

I pour a bunch of jewels onto a plate. They're like rice crackers.

"Yes, let's get to the main topic."

Frigg-oneesan starts eating the rice-cracker-like jewels. 

Now it seems like we can have a decent discussion.

"Now, let's talk about the root cause, the Ashtaroth's Head."

Next to the rice-cracker-like things, she places the severed Demon God's head. It has demon horns, tangled hair-like thorns, and fangs resembling a mammoth's, and even with closed eyes, it exudes an evil aura.

"O-oh... It feels very evil."

With an amusing expression, Freya pokes the severed head. The fearless gods don't mind the presence of the head at all. 

Frigg-oneesan, on the other hand, has cheeks like a hamster munching on sunflower seeds. No seconds, okay?

"Hmm... so, this is the complete form of the head. I've never seen an incomplete one, so I can't compare it. But I see. As expected, there shouldn't be any mistakes in the young lady's expectations."

"I remember. Ashtaroth's head grants wishes. In the game... it's strong, like a new game."

I recalled it. When I regained all my memories, I learned about its role. Ashtaroth's head was an item for replaying the game. I didn't care at all. Oh, right, it was such an item. It feels unnatural not to remember, but well, I didn't.

"Hmm... the demonic knowledge Demon God Ashtaroth, who knows everything. A Demon God that even reveals truths people wouldn't want to know. Hmph, even Helheim considered it."

"I see. If this has all the world's knowledge, then it probably could accurately overwrite the world with past memories."

Grandpa Odin clicked his tongue, and Freya nodded. Indeed, that seems to be the case. Normally, one couldn't possess all the world's knowledge, but with this item, it was possible.

"Tch. I've been treated it lightly too. Shall we use it then?"

"Yeah. Go ahead."

Grandpa Odin grabs the head from the top, his lone eye gleaming. He seems quite angry.

"Awaken. And impart the unknown knowledge."

A deep voice echoes, and Ashtaroth's eyes, which were closed, open. It smirks, baring its fangs in an evil smile.

"Very well. Foolish one. Speak your wish to me."

No one here would make a foolish wish. Frigg-oneesan's rice crackers were added, so it's okay.

Amidst everyone's attention, Grandpa Odin voices his wish.

"This fool. Remember your true form."

"I shall grant that wish... All knowledge... th-this..."

Answering solemnly, Ashtaroth begins to fulfill the wish. Its head melts like ice cream.

The demon horns turn into smooth sand. The thorn-like hair falls as if unraveling. The fangs drop, and as it melts like a wax figure, it reveals a new form.

"Hehehe. Well, well. Isn't this an old man with a quirky sense of humor who treated people as tools? It's been a while. You foolish one who wasted my advice about the Ragnarok."

The raspy voice of the mischievous old man resounds. Seemingly irritated, Grandpa Odin sits on the sofa, arms crossed.

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