03 November 2023

Earth Dungeon 90.2


Chapter 90.2. Konoha

Taira Konoha is one of the three major families in the Inner City. She is the second daughter of the Hira family, responsible for the navy and maritime transport. As the daughter of the influential and powerful Hira family with vast wealth, she should have followers and people bowing down to her, but she's different. She's currently a 2nd-year student at the academy.

She's a half-Japanese with blonde hair and blue eyes, and she has a petite frame. With her sharp gaze and a seemingly serious demeanor, she's quite the beautiful girl. The reason she doesn't have followers is that she's too serious. No, it's because she's perceived as serious.

"If everyone stands up, the people in the abandoned town can be helped. Why don't you understand that?"

"Even if the Clown says it, it lacks credibility. We need someone more serious to say it."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Isn't the class over already?"

Amidst the commotion, the dismissal bell rings.

After the class ends, Konoha heads home with an annoyed expression and hurried footsteps, venting her frustration.

"I can't stand it! Why is everyone so stupid? If everyone helps each other, this world could become a little kinder, couldn't it?"

She says to the maid-dressed girl walking behind her, and the maid girl sighs heavily.

"That way of thinking is typically flawed. Giving away what you have, making yourself hungry, and making the other person hungry as well. Such methods only create enemies, and you won't gain allies, you know? Even if you make friends, they'll pass on what you give to the hungry, and then they will ask for more. It's not practical. Please stop being impulsive."

"Ugh... you're right. I'll retract my previous statement. But I can only plead my case. I'm a useless daughter who has neither power nor wealth..."

"My lady... That's partly because you have the skill [Clown], but also because you're too honest. It would be better if you were a bit more cunning. You're too straightforward. Very, very straightforward. You're a bit of a fool."

"I guess... If I were more cunning, maybe I would have gained something. Huh? Didn't you just call me a fool a moment ago?"

She was about to confront the maid with a raised eyebrow but decided against it and sighed. It all indeed started with the skill [Clown]. She should have kept quiet about whether she had obtained the skill or not. There was no way to know whether it was true or not. She should have kept that to herself. 

It was a mistake to become dejected afterward. It was too early to wave her sense of justice after learning about the abandoned town.

Regardless, skills like this are useless, and it's not very relevant. 

In my family, many people possess skills that are of no use, and unless you have exceptionally rare skills, you won't be praised for your skills. In the end, it's a person's abilities that matter, so don't be disheartened. If you handle things well, that's what matters.

There are various ways to help the people in the abandoned town. At first, it's good if people donate. But I was just a child. I'm still a child even now.

I get into the waiting car and lean back in the seat.

"I know I'm fortunate."

"I can tell from your appearance. Do you need juice?"

I respond with half-closed eyes as the maid opens the car's refrigerator.

"Orange juice. Ah, I want power. With that, I could do better in politics."

"I admire your unhidden ambition and straightforwardness. What if we had a strategist by your side? I think Miss has the potential, but having a strategist might make things a bit easier."

I get into the limousine and receive the orange juice from the maid, and she can't help but give me a puzzled look, seeing the sheltered daughter who doesn't question anything.

"A strategist for my family's introduction? That would be making a fool of me and making it clear to my older brothers. A clever person... I wonder if there's anyone who hasn't kissed up to someone."

"I know there isn't, but..." 

I sigh and take a sip of the orange juice. The slightly sour taste refreshes my mind.

Searching for a strategist at school? It's definitely impossible. They must be in some faction.

If I continue like this, I'll be able to live a luxurious life without any financial worries. I need to become someone's wife. Those who mock me as a Clown at school will be humbled when they enter society. The power of the Taira family.

But I want to try something. I want to do something that makes my name known to everyone. Helping the people in the ruined town can make my name known and satisfy my sense of justice.

However, I need power. I need to rise to the top. But I'm too straightforward for my good. Even if I try to gain power, it's impossible.

I want to start over. I want to time-slip. I feel like I wouldn't do foolish things now, but once you've been labeled, it's hard to change that. No, I might still be doing foolish things. I constantly pick fights in class and only lower my grades. I understand that it's a desperate act born of frustration because I can't overturn my evaluation.

"I wonder if there's some catalyst. I could use it to make a big entrance..."

I couldn't finish that mutter.

There was a loud noise and vibration, and the limousine flipped over.

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