21 November 2023

Earth Dungeon 100.2


Chapter 100.2. The Past Battlefield

"It's broken. Nadia-chan, the weapons you make always have durability issues."

"Thanks for using the outdated joke; I appreciate it. Just a reminder, save it for when we talk about the Tokyo Patent Office Approval."

The two exchanged glances and chuckled together, and in the midst of their laughter, communication came in on the communication devices the three girls wore.

"This is Command. To the Fairy Squad. Target destruction confirmed. The enemy movement has ceased, and the [Ice Coffin] is visible! Well done, the attack was successful!"

Upon hearing the operator's jubilant report, the three girls shrugged. There was an air of bewilderment rather than joy.

Silky used binoculars to confirm the snow mountain where the steam had begun to settle.

"Hmm. Certainly, the [Ice Coffin] is peeking out from the snow mountain. the Thing Wriggling in the Snow is defeated."

"It has an impressive name, but it's just a slime. If they don't notice, it's easy to defeat. After all, you need to crush the core."

"Easy for you to say, but if they notice, they'll create numerous dummy cores, build multiple layers of ice barriers, and make it quite challenging to defeat normally. They have powerful resistance to both physical and magical attacks, and if they enter combat mode, they create multiple dummy nuclei to protect the vulnerable core. Then, they use a wide-range magic utilizing the absorbed snow."

While the three discussed, the Thing Wriggling in the Snow was a troublesome monster. Its true identity was a snow-type slime. It swallowed snow to increase its volume, engulfing surrounding objects with its expanded volume.

To defeat it, one had to contend with powerful ice magic. Once in combat, it created multiple physical and magical resistance barriers, using dummy nuclei to divert attacks from its vulnerable core. Additionally, it used a wide-range magic utilizing the absorbed snow.

Except for surprise attacks, it was a fearsome monster that caused tremendous damage.

And the most troublesome part of this monster was...

"Everyone, rescue the people inside the [Ice Coffin]!"

"Time is of the essence!"

"Go, go, go!"

Soldiers poured out of the surrounding ruins like a flood. Armored vehicles and tanks led the way, infantry carrying assault rifles followed, helicopters flew through the air, and paratroopers jumped out.

The destination was the [Ice Coffin], where the sealed people. The Thing Wriggling in the Snow sealed living beings in [Ice Coffins]. Either as part of its collection or as hostages. People sealed in [Ice Coffins] were still alive.

Like a crystal mine, [Ice Coffins] appeared like gravestones when the corpses of Things Wriggling in the Snow melted away.

Since an entire city got swallowed up before it was defeated, the number of people sealed was trivial, around 200,000. It was natural for the soldiers to be determined to help...

But it wasn't just people who got swallowed. Several thousand monsters also got sealed.

When the ice coffins melted away, people appeared, coughing violently as they attempted to breathe. Next to them, the ice coffins with horned, five-meter-tall giant spiders also disappeared. The multi-eyed creatures stared at several nearby humans and, while dripping poisonous liquid from their mouths, stabbed their fangs.


"What is this place?"


Those who got saved were killed one after another by the freed monsters, turning the area into a hellish scene of screams, and the snowfield was painted in fresh blood.


"Protect them, protect!"

"Over here!"

Soldiers charged without looking back, defeating the monsters. Armored vehicles and tanks lined up to serve as shields for the people, helicopters strafed with machine guns, and airborne troops forcefully entered the group of monsters, kicking them away from the people.

While causing tremendous damage.

Guns got fired, techniques got used, magic flew, and monsters and soldiers kept dying one after another. After all, the soldiers didn't consider their own lives for the sake of the people. The seasoned soldiers, as if discarding their lives, fought the monsters without considering defense and fell.

"The number of soldiers dying will likely reach tens of thousands. And how many vehicles will be destroyed? The soldiers dying, I think, will be more than the number of people they can currently save and those they can save in the future. What do you think?"

Watching the scene, Nadja shrugged and spoke with a chilling voice. There was not a trace of the enthusiasm to help ordinary people.

"Indeed, that's true. Probably, the number of people they can save is tens of thousands. And the deaths of soldiers recklessly jumping into the fray might also be in the tens of thousands. It's not rational."

"Hmm, humans act emotionally. It can increase survival ability, but it can also lead to foolish actions, like what we're seeing now."

Not understanding, Pixie's words expressing her exasperation were met with a low growl-like murmur as Silky put her hand on her chin.

Due to the tremendous damage caused in an attempt to save people, the military would likely need a significant change in their operational schedule.

"It's a well-thought-out strategy. Can we win with this?"

"Umm... I wonder. If they created a Newtype, the situation might change, don't you think?"

Without showing particular concern, Pixie spoke matter-of-factly, and Nadia pondered with a twisted expression.

"Well, for now, our mission is done. We were fortunate to survive today as well. Requesting evacuation."

"Yes, I don't want to get involved in this nonsense. If we go there, we might get killed by a stray bullet."

"Understood. Command, this is the Fairy Squad. Our mana got depleted, and our weapons got damaged. Please prepare the return ship."

The 3 girls, with the chaotic battlefield where people were trying to help as a backdrop, began preparing for their return. Without any sense of guilt, they watched the soldiers die with an emotionless gaze.

It was a scene from a winter where snow danced in the air.

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