03 October 2023

Seeker 198


Chapter 198. New Equipment

The meeting had concluded, and for the time being, we disbanded. 

We had accepted the request for village defense but had some free time if the monsters didn't attack. 

The three of us, Kazane-san, Yuzuki, and I temporarily parted ways with Dwarf warriors and Yusefia-san.

First, we searched for an inn to check-in.

Then, we would proceed to our other purpose in coming to this village, the weapon shop.

Walking up and down the elevation differences in the Dwarf's large village, we followed the directions to the weapon shop we had learned at the inn. 

The cave dwellings that made up the village's streets, which I saw in passing, appeared peculiar to us.

As dusk approached and the lighting began to glow in the darkening surroundings, the scenery became even more fantastical. 

However, it seemed that we were also curious about the Dwarf residents of the village.

While attracting the attention of the residents wherever we went, we aimed for our destination.

"I wonder if the weapons and armor for sale here are different from those in human cities?"

"There are several who possess advanced skills in weapon crafting Among Dwarf warriors in this village."

"Among them, the rising star is the equipment made by Bargamund-san."

Including the reward we received from Grunba-san after the meeting (as thanks for helping to defeat the monsters earlier), our available funds amounted to around 900 gold coins. 

I wondered how much equipment we could purchase with that. 

We had come all this way, so I'd like to have at least one significant piece of equipment.

Eventually, we arrived at the front of the village's only weapon shop.

They collected weapons made by the village's warriors and sold them here. 

As usual, it was a shop constructed by hollowing out the mountain's bedrock. 

We opened the door at the entrance and stepped inside.

Inside, a male Dwarf shopkeeper was busy with something behind the counter. 

When the shopkeeper noticed us entering, his typical Dwarf face with a splendid beard lit up with delight.

"Oh, welcome! Human customers are a rare sight here. We have high-quality weapons you'll rarely find in human cities. Take your time and have a look."

The shopkeeper welcomed us warmly. 

I had been worried about dealing with a difficult Dwarf.

But it seemed I didn't need to be concerned. 

However, for some reason, my companions were the ones acting oddly.

"Sure thing! Let's take our time looking around."

"Yes, let's take advantage of his offer. Hey, Daichi-kun, this is shopping, which is like a date. Let's enjoy it!"

"Huh...? Uh, sure. Wait, Yuzuki too?"

"Of course. Nowadays, you're not just Kazane-san's girlfriend; you're mine too."

Kazane-san placed her arms around my right, and Yuzuki did the same on my left. 

As always, I was overwhelmed by the softness and warmth in my arms and the sweet scent that wafted from both sides.

"Kupi, Kupii!"

Griffin, sat on my shoulder decided to join in, almost as if it were competing with Kazane-san and Yuzuki, and it perched on top of my head.

 What's going on here? 

This was not what I had in mind for selecting equipment. 

A dwarf shopkeeper was also gaping at us. 

Well, I guess it's fine. 

It won't disrupt our shopping, and I intend to buy something. 

It probably won't be too bothersome. I think... 

Besides, there don't seem to be any other customers around.

So, the 3 of us, plus one monster, browsed through the store's equipment while engaging in unexpected affectionate antics.

The types of weapons on display were limited. Mostly consisting of axes, hammers, crossbows, and the like. 

While I saw a few spears, daggers, and staffs that might be useful to us, the variety was not extensive, and there didn't seem to be much to see.

Armor, on the other hand, was predominantly heavy gear. 

Chainmail, Plate Armor, Viking Helm, and the like...

"Chainmail (+1)? Wow, they have something like this? Hey, old man, can I use [Item Appraisal]?"

"Sure, go ahead. I haven't lied about anything."

"Okay, [Item Appraisal]! Oh, it's true. It's as described on the price tag. Wow!"

Yuzuki was particularly impressed with an item called Chainmail (+1). While the regular Chainmail was at 40 gold coins with defense stats of 33 and an agility penalty of -2, Chainmail (+1) was at 60 gold coins with defense stats of 34 and the same agility penalty of -2. 

At first glance, both armors looked nearly identical, just regular Chainmail. Well, the +1 version did seem to shine a bit more brightly. 

Perhaps this is because the advanced crafting skills used to create such equipment. 

In addition to that, I noticed several other items with similar +1 or +2 modifiers, but their effects seemed somewhat understated, merely providing bonuses to attack or defense.

Then, Kazane-san pointed something out.

"Hey, Daichi-kun, what about those?"

Kazane-san directed my attention to 2 pieces of armor displayed near the counter. 

They appeared to be a golden-brown armor and helm depending on the angle, could appear golden. 

Upon closer inspection, the price tags identified them as Gaia Armor and Gaia Helmet. 

Let's take a look at their stats...


Gaia Armor... 1500 gold coins, defense 72, agility -6, earth attribute magic power +6, earth attribute resistance (60%).

Gaia Helm... 600 gold coins, defense 33, agility -2, earth attribute magic power +2, earth attribute resistance (80%).



What is this?

Gaia Armor, defense 72.

It surpasses even Kazane's black outfit with a defense of 60.

Of course, in terms of overall performance, the black outfit is probably superior, and the -6 agility penalty should be quite significant.

But I can learn skills that can ignore that penalty.

And the special effects are enticing as well.

It feels like they perfectly complement my abilities.

Of course, not just the armor, but the helm is also appealing.

I've been avoiding headgear that imposes agility penalties, so buying this would significantly boost my defense.

On the other side of the counter, there were similarly shaped items named Flame Armor and Flame Helm.

But I don't need those.

They wouldn't suit Yuzuki, who uses fire attribute magic in many ways.

By the way, it seems there are no wind or water attributes.

The shopkeeper proudly spoke to me as I focused on Gaia Armor and Gaia Helm.

"Oh, are you interested in those? That armor and helm are masterpieces crafted by our clan chief, Balgamund. When we take them outside the village, we plan to sell them for double the price listed there. And they still sell like hotcakes."

"Wow... Is that so?"

My response was trembling.

Dangerous, I want it.

I really want it.

But it's expensive.

I have just under 900 gold coins when converted, and that's not enough.

If it were just the helm, I could somehow afford it...

Something, something... I've got it!

"I received a letter of introduction from the dwarf village I helped out in the past."

I handed the shopkeeper the letter of introduction, which had been jointly written by the dwarf warriors I had met before - Berga-san, Badon-san, and Dodurga-san.

The shopkeeper opened the letter of introduction and read its contents.

Then he exclaimed, "Oh..." and widened his eyes.

He eventually put the letter of introduction down and slammed his hand on the counter, standing up.

"Wonderful! Friends of the dwarves, I'll give you a special deal! You, and only you, can buy this Gaia Armor and Gaia Helm at a 10% discount!"


A 10% discount. That's significant considering the price scale.

Gaia Armor, which costs 1500 gold coins, can now be bought for 150 coins less.

However, I still don't have enough money to buy both.

If I complete the defense mission for the village I'm currently on, I'll receive a reward of 150-300 gold coins in total, considering the 3 people involved.

If I take that into account... no, it's still far from enough.

I groaned in front of Gaia Armor and Gaia Helm.

And I pondered.

But no matter how much I ponder, I can't buy it without money.

I reluctantly decided to purchase only the Gaia Helm.

I took 54 large gold coins from my pouch and handed them to the shopkeeper in exchange for the Gaia Helm.

When I held it in my hand, it felt quite heavy.

When I put it on, it didn't just weigh on my head, but it felt like it distributed its weight across my entire body, limiting my freedom of movement slightly.

That applies to all magic stone-based armor - it adjusts its size and shape to fit the wearer perfectly.

Thanks to that, the Gaia Helm fit perfectly on my head.

However, after seeing my changed appearance, Yuzuki looked at me with a somewhat puzzled expression.

"It feels a bit unbalanced now. Wouldn't it look better if you bought the armor too?"

"Wha...!? W-Well, I wanted the armor too! But I can't help it! I don't have enough money!"

"Huh... I just mentioned something, no need to get so upset."

"Yuzuki, that was a landmine. Be careful, Daichi-kun is sensitive about it."

"Oh, I see. It's alright, senpai. You're not really the type to care about fashion"

"That's true, but..."

I wanted them to match.

In any case, I bought only the helm because I didn't have enough money to buy both.

Now, I have just a little over 300 gold coins left.

But even with a 10% discount, the Gaia Armor costs 1350 gold coins.

Ugh, I want the Gaia Armor so bad.

With the shopkeeper's "Thank you as always.", echoing in the background, I left the armor shop with a heavy heart.

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